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Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day 2 of Quarantine

January 26, 2022

An Editorial by Joe Moore

An early wake up this morning with chest congestion and breathing issues is how the day began. Luckily, the humidifiers and the breathing treatment with the nebulizer helped. There was someone else early in the morning who had breathing issues as well that required an ambulance run that lasted over two hours before the ambulance cleared. 

I woke up angry, and I’m not going to hide the anger. The responsibility of this very conscientious mask wearer with the training to teach others how to correctly fit a mask is NOT the issue here. The issue is all of those employees and customers of the stores and businesses that are NOT wearing masks.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE for transmitting this disease! I don’t care your political position about freedom. I am quarantined and not able to do the work needed to be done, and IT IS BECAUSE you refused to wear a mask.

I will not identify you, because you know who you are. You know that you could have been or were exposed, and you decided that you did not need to do anything about it. You chose not to protect others. 

So, now that I know what this COVID disease can do to me personally, I am going to ask you one more time to stop being selfish and start protecting this community. WEAR THE MASK! Wash your hands!

Joe Moore
BI Pirate
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by BI Pirate »

Well said Joe! Not wearing a mask is not about you but about us. Those of us who might be immunocompromised or medically at risk. Not wearing a mask is not a badge freedom or political statement for you but a conscience expression that you don't give a damn about others. Has this become the Island-Way? SAD! If so, that is extremely self-centered and shallow. Wearing a mask says, "I care about you". Beaver Island is better than this. Mask-Up, it's a small gesture on your part for your friends who might die because of your selfish actions or inaction. Mask wearing is not a lifetime proposition but not wearing a mask may tragically end someone's lifetime. :( :( :(
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by pbona »

Hi Joe,
I am also frustrated and apprehensive. If someone as careful and well trained, on a remote Island can contract Covid, how can we be more vigilant? Here is a paraphrased quote from FDR's state of the union address in 1944:
"The overwhelming majority of our people have met the demands of this war(covid) with
magnificent courage and understanding. They have accepted inconveniences; they have
accepted hardships; they have accepted tragic sacrifices. And they are ready and eager to
make whatever further contributions are needed to win the war as quickly as possible- if
only they are given the chance to know what is required of them.
However, while the majority goes on about its great work without complaint, a noisy
minority maintains an uproar of demands for special favors... If ever there was a time to subordinate individual or group selfishness to the national good, that time is now. Disunity at home—bickerings, self-seeking partisanship,
stoppages of work, inflation, business as usual, politics as usual, luxury as usual these are
the influences which can undermine the morale of the brave...ready to die at the front
for us.
Those who are doing most of the complaining are not deliberately striving to sabotage the
national ...effort. They are laboring under the delusion that the time is past when we
must make prodigious sacrifices- that the war is already won and we can begin to slacken
off. But the dangerous folly of that point of view can be measured by the distance that
separates our (essential workers) from their ultimate objectives"

How quickly we forget. Our parents and grand parents struggled and overcame even greater adversity. We can too, if we pull together. I am in Florida, where there are no guidelines or restrictions. It is sad to see both the resignation and the lack of concern for others. FDR's speech was included in the "50 core American Documents: Required reading for Students, Teachers and Citizens." Worth re-reading. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
Howard Kadison
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by Howard Kadison »

Why is your freedom more important than my freedom? Wear a mask.
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by BradG »

I agree Joe. We are far from being out of this. 700,000 cases a day and 2200 deaths a day. 860,000 deaths so far. Omicron may be less virulent, but more contagious so it’s a wash. People are still dying and I expect other variants to come. Not wearing a mask says you don’t care about others and prolongs the pandemic.

Brad MD
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day Three of Quarantine

January 27, 2022
An Editorial by Joe Moore

Thank goodness for a very special and good rural health center! The day yesterday was a little difficult due to the breathing issues caused by this COVID virus. The congestion was luckily able to be handled by the nebulizer with treatments three times during the day at home.

The Zpack and the steroids were started yesterday as well. The early morning nebulizer treatment was a couple hours later today. The congestion is really strong, thick, and quite difficult to cough up causing hacking and coughing just about every twenty seconds to two minutes or so until the nebulizer treatment resolves this. The nebulizer causes the airways to open up and make it easier to cough the mucous out as well as moisturize the airways.

Now, there are only two places that I did not wear my mask inside the buildings, and a well-fitted mask at that. I did not wear my mask to play the keyboard at church on Sunday because I can’t see the music with the steamy glasses caused by the mask. The only other place that I did not wear my mask is at my home and at a family visit on Sunday. Oh, and I did drink a cup of coffee at the Christian Church on Sunday.

So, there are really not very many places that I was not protected. I am disappointed to enter a business and see the workers there not wearing masks. I am disappointed that the people in the church services are not wearing masks. I am disappointed to enter any building and see employees or customers not wearing a mask.
Last year, we kept all these cases down by doing some really simple procedures and spending time making sure that we followed the guidelines of the CDC and the Northwest Michigan Health Department. 

Why did we stop? 
Why is me getting ill less important than you having a good time?
Why are we not taking the simple steps that worked last year to slow this down?
Is someone’s smile at playing music and enjoying music worth the chance of someone’s dying from this disease?
Come on people. Smile on your brother, and try to protect the others that might have some serious illness. Let’s come together, but do so safely!
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day Four of Quarantine
Editorial by Joe Moore
January 28, 2022

A note about the COVID symptoms might be important for others This particular individual is having the wheezing, cough with thick mucous which is likely the Omicron version of the disease, although no test has been taken to provide any proof of that.

The frustrating part of this is trying to figure out how a very conscientious mask wearer was exposed, and the reason it is so frustrating is the time period could be anywhere from two to ten days prior to the symptoms, although it is likely to be more like five days prior to the beginning of symptoms, at least using the statistical models.

Then on top of that, I found out that some people had tested positive and were still working in a public location and not wearing a mask. The rumors on this island abound. So, even though I think I know who gave this to me, I have no proof and no desire to publicly acclaim whom I suspect.

So, how is day 4 of quarantine going? Up at 5 a.m. with congestion and coughing with thick mucous. Nebulizer treatment prepared at 6: 30 a.m. The fogginess of the congestion makes everything seem unreal. The view of normal things slightly out of focus. The symptoms not much better than a couple of days ago. The drugs are helping.

Please stay safe. Please wear a mask in public settings. Please care enough about others to protect them. This is no piece of cake, and my illness is not truly a fair trade for your freedom.
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day 5 of Quarantine
Editorial by Joe Moore
January 29, 2022
Congestion and coughing continue. This disease is not fun. It does not make for a relaxing day. The chest is not only congested, but beginning to hurt from all the coughing.
I got a great dinner delivered by a good friend, made by another amazing cook. Tender beef in a tasty broth with delicious carrots, potatoes, and a pepper. Luckily, this version of the virus does not take away my sense of smell or taste, and this was perfect perfection in flavor and taste. For a special dessert after dinner, an amazing blackberry crisp from last summer was taken out of the freezer and enjoyed a little later in the evening. No lack of appetite, obviously.
Today happens to be Saturday, and, even though the CDC recommendations and the Northwest Michigan Health Department suggest that I can leave quarantine tomorrow wearing a mask, I will NOT be doing that. My sense of responsibility requires me to verify that I am NOT contagious before I am going to be in contact with other people. That means testing negative in my mind.
You see, I am not a gambler, and I will not gamble my freedom against your chances to catch this COVID virus. That’s what I call being medically responsible, even though someone else did not do so when I contracted this thing.
So, unfortunately, there will be no live streaming of church services this weekend. This will be the first Sunday in three years of missing the services, but I will NOT put anyone else in jeopardy of catching this virus!
Please be safe! Please wear the mask! Please do your best to keep yourself and others safe from catching this version or any other version of this COVID virus.
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day 6 of Quarantine
Editorial by Joe Moore
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Technically, five days of quarantine is what the “experts” are saying are enough. Well, I certainly hope that they are not the ones that get this virus because they are going to find out that five days does not complete the illness, nor does it relieve the symptoms of COVID for at least this one individual.

The congestion is still down in the lungs. The coughing is still present with chest muscles screaming about the need to keep coughing this crap up. The humidifiers and the breathing treatments are keeping this old guy breathing in a less than normal process, but breathing never-the-less.

There is no way that day six is going to be worth wasting a test because the symptoms are still the same and are still very strong and tiring. The social part of this man’s head is crying out to take a ride in the car of something just to see other humans, but there will be no contact with another person by this positively seriously infected individual.

Can you explain to me why you would not want to protect others from this disease? Can you explain to me why you would go in public and not wear a mask? Can you explain to me through my coughing why you don’t feel you should have to wear a mask?
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day 7 of Quarantine
January 31, 2022
An Editorial by Joe Moore

This Monday morning starts day 7 of being away from people because I tested positive for COVID last Tuesday. I just wish that some people on Beaver Island that are not taking this seriously would begin to realize that the virus can and will cause serious issues beyond the cough and the congestion. Perhaps one example might help you understand.
Yesterday, a nonagenarian was flown off Beaver Island due to an emergency related to testing positive for COVID. You see, the common sense approach to this pandemic is still the most basic learned skill in the medical first responder program. WEAR A MASK! It’s the first step in prevention of any respiratory fluids escaping your mouth and nose. It’s the first step in preventing the inhalation of other’s respiratory droplets.
I simply can’t understand the lack of caring that I’ve seen with people going in and out of the buildings and businesses on this island without wearing the protection for themselves and others.
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

Day 8 of Quarantine
Editorial by Joe Moore
February 1, 2022

I am currently awaiting a return phone call from the Health Department regarding how to determine if I am still contagious to anyone. I am NOT going anywhere inside any building except my own home until I am not contagious or am able to physically prevent any exposure of others to this COVID virus.

I will not be in the office today, unless I get the clearance from the health department. This is one person that will not pass this virus on to someone else. My freedom is not worth your illness. I will continue to wear my mask and do the things that are related to me by the health department, you can count on that much!

Please stay safe! Please protect yourselves and others! Please wear a mask!
Posts: 224
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by BradG »

How are you doing Joe? Any improvement? The Pfizer pill isn’t available. My doctor came down with it too. I think we need to double down on prevention!
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by Fschoo »

Please let me know when I can take off my mask...
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

End of Quarantine on Day 10

An Editorial by Joe Moore
February 3, 2022

So, is this day 9, 10, 0r 11?

This virus snuck into my body either on a Sunday at church or a Monday, so I don’t know which day it is, but I do know that it’s not much fun, and I do know that the cough and the congestion continue. It’s more like severe allergy symptoms now with runny eyes and nose with the cough every fifteen to twenty seconds. I will be continuing to wear my mask to protect others, and I will be returning to work with careful actions and protections in place.

Using the St. James Township COVID protocol, the quarantine for this COVID positive patient can end today. The negative test last night and the night before confirmed that the patient is no longer contagious.

With two phone calls yesterday made to the experts in Northern Michigan at the health department as well as the local medical center on the island, it was suggested that I no longer am contagious, that I’m unlikely to pass any contagion on to others, and that I am protected from further infection, at least for a while.
I was even told that I do not need to wear a mask anymore. That’s simply NOT going to happen. I will continue to mask my nose and mouth for the protection of others no matter the protocols of COVID. I don’t want any guilt on any possibility of giving this to anyone else.

Now, once more I’m going to suggest to you all that protection of others from this disease is REALLY IMPORTANT! There are many immunocompromised individuals on this island that may not fair as well as others if they get this disease. While I find myself lucky that there was not any serious symptoms for the old man here on Carlisle Road, I really would like you to seriously consider the facts that some older individuals may not survive this virus if they get infected. I know that I would feel quite guilty if I had some responsibility for passing the virus on to them. I hope you will consider that when you go inside any building on this island where others may contract a respiratory disease from you.
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Re: Thank you so much!

Post by medic5740 »

So, I thought I'd update everyone on this COVID situation for me. In the last week, I have tested negative for Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, after testing positive two weeks ago.

That is NOT why I'm writing this. I am seven decades plus and there are some really important things that I need to relate to those of you who think this is anything but real. I woke up this morning once again barely able to breathe, doing a breathing treatment of Albuterol nebulizer at 6 a.m.

The reality of this is not much fun. Some type of issues are not easily overcome. I could not go to church today, either live stream or otherwise for either the Christian Church or the Mass from Holy Cross, because I could not catch my breath, and the continuous inspiratory and expiratory wheezing. Just to walk to the bathroom puts me out of breath, and needing to rest.

The after effects of this virus seem to be just as bad as the virus itself. Many may experience the continuing cough and the breathing problems, but I know that I certainly am. There is no reason in my mind for you to not protect others by wearing a mask. If you don't wear one, then don't expect me to be in your presence or in your business. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, and the patience with those who don't seem to care has evaporated completely from my brain and my emotions.

Hope you don't get this virus, and I hope you will do all that you can to prevent its spread!!

Joe Moore
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