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Strang's Last Days-Interesting Read!

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 8:58 pm
by Gillespie
James Jesse Strang
The Birth and Parentage of the Prophet James
by Warren Post, Apostle
Clement Strang, the father of James, was born at Stillwater, Saratoga Co., N.Y., on the 22nd of Sept., A.D. 1788. And his wife, Abigail James, was born in Washington Co., N.Y., December the 27th, A.D. 1793. David Strang, their firstborn, was born June the 9th, A.D. 1811. James Jesse Strang was born March the 21st, A.D. 1813. Myraette Strang was born April the 24th, A.D. 1818. The parents of the prophet joined the Baptist Church in early life, and remain in good standing in that church until this day. They are classed among the honorable of the earth, and being exceedingly zealous in the traditions of their fathers, have not sought after any other faith, but remain steadfast in their first faith, and have reared their children in that faith. Perhaps there never were parents more careful in training their children in the paths of virtue, than they were. The mother of the Prophet was very tender of him, in consequence of his delicate health in his youth, and equally watchful over his conduct. She would even require him to render an account of all his actions, and words, while absent from her. And he supposed it his duty to relate all his actions unto his mother, and keep nothing back. His father also was about as strict in his way and taught his children honesty and truth, and industry. At the early age of 12 years, James embraced the Baptist faith, and according to their phraseology gave bright evidence of his acceptance with God. This child grew up in favor with God and man. His mind was continually grasping after knowledge, and his faculties were such that he made more rapid advances than any of his fellows. He studied the common branches of an English education, and soon became such a master of Geography, in particular, that one might fancy that he had traversed the length and breadth of the earth. His knowledge of universal history was almost unlimited. He had an ardent desire to become well versed in civil law, and his parents granted his desires. As soon as he begun for himself, he commenced the practice of law, and was admitted to the bar, in Chautauqua Co., N.Y. and other places where he resided. He continued in his profession, and maintained the religion of his youth, until the A.D. 1844. Since that time the Church Records will show all the important acts of his life. His parents are well satisfied that he was a good man, and honest in all that he said and did.

The Ordination of James Strang
Administered by angels on June 27, 1844
On the twenty-seventh day of June, 1844, at five and a half o'clock in the afternoon, James J. Strang was in the Spirit, and the Angel of God came unto him and saluted him, saying, Fear God and be strengthened and obey him, for great is the work which he hath required at thy hand. Go on in hope and strength, and falter not, and he will sustain thee, and thou shalt triumph, for the voice of the Lord by the mouth of Joseph will he fulfill. And the Angel of the Lord stretched forth his hand unto him and touched his head, and put oil upon him and said, Grace is poured upon thy lips, and God blesseth thee with the greatness of the Everlasting Priesthood. He putteth might and glory and majesty upon thee, and in meekness and truth and righteousness will he prosper thee.

Thou shalt save his people from their enemies when there is no arm to deliver, and shalt bring salvation when destruction walketh in the house of thy God. Thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity; therefore thy God hath anointed thee with oil and set thee above all thy fellows. Thy words shall be like sharp arrows in the heart of the wicked. Thou shalt rebuke those who pervert the word of thy God. Thou shalt preach righteousness and the sublime mysteries in the ears of many people, and shall bring the gospel to many who have not known it and to the nations afar off. Thou shalt drive backward and put to shame those that do evil, and the workers of iniquity shall fall. They shall be cast down and shall not be able to rise. With purity will the Lord thy God arm thee, and purity and truth shalt thou teach. Keep the law of the Lord thy God in thy heart, and none of thy steps shall slide. With thee is the fountain of truth. In thy light shall the people of thy God see, for thou shalt speak his word unto them, and from thy lips shall they receive it.

The blessing of their God shalt thou put upon them, and his curse upon evil doers, if, after being oft rebuked, they repent not; and before my people shalt thou go to lead them into my ways, for unto thee has the Lord thy God given salvation. In righteousness shalt thou rule. Thou shalt redeem the poor and the needy from suffering and violence, and to thee God giveth judgment for them. Thou shalt deliver the prey from the spoiler, for God, thy God, hath put them in thy hand. And in weakness will he make thee strong. Thou shalt rule among his people. Thou shalt break in pieces the rod of the oppressor and the yoke of the unjust ruler. They shall flee away, but the way of peace shall they not find. While the day of the wicked abideth, shalt thou prepare a refuge for the oppressed and for the poor and needy. Unto thee shall they come, and their brethren who are scattered shall come with them, and the destruction of the ungodly shall quickly follow, for it already worketh. Go thy way and be strong.

Assassination of James Strang
A number of revelations from God were given through James Strang. He also had visions and translated ancient records. Of particular importance is the Book of the Law of the Lord. James Strang was shot by assassins on June 16, 1856, on Beaver Island, Lake Michigan. He died from his wounds on July 9, 1856, at Voree, Wisconsin. Although the assassins were former Church members with a grudge, they were apparently armed and assisted in this attack by the United States government. Their escape was certainly provided by the USS Michigan and its officers. For more information about this see Murderous Assault and Record of the Apostles, Part 2.

The Death and Burial of the Prophet James
by Edward Chidester, Apostle
On the seventh of July he said the active part of his life was at an end, that the bearing off of the Kingdom must devolve upon others; he felt that his ministry as chief was done. He did not say who was to be the leader of his people, but on this day his eyes brightened, and his countenance was lit up, and it was observed by all that he was a great deal better. On the eighth he began to run down, and it seemed as though he just wilted away. I asked him if he was going to leave us. He said he was. I then asked him if we were to have a successor appointed through him. A tear started in his eye, and he said, "I do not want to talk about it." Brother Hickey and Adeline were with me that night to assist me. I took the care of him till two o'clock, when Brother Hickey and Adeline got up and I finished a letter I was writing. I helped turn and fix him comfortable about break of day, and lay down for a nap. I lay about one hour and a half at the foot of his bed. When I awoke there was no one in the room but him and myself. I immediately arose and discovered that he was dying. I nursed him very attentively for about an hour, and saw no hope of recovery, when I sent for some of the neighbors. I asked if there was anything he wished to communicate. He replied, "Yes," which was the last word he spoke.

All these circumstances go to confirm me in the opinion that there is a head somewhere, and that he will come in the Lord's own due time to the faithful. I proceed now to answer some of your questions which you deem of minor importance, but the big ones I shall not attempt at this time. "How many of the Saints were present at his death?" Brothers George Miller, L. D. Hickey, E. Chidester; Sisters Betsey, Phoebe, Sarah Hickey; Betsey's children.

"How many attended his funeral?" Bro. Miller and family, Hickey and family, Tubbs' family, C. Linnell, Sr. Townsend and family, B. J. Wright and E. Chidester, of the Saints, and a respectable congregation of Gentiles. Bro. Hickey opened the meeting by prayer, and such a prayer I never heard except from the Prophet himself, it seemed as though the earth trembled, the wagon where he stood did at any rate, he had the Spirit to such a degree that he never had it before, at least he says so. Bro. B. G. Wright then attempted to preach, but was only an attempt, Bro. Hickey had the Spirit. He was buried in the burying ground at Voree, in as good style as that part of the country could afford. I paid $20 for his coffin, and it was said to be worth $35; his shroud was of the finest silk flannel at a cost of $4.77. I considered him worthy of the best, and therefore I gave it to him. (Letter from Edward Chidester to Warren Post)

Burlington, July 14th, '56
Bro. Post
I received your letter today, and hasten to answer. If you have not received the news ahead of this, it will be sad news to you. I closed the Prophet's eyes in the sleep of death the 9th of July, fifteen minutes before ten o'clock. You inquire what to do. His directions was for every man to take care of his family and do the best he could till he found out what to do. You will understand when you receive this how to act as well as any of us, you have it second hand, I had it from his own mouth. You state that you left word with your folks to go to Voree. They have not been here, and we know not where they are, but expect they followed you. I should like to keep up a correspondence with you, and if you are of the same mind, please direct to Dunkirk, Wis.

Truly & Sincerely in haste,
Edward Chidester

Extract from a Letter by Gabriel Strang,
son of James Strang and Betsy McNutt Strang.
Galveston, Texas, July 7, '19
Mr. Chester Flanders

All the other children were kept out. I can remember Dr. Cooper coming there to dress the wounds so well that I recognized him 18 years afterward when I next saw him. I used to sit on the floor in a corner near the bed and watch the operation. I can remember that someone in the room would speak to me, and once they called me over to the bed. Dr. Cooper, Edward Chidester and Adelia, the daughter of Phineas Wright, were there. I was standing by a window. I was timid and did not start quickly, so Adelia came over and carried me to the bed. They all spoke to me, but I do not remember what they said. When the Dr. left, Bro. Chidester and Adelia stepped out of the room with him, perhaps to get private instructions from the Dr. I was still standing by the bed when they returned, and Father was lying with his eyes shut as if asleep. Adelia took me by the hand, and led me to the other side of the room.

Afterward they left the room, and after what seemed to me a long time, Father opened his eyes, and seeing me standing by the wall called me over and talked to me awhile. I cannot remember all he said, but I remember very distinctly that he said he was going away, and he was not sure that any others of his family would have the patience to endure the trials that would befall those who would come to him, but he felt sure I would have the patience, and he wanted me to always remember that day and that he had asked me to be sure and follow him.

It was not long before several persons came into the room, and I went out. I do not remember whether he died that day or not, but I am quite sure I did not see him again. One thing that served to impress this request on my mind was that about the same time he had told Mother that she would be one of the last to deny him, and for more than 30 years afterward it seemed impossible to her that she ever would. She was always worried about what he said, and often mentioned it. Each time I heard her speak about it reminded me of what he said to me.

Murderous Assault

from the Daily Northern Islander Friday, June 20, 1856

On Monday last the U. S. steamer Michigan entered this harbour at about 1 o'clock, P. M., and was visited by the inhabitants promiscuously during the afternoon. At about 7 o'clock Capt. McBlair sent a messenger (San Barnard, the Pilot) to Mr. Strang, requesting him to visit him on board. Mr. Strang immediately accompanied the messenger, and just as they were stepping on the bridge leading to the pier in front of F. Johnson & Co.'s store, two assassins approached in the rear, unobserved by either of them, and fired upon Mr. Strang with pistols. The first shot took effect upon the left side of the head, entering a little back of the top of the ear, and rebounding, passed out near the top of the head.

This shot, fired from a horse pistol, brought him down, and he fell on the left side, so that he saw the assassins as they fired the second and third shots from a revolver, both taking effect upon his person, one just below the temple, on the right side of the face, and lodged in the cheek bone; the other on the left side of the spine, near the tenth rib, followed the rib about two inches and a half and lodged. Mr. Strang recognized in the persons of the assassins Thomas Bedford and Alexander Wentworth. Wentworth had a revolver, and Bedford a horse pistol, with which he struck him over the head and face, while lying on the ground. The assassins immediately fled on board the U. S. steamer, with pistols in hand, claiming her protection. The assault was committed in view of several of the officers and crew from the deck of the steamer, also Dr. H. D. McCulloch, Franklin Johnson, and others, and no effort made to stop it.

Mr. Strang was taken up by a few friends, and some of the officers of the boat, and carried to the house of Messrs. Prindles, where the surgeon of the steamer made an examination of his wounds, and declared recovery hopeless. Process was taken out for the apprehension of the assassins, and the Sheriff of the county called on Capt. McBlair for their delivery. The Capt. refused to give them up, saying that he would take them to Mackinac, and deliver them into the hands of the civil authorities of the State there. The steamer left the next day, carrying off all the persons supposed to be complicated in the affair, thus affording military protection to murderers, and overthrowing the sovereignty of civil law. Hopes are entertained of Mr. Strang's recovery.

A Record of the Apostles under James, Part 2
by Warren Post, Apostle and Clerk of the Apostles' Quorum.
In consequence of what has transpired in the Kingdom of God, it becomes necessary to relate more particularly some of the characters and principal events that have occurred. While the Prophet was steadily engaged in promoting the cause of truth, many of the unsteadfast were watching for iniquity; and many more of the fearful Saints would stand afar off, and dare not gather with the Saints, neither send up their means, for fear all was not right in Voree. They concluded to see if the Prophet could build a Temple, and also a Tower of Strength, without their means, before they would venture to render any assistance; and in this way the work which the Lord required was retarded; and the Lord was displeased with his Saints, by reason of their slackness in serving him. Nevertheless, he was merciful unto them, and often forgave them their sins. But for want of the tithing of the Saints, and the free will offerings which the Lord required of them, the house of the Lord was not built in Voree, neither the Tower of Strength.

The Lord had told the Prophet that unless that house was built, that the Saints might be endowed with wisdom from on high, they could not hold the dominion. The Prophet did all in his power to accomplish these things, when in the meantime he was assailed by many in the Church for doing things which they counted wrong. The Prophet endured his persecutions and afflictions so patiently, that the Lord declared him "more patient than Job, and meeker than Moses." He also conferred on him the keys of the Kingdom, never to be taken from him, neither in this world nor in the world to come. Notwithstanding God's promises unto him, many were ready to find fault with him, for doing certain things to accomplish what the Lord had promised in multiplying, etc. Persecution has never ceased in the Church and Kingdom, and all that live godly shall suffer persecution.

The Law requires the Saints to dress in a manner that is seemly, and not according to the follies of the gentile nations; and in consequence of the King requiring obedience to that law, cruel enemies arose and conspired against his life. The people were divided in sentiment; some determined to have their own way, while others remembered the covenants they had made to keep God's law. Some were chastised for their wickedness, cut off from the Church, and straightway set to work to overthrow the Kingdom as it existed upon Beaver Island. Some of the leaders in the sedition, viz. Hezekiah D. McCulloch, Franklin Johnson, Dr. Aikenside, Alexander Wentworth, Thomas Bedford, and others, were determined to take the life of the King; and McCulloch went from the Island to enlist men in his crusade against the Church, and prevailed insomuch that the U. S. steamer Michigan came into the harbor, apparently for the very purpose of killing the Prophet of God.

Said McCulloch made over his property unto one of the officers, to prevent the Saints from collecting their dues of him. McCulloch brought home several pistols, which he gave to his clique, that they might become expert marksmen. It so happened that after several days' practice in shooting at targets, the iron steamer came again into the bay. Then was the time for their hellish plot to be executed: the King must be slain, and some of the principal men arrested if they could be found. McCulloch had given the names of the chief men of the Island, for the purpose of having them arrested, that if possible there might be a complete overthrow of the Kingdom.

The plot was conducted on this wise. After some of the officers went and conferred with McCulloch in his house, and two of the officers made a short excursion into the Island, Captain McBlair sent the pilot to the Prophet's house, requesting him to go on board the man-of-war. He accordingly started, being somewhat cast down in mind in relation to what was transpiring around him. They went conversing by the way, and as they were about stepping upon the bridge leading to McCulloch and Johnson's pier, about four rods east of and in front of McCulloch's store, Wentworth and Bedford stepped out of the store, and came up hastily behind the Prophet, and without being seen by him.

Wentworth fired a revolver at the back part of his head. The ball passed through his hat, and grazed the skull bone, dividing an artery, making an incision one and one-half inches long, and glanced out again through the hat. This felled the Prophet to the ground; but he had the presence of mind to raise his head instantly, to see who it was that shot him; and he saw Wentworth about three feet from him, who instantly shot at him again. The second ball went into the right cheek bone about one inch from the eye. This seemed to stun him. Then Bedford immediately fired a marine pistol into his back as he partly rolled over, which entered near the back bone, and struck on the left side on the tenth rib, and passed two or three inches along the rib. It was not ascertained what became of any of the balls; they were none of them seen. The last mentioned ball injured the spine, so the Prophet had no sensation of any part of his body below where the ball struck.

Bedford then struck the Prophet over the right eye, and angling over the lower part of the nose and chin. The murderers then ran on board the iron steamer Michigan, which lay tied to said pier, and immediately claimed the protection of said officers, which was readily granted. Wentworth exclaimed on entering said boat, "That damned rascal is out of the way." And some of the crew asked, "Who?" "Strang, the damned son of a ---," was the reply. The friends of the Prophet, such as happened to be in hearing of the pistols, ran to the scene of action, and found the Prophet weltering in his blood. They immediately took him into Bro. Prindle's house, and rendered him every assistance in their power.

The officers and surgeon of the boat came ashore, and feigned to act sorrowful, and rendered some little assistance. Many of the chief brethren were immediately notified of what had occurred, and came running together to see what was to be done under such awful circumstances. The Prophet was not in a condition to give any counsel in the matter; but such of the brethren of the Twelve and Counsellors, as could be obtained, conferred together upon the course to be pursued.

This murder took place on Monday evening, about six o'clock of the 16th day of June, A.D. 1856. The same night, General George Miller drew up an epistle and sent it on board the steamer (he being the sheriff of Manitou County), requesting the captain and officers of said boat to come ashore and meet in council with the before mentioned company in the printing office, to determine the best course to be pursued in relation to Wentworth and Bedford. The sheriff received in reply that the prisoners were in safe custody, and would be carefully kept until they could deliver them into the hands of the first civil authority in Mackinac; and if we had any particular business with him (the captain of the boat), we must come on board the steamer. The following morning, the captain and some of his officers came again to visit the Prophet, and said they were sorry that the Mormons had shot him while their boat lay in the harbor. The King then made a demand of the captain for those murderers; but the captain refused to give them up, replying about as he had before unto the Counsellors. The surgeon pronounced the wounds mortal, and said Mr. Strang could not survive them.

About ten o'clock of the 17th, after getting on board the murderers and conspirators, nearly all of them with some of their effects, they left the harbor, leaving the Saints to get along with their wounded Prophet the best way they could. The Saints rendered every assistance unto their King which was in their power, and often called upon the Lord to speedily restore him in health unto them. By the blessing of the Almighty, and the faith and works of the Saints, the Prophet's life was lengthened out marvelously. The Saints believed God would heal him, even if "his visage was marred more than that of any man, and his form more than the sons of men." We hoped he would remain alive on the earth until the coming of Jesus Christ in the clouds of Heaven with power and great glory. In the meantime, while the Saints were bearing up under their afflictions with becoming greatness, their enemies were still plotting their destruction. The murderers were taken to Mackinac; and Wentworth and Bedford were put into jail, and kept there about five minutes, and then released.

About the 25th of the same month, the steamer Michigan, Captain Steward master, called as usual at the Island, and McCulloch was seen on board, while on their way to Green Bay. In a day or two the steamer returned, and called as usual at the Island. They at first landed at the head, at B. G. Wright's dock, to wood, and commenced arresting some of the brethren, Ezra Ketchum and Samuel Wright. The boat then set off for the harbor at St. James. As soon as they landed at McCulloch's dock, they commenced arresting such of the brethren as were in sight, viz. Samuel G. Field, Robert Nichols, Harvey Black, and Lewis Briggs. Samuel G. Field was fired upon by the mob, which consisted of McCulloch, F. Johnson, A. Wentworth, T. Bedford, Christopher Scott, Conrad Steinhelber (all apostates), and a number from Washington Island.

Two or three that professed to be Saints apostatized and went off on said steamer. They also threatened to take the Prophet dead or alive, but the Saints began to gather to see what the uproar was about, and the steamer set off for Mackinac. It was then counselled for Bro. Strang to take the first boat up the lake to Voree. It was also advised for others of the Saints, such as the mob pretended to have warrants for, to keep out of their way until the excitement was over, and until the Prophet recovered his health, so he could prosecute our enemies, and bring them to justice according to the law, even the law of the land. On the 28th the Prophet left the Island on the propeller Louisville with a number of brethren to take care of him. On the 30th several families left on board the Iowa for Voree and the adjacent country.

On the 3rd of July the mob from Mackinac made their appearance on the Island, having the sheriff with them to arrest some of the chief men among the Saints, if they could be found, but they were directed by the Spirit to take care of themselves, and they left the Island without the help of mobs. The mob then gave notice to all the faithful Saints that they must leave the Island forthwith. And the Saints were immediately forced on the piers, to await an opportunity of getting away. The conduct of the mob, which consisted of about sixty ruffians gathered from the regions round about, and the suffering of the Saints in consequence of the cruelty of the mob, is beyond the power of description. On the 8th of July the balance of the faithful left the Island on board the steamer Buckeye State (which was chartered by H. D. McCulloch for that purpose) for the several ports up the lake.

On the 9th of July the Prophet James died. He was buried by his friends, who deeply mourned the loss of their Prophet and King. Thus ended the life of James, the beloved of the Lord. He was forty-three years, three months, and eighteen days old. He bore his sufferings with great patience, and as far as we know as innocent as a lamb, and had patience like Job, and meeker than Moses, and the wisdom of Solomon. Since the days of Jesus Christ upon the earth, there has been none to excel him. He was carefully trained while under his parents; and after being called of God to obey the gospel, being initiated into the Church and Kingdom by the Prophet Joseph, and ordained by Hyrum, the Patriarch, he was as careful in observing God's law, and keeping his commandments, as man could be. He has translated the Book of the Law of the Lord, and caused it to be printed; which law is to be kept by the Saints, until everlasting righteousness is brought in. The Prophet was faithful unto his friends, and too merciful unto his enemies for his own safety.

We are now left without any higher in the Priesthood than the Quorum of the Twelve (unless God retains Joseph the third in his calling). He did not tell who should succeed him as the Chief Shepherd of the flock; neither did he instruct the Apostles as to their duty, any further than to take the best care of their families they could, until it was shown them what to do. Some of the Twelve attempted to get up a conference on the 6th of October (same year), and but few attended, and there was not much done for the relief of the Church. Again, on the 6th of December, there was another conference appointed, but the poverty of the Saints and the inclemency of the weather prevented there being much done at that conference. The Saints, being anxious to obtain the word of the Lord concerning them and the cause of Zion, proposed a fast; and the last day of the year 1856 was kept by some of them for a day for fasting and prayer. The day was not kept only by a few, for the people are determined to do what seemeth right in their own eyes.

There were five of the Apostles that met together, viz. L. D. Hickey, L. D. Tubbs, I. Pierce, J. Hutchins, and W. Post, on the 10th of February, 1857, in the wilderness six miles from Racine, and there prayed and communed with each other all night. We became satisfied that the Twelve could not lead the Church without a Prophet, and concluded to take care of ourselves and families, and when occasion offered, minister to the necessities of the Saints, according to our abilities, until we have the word of the Lord to guide us on other duties. This is truly a time of mourning and fasting, for God has chastened us sorely for our sins, and we know not the extent of our sins, for God has not shown them unto us. The faithful among us are determined to wait upon the Lord, and trust in his mercies, for his mercy endureth forever.

Strang's Last Days

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 10:43 pm
by Joyce
Richie, What is the source, please?

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 10:01 am
by Gillespie
Joyce, I found it on a website, I will have to look again to let you know, Rich

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 12:51 pm
by Rory Connaghan

Strang's last days

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 9:44 pm
by Joyce
Thank you Rich and Rory.