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Are you a Medical Professional?

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2015 3:32 pm
by BI Rural Health Center
Would you be willing to help out in the event of a major emergency on the Island? The Beaver Island Rural Health Center would like to update its list of medical personnel here, whether you are here year-round or only for a visit. Please call Donna Kubic at 448-2275 with contact information and your availability. Thank you very much.

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:51 am
by Brad
We're trying to compile a list of all the available medical help, retired or active on the island full time or part time develop a disaster plan. The hope is if we have a good plan we won't need to use it! Please let Donna know who you are, what you do or have done and how to reach you. Thanks


disaster plan

Posted: Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:51 pm
by E. Naranjo
Brad, aside from 1st aid and c.p.r. I have no experience in the medical field. Also, at this time I am not as mobile as I would like to be. With that said, I like the idea of having a disaster plan! I hope that this idea is built upon in one capacity or another. I would be happy to donate any resources that I have toward an emergency plan. It does not matter where you live. IT PAYS TO BE READY! Back in 2009 a local paper (In Shiawassee county where I used to live) made a similar request as you people are making. The request was to train any interested citizens in emergency response skills for the following natural disaster scenarios; tornado, hurricane, earthquake, flood and other events. The article also went on to state that in a national disaster the local emergency services may not be able to reach us for a period of weeks to months! (and that is on the mainland)

I do not know if we have a detailed "disaster plan" here but sure would like to see one put together if one does not exist. I hope that several decide to come together on this idea. It is a good one!

disaster plan

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:53 pm
by E. Naranjo
So, is there a disaster plan?

Posted: Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:44 pm
by Brad
We're working on updating it so we're all on the same page. EMS, BIRHC, Welke's, Charlevoix and the Coast Guard are parts of the plan. We're only just starting. Stay tuned and thanks for your interest!
