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A decision is needed

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:26 pm
by phillipmikemoore
While I may be on the other side of the country, there's an important decision that you need to make, and it may require some action.

Here's the question that you should consider: Does Beaver Island need Advanced Life Support (lIke it currently has)?

This means, if you or your kid breaks a bone or is in severe pain, transport to the mainland is delayed, etc., do you think it is important that pain medication should be available? What about life threatening emergencies- do you think it is important that the EMTS have advanced tools to save your life or the life of your kiddo?

Well, Joe Moore seems to think so, and those who may not know him, he's the typical paramedic you'd see at an emergency.

Joe (full disclosure, my Dad) gave a year's notice of his intent to retire from EMS. He's been at it for longer than I can remember, and the man deserves to retire. No replacement or plan was formed in that year.

You can't have Advanced Life Support without a paramedic. It's illegal. Some paramedic has to sign as the acting person for the rig and all it contains. I've tried every permutation of scenarios to find a different solution for this, but it comes down to a simple deal: Do you want Advanced Life Support on Beaver Island? Is it important enough to pay for it if need be with a replacement? My Dad told me that the renewal for Advanced Life Support comes up in August, and he's not signing. Can you blame him- decades of volunteer service, a year notice, and nothing done. On call nearly all the time, afraid to leave the island for long in case YOU might need that special treatment? Afraid to leave the Island for too long in case that special permit would be revoked and the whole Island would lose Advanced Life Support?

Enough is enough. If it's important to you, be constructive and be heard. August comes quicker than you think, may not be a good gamble to not think ahead on this one- and definitely not a fair way to treat one of our own who'd like to open the next chapter in life.

So, be constructive in your comments and get this solved. Or do nothing. One path leads to the help people need in their most trying moments, and the other leads to a sure loss of it. Maybe thats ok- but you would like to know, right? People with better knowledge and research can speak to the topic. I've given my best synopsis here of what I know.

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 8:42 pm
by Trish Scott
I thought this issue was being addressed. Can someone from the Authority give us an update?

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 9:34 pm
by phillipmikemoore
I'd be pleased as punch to hear that all was resolved. That would be grand. Until we hear otherwise, probably good to discuss.

Posted: Wed May 27, 2015 6:12 am
by Jimmy
The Beaver Island Emergency Service Authority will be having a Special Meeting on Thursday
May 28, 2015 at Peaine Township Hall at 2:00 pm.

Posted: Thu May 28, 2015 8:52 am
by pam moxham
well stated.....thank you micheal.....go to mtg today people

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 2:53 pm
by pam moxham
note the date folks

Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 8:50 pm
by Sue Avery
I don't normally get into these discussions, but EMS services are very important to me after having witnessed the expertise of Joe Moore and Kathie Ehinger first hand.

So from what I hear on the street today, this issue is still not fixed, and as of Thursday of this week, we will no longer have EMS or ALS (advanced life support) services on Beaver Island because the BIESA has not secured a full-time paramedic to replace Joe.

Did I hear that right? Does this mean that if I call 911 because of a medical emergency I am basically out of luck?

I know an individual who has stepped up twice, but they have been turned down because the BIESA were not willing to even pay them minimum wage.

It has been almost two years since Joe gave his notice.... and NOTHING has been done.

What can be done to fix this problem - and fix it immediately. Or, should we just have posters put up at the airports and the boat dock to let everyone know that if they are going to have a medical emergency just make sure it isn't on Beaver Island!

If what I heard on the street today is correct, then this is absolutely unacceptable that this has been allowed to get to this point.

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:47 am
by Marie LaFreniere
Kudos, Sue!! Well said! =D> =D> =D>

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:52 am
by Hayseeder
recall all township officials responsible ! and then file criminal charges !