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Question From Eric on Medical Services

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:23 pm
by Gillespie
Rich, since you asked what I think and since it appears that the current excitement about paving or no paving is beginning to taper off a bit I would like to take this opportunity to ask you and any others who have been chosen to "serve the public" this one simple question. Now keep in mind the fact that it has been suggested time and time again that I do not nor never will rank up there with those who enjoy a long and meaningful lineage here on Beaver Island. I am okay with that and do not wish to be somebody that I am not. I also do not exist to take away anybody's livelihood. I am here to serve the public as well in a unelected and unofficial way. With that being said here is my question. What can you and I do or what will it take to get a full time doctor to practice on Beaver Island? This question was brought about a couple of weeks back when my 6 year old grand daughter needed to be flown to Charlevoix for medical treatment. After 12 hours of on and off vomiting my wife called the medical "hotline" and was advised to hydrate her in small increments and call back in the morning. I wish others could have sat up with us all night and witnessed the trauma of watching a small child vomit in a very violent fashion. The hydration advice did not work. The next morning the medical center called us to see what had happened and when we gave them the update they promptly opened the back door to allow us a visit. Upon examination we were told that "she needed a I.V. administered a.s.a.p and since we don't know what to do to help her she needs to be flown to Charlevoix." Thank God that the planes were able to fly that day! We were clearly running out of time. Upon examination in the E.R. the nurse immediately asked why she was not given a I.V. here at the island. My wife could not answer that question. So, they put the I.V. in, gave here 1/2 of a tablet for nausea and kept her over night for observation. The next day both my wife and granddaughter flew back smiling, greatly relieved that "everything was going to be all right." I have since asked several people "why don't we have a doctor on this island?" and the best answer I can get is "we used to have a good one." That answer is then followed up by a change of subject matter or the person turns around and walks away. Ask yourself this, How many people do not come here or stay for extended periods of time because they have to fly away to get mandatory routine medical care? I personally know of several. I am not opposed to blacktop roads or even putting the "enzyme" onto the existing gravel (as was suggested by tuneman), however if we want to to be able to serve the needs of the community I believe that adequate medical attention overseen by a full time doctor is a good place to start. Yes? No?

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:25 pm
by Gillespie
Eric, I moved your post to a new topic to try to keep things in separate subjects. The short answer I have been told for many years is that we cannot have a full time doctor without a "hospital". Beyond that perhaps someone can comment on this question, thanks!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 1:51 pm
by sbsp
I might suggest contacting Arlene Brennan in Traverse City who is a consultant on community health centers and issues. An article she published last year dealt with rural community health centers and funding. It lead me to believe that BI may very well qualify for federal funding to include a full time doctor and relieve township tax payers of carrying the financial burden. I have discussed this issue with knowledgeable people who support my assumption. It might be worth looking into to get all the facts.

Cheers - Kirk

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 2:24 pm
by Sheri Timsak
Eric - first of all I hope your granddaughter is feeling better, it is very scary when a child is sick or injured. That being said, did you check out our medical facilities here on the island before moving here? We have always had and continue to have an unbelievable emergency medical team and wonderfully capable health center staff. Over the years the island has made incredible progress in treatments here and the ability to have an emergency flight plan with Island Airways. I have lived here many years and definitely had my share of emergencies with my family members over the years, births, broken bones, illness, there have been many times I or they have had to be flown off, but have always trusted the advice given to me by the medical staff here. It would be wonderful to have a doctor living here, yes, but I certainly would not want to take away from the great job that our medical and emergency teams do. Again, I hope your granddaughter is doing well and wish your family the best.

Thank you Sheri!

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 10:32 pm
by Eric N
Sheri, thank you for your concern! Yes, Shyeanne is doing great. You have reminded me that there are a few things that I should include to my previous post. First I need to make it clear that our medical staff that saw Shyeanne did the RIGHT thing by sending her to Charlevoix. Shyeanne was dehydrated to the point that the staff on the mainland had a difficult time finding a vein to put the I.V. in. I certainly will not waste any time trying to criticize or point out errors. The second thing I need to say is that the number of people that called from here on the Island to check on her was incredible. In 47 years I have never had as many people reach out to us as what we have witnessed here on Beaver Island. My goal is to assist or support anyone that is interested in making everyone's stay on this island more successful. With that being said, I have to believe that if there is any way possible for a full time doctor to reside here it would be a win-win situation for all. I can imagine that our medical staff takes into account the tremendous liability that comes with making hasty decisions. It seems to me that a lot of pressure would be relieved if they had a full time doctor to guide them thru the tough times. Oh, I almost forgot, it should be pointed out that we have highly qualified E.M.S. as well as a whole new group of future E.M.S. staff that are, in my opinion, very serious about their job! Maybe if enough of us work together and show support for the idea of a full time doctor here on Beaver Island we can decrease the number of people being flown off the Island for medical reasons. I believe that would translate into an increased sense of security that would make the idea of living and vacationing here seem more feasible.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 12:08 am
by Kim Connaghan Jones
I have been told that in order for a doctor to be on staff here, they would have to take a big cut in pay. Therefore, no one has been interested. Beaver Island has come a long way in medical services, thanks to the many people who have worked hard to make that happen. Living here, we all are aware that one day, we or someone we love will be faced with a medical situation which could involve being sent to the mainland. In our choosing to live here, it is also choosing to except what we have.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 6:52 am
by JFPowers
This is an interesting topic, one that I have brought up to the board several times myself. I have brought up that many other remote communities have found a way to expand the presence of a doctor at their health centers, Drummond Island, Mackinaw Island and Madeline Island. We are further from the mainland than those communities however the Madeline Island situation is somewhat similar, in that the supporting hospital is a similar distance away. In my opinion I have presented my opinion to the board that I believe that a long term goal would be to have a different model with perhaps a doctor here with support from NP's or PA's. That is just my opinion.

The health center is also conducting a survey right now and it is a great opportunity for everyone to express their opinions. Below is a survey link provided by the company conducting the surveys:

Your Opinion Matters to the Beaver Island Rural Health Center!

In an effort to better serve our patients and community the Beaver Island Rural Health Center is seeking community input. As a thank you for filling out the survey you will be entered to win a round trip airline ticket to Beaver Island. The survey should take less than 10 minutes.

This survey is for anyone who has enjoyed our beautiful island, whether visitor, part time or full time resident.

Just click on this link: ... ity-Survey

Please feel free to forward this email on to your contacts or to post the link and survey on Facebook or any other communication sites. Our goal is to get as many responses as possible.

Thank you in advance for your participation.

Reply to Kim

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 10:33 am
by Eric N
Kim, thank you for your response. I can assure you that I have "been told" many things as well. As stated earlier, I am not on a fault finding mission. Who among us does not wish to have the best that life can offer? I believe you when you say "Beaver Island has come a long way in medical services." We will never achieve perfection. However, it would be reassuring for a pregnant woman to know that regardless of the weather conditions, there would be a doctor here to deliver her baby. What about that old saying "I was born on Beaver Island?" I think that alone would be something to be proud of!

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 12:25 pm
by Kim Connaghan Jones
There have been many many babies born here on the island and they are proud of it. We have a great EMS team to assist in delivering a baby if that should happen. Once again, this is what is available to us and if it were doable, I think it would already be in place. This is my final word on this subject. And as I sign out, once again I am left shaking my head, wondering why people move here because "it is such a wonderful" place and then complain about everything once they are here.

Posted: Fri May 23, 2014 4:19 pm
by BI Pirate
Live like settlers, it was good enough for them, should be good enough for us. You're welcome over here on Whiskey Island anytime. Though best not to be birthing any babies over here. :wink:

Happy weekend to everyone over there on BI.

Skull&CrossBones :D

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:23 am
by BI Pirate
Cut me a break. :cry: I have nothing against babies, some of my best friends started out as one. I quote the classic line from my dear friend, Butterfly, "I don't know nothin' 'bout birthing babies" and the same holds true with me. However, I know you are in good hands on BI, better than you might think. My good mate, Doc Powers, has delivered thousands of four legged babies. But, little known is the fact that he just might have delivered a few, less furry, two legged babies along the way in his career. Let me offer my blanket disclaimer. I've heard and shared a good number of tall tales over a yard of ale but I believe this one is credible.
Way to go Doc! Standby, there may be more coming your way. :D



Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 12:52 pm
by Eric N
B.I. pirate, seems strange that some of us were just talking about you, and then you posted. Were your ears ringing? Someone asked: If you are the Beaver Island pirate then why did you move to Whiskey Island? I can assure you that if you move back we will do our best to accommodate you. Unless you have made a hobby of bridge burning. Heck, we might even get you signed up for health insurance. I will check with Jeff to see if he accepts Medicaid! :lol:

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 3:18 pm
by BI Pirate
Eric, Fair question that I've been asked before plus a slow day over here on Whiskey so I'm going to answer you. (The rest of you on the forum can just tune out if you want while I chat with Eric.)
My true home and love will always be the big island we call Beaver and that is why the "BI Pirate". (Pretty simple so far but stay with me.) Having operated out of these waters for close to 300 years, one becomes attached to the islands. (Come on now folks, if you read in the Bible that I lived 300 years you'd think I was just a kid.) So why Whiskey besides the fact you gotta love the name? Well here's why, I loved the wild and lawless days of Beaver when I could run rum (say that 3 times fast) in and out of Paradise Bay and no one bothered me. I've seen the island go from an Indian settlement to 3,000 settlers, to 100 hanger-oners (I know it's not a real word, da) before starting to come back up. And now a new day dawns and the big island is becoming just too sophisticated for my way of life. All these people coming up here and wanting to improve things for everyone. What's with that? Progress is way to hell overrated. In my day we used towers to hang murders and ate off dishes. Now you got cell towers for phones and TV dishes for entertainment. I just don't get it. (Eric, if you and some of the folks are still with me, I'm going to take a short stroll down memory lane.) Dick, (not the one we know now but another friend) often told me, "If we don't have it, you don't need it". I told him he should put that on a sign for everyone to see. And that's how I still feel.
If someone over there is successful in turning the clock back, I might consider moving back. But for the time being, I'm weighing that against taking my gold and silver and investing in an avocado ranch for all those tree hugging vegans in California. But then again I think I'd miss all the BS that goes on over there on the big island. Plus there's something about hanging around Richie you just gotta like. And don't get me started on the other Dick (Burris), I still remember the time he let Richie give him a chiropractic adjustment. And you folks think you need another doctor over there. :wink:


Happy Memorial Day and what it stands for.

Yea or Nay?

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:08 am
by Eric N
I am interested in hearing all opinions both for and against the idea of a full time Dr. coming to the island. If you do not feel comfortable discussing these things in person or on a public forum you can reach me anonymously at Thanks, Eric