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Message from the Library

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2014 3:17 pm
by thenomads
Beaver Island District Library is working to consolidate and update our media collections, especially those that are not used very much. Due to changes in "technology" we are currently withdrawing our older RB's (Recorded Books) that are on CASSETTE TAPES. The favored media has become the CD for this type of recording (and soon will be MP3). These we will be keeping.

If you still have a cassette player and are interested in RB's, we have some available for your donation.

Some of the authors (not complete list) include Lillian Jackson Braun, Sandra Brown, Patricia Cornwell, Janet Evanovich, Vince Flynn, Anne George, Anne Rivers Siddons, Nicholas Sparks, Anne Perry and many more. Come in and browse the outgoing items. Or, call if you have questions. 448-2701