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Description of the BI Pirate needed

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 10:43 am
by sailorman
I will be sailing over to the islands around Beaver this spring and summer. I have been doing this most every year. It is obvious that I need to be careful around Whiskey Island, so I do not get boarded. Don't like to walk the plank in the cold waters of Lake Michigan in the spring. :D

Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2013 1:23 pm
by BI Pirate
Sailorman, I will provide you safe passage if you sail under the Jolly Roger, bring rum or the distaff portion of your crew shows a little leg. :oops:


B.I. Pirate Revealed

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:22 am
by John Bolton
Sailor Man,
I not only have the description of the B.I. Pirate , I know the alter identity when BIP skulks back to civilization.
The Pirate posted one too many times, Ole' Bippy slipped up... and using a calculator, spreadsheet and special pc program
I figured out who the Pirate really is...
I have known for a while and have just been biding my time on how best to throw back the curtain BIP is standing behind and reveal the fact that the name of the B.I. Pirate is:
wait a second...
Here's another clue for you all... the Walrus is Paul...
obscure?, perhaps, but a true clue.

You didnt think I was going to just give away such vaulable information, did you?
someone will need to arrange a charity raffle or something....

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:11 am
by jflanagan
Ok, so you found that out by playing his posts backwards...

Sorry, another old-fa#%+ only reference.

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 10:28 am
by BI Pirate
Dear All, John is getting close :idea: but don't get Ben's hanging rope yet. Life is a "Magical Mystery Tour" but is Paul really the Walrus?
The truth is crystal clear on the "Abbey Road" album cover. Look very closely and see who is not like the others.
I've had many lives and identities over the centuries but my favorite is as a pirate. :lol:


Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:08 pm
by John Bolton
You do have many identities, that's for sure.
Being the Walrus is just one of them.
You reveal even more ( unknowingly or perhaps you are ready to come out of the proverbial closet) with the last post.
You slipped up.
Once I realized who was behind the mask, I reviewed your postings, your timing and your language, discussed it with my contacts in Texas and it become abundantly clear that you're really..

not yet, this is just too sweet.. :wink:

Goo Goo Ga Joob

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:46 am
by BI Pirate
In all my lives I've never been hanged but I did know Ben Franklin when he made his famous "hanging" quote. It was during a rum break while we worked together on the Constitution.
If you catch me, are you going to hang me? :cry:
One of my famous quotes that I came up with is: "Have a nice day". :D


Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 1:57 pm
by John Bolton
Besmirching old Ben's reputation with your fantasy affiliations is the fastest way to get yourself to the gallows.
Ben was one of the few Founding Fathers who was not a tax evading land owner or down right smuggler, he was a scientist first and a diplomat second. You would have more likley kept the company of the likes of John Hancock, the most notorius smuggler priate in the colonies, rather than Mr. Franklin.

But you are merely a legend in your own mind....and, you have already been caught.....This, is your Public Trial :oops:

btw: I saw the movie and it was, "Forrest, Forrest Gump" who coined the phrase, "Have a nice day", along with "S**t Happens" and it's happening to you!

and last, unlike Forrest, you are a Walrus, definitely no long distance runner
(another clue for you all)

keep talking, Bippy.....

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:24 pm
by BI Pirate
I'm over 3,000 years old and sometimes things run all together. I shrimped with Gump in the gulf and maybe that's where I picked up the quote. :wink:


Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 11:56 am
by Dick and Amy
come on John , "we REALLY done wanna know!!" I'll bet yer sorry you found out now. ¿do you remember the program (I love a mystery) ? from the past, of course.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:17 pm
by Trish Scott
I want to know! And the hints are not helping! Lol.

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:24 pm
by John Bolton
Dick and Amy, I understand the "Ying and Yang" of it all, To me, it is like taking a close look at this country's foreign policy. You may not want to look behind the curtain, because all the stuff you have going for ya, may be at someone else's expense...

This is a public trial. This is what happens to Pirates. Always has. Some have been drawn and quartered, others have made themselves into heros and are forgiven for their past sins, some just fade away into legend.
BIP is now trying to grow their legend and alibi by claims of immortality, and later they will be able to claim by reason of insanity :lol: if deemed necessary, to save their skin...

What happens to the Pirate can be decided right here on the forum.

Trish... they are clues, not hints.
Each of us has a different, personal view, history and outlook of the Island. These clues are what could be considered the sterotypical characteristics of the Pirate as they are seen in their (alter ego) Island persona. Beaver, not Whiskey.
If the identity of the Closet Crusader is ever revealed by demand, via public trial, then the clues will all makes sense...

Clue: What the BIP has not mentioned is the BIP, in the last 3000 years of living, has had trials before.....
trying hard to keep it gender neutral here

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 1:43 pm
by BI Pirate
John, I know you weren't around during the French Revolution but I was. The French wanted to "off" my head when by day I lived in England as Sir Percy Blakeney and slipped into France under the cover of night fall to fight as the Scarlet Pimpernel. Captured several times, I always escaped to live and fight again, this time as the Beaver Island Pirate. And that's no Gump :!:
Trish, There are several clues coded in this post. :P


Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:21 pm
by Trish Scott
BIP, do we even know each other?

Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2013 4:25 pm
by BI Pirate
Trish, Narrow it down a bit, in this life time or another. :arrow:
