New Sign At School-WHAT??

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New Sign At School-WHAT??

Post by beaverisle »

Is it me or is it in high evidence that the management of our school is bound and determined to devoid Beaver Island of any semblance of a nicely run cozy school on an island in a lake or are they trying to make it look like any school on the mainland? Do they have so much money that they can keep throwing it down a hole? The old school would have served the community just fine! What is the per student cost on Beaver Island? I am sure it is a lot and now we are being insulted by the installation of a digital sign? Was this necessary. Taxpayers, you are being had!!
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

Build it :D and they will come........
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
Sheri Timsak
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Post by Sheri Timsak »

Maybe you should be posting under your name and someone with knowledge of what you are referring to would kindly answer your post!
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

a digital sign, breaking the awful darkness, lighting up the night sky, will be awesome....

we will be able to use it as a beacon when returning to the harbor after dark.....

it will add a small bit to the total ambiance of the island, always there, reminding us that we are still part of the USA...

we can devide the total number of students by the number of times the sign changes it message each day and get some kind of cost analysis....

I asume the actual lights will be LED, in order to save on costly island energy ......

There will be no more excuses by students that they didnt know some important date is near....

traffic reports, amber alerts, weather warnings...
the possibilities are endless....

somebody put some real thought into this endeavor...
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
Terry Frysinger
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Post by Terry Frysinger »

You can't make a better investment of tax dollars than money spent on anything that encourages students to take pride in their school.
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

is a big word and open to interpretation...
when it comes to tax dollars spent... I prefer a bit more clarity and number crunching...

Can SCHOOL PRIDE be purchased?
I wonder if any B.I. school alumni were less proud of the former school?

Im all for better schools and such... however, I understand that the new school is set up for a total load of 400 students...
and there are what, about 60 attending?

didnt anyone do a statisical analysis of what the future needs of the island were going to be in the coming decades?

Why not build a school for 200 students and then spend the rest on a year round heated swimming pool at the school that the rest of the community could have shared in some way... and that is just the first thing that comes to mind... better heads than mine could have come up with lots of good ideas on how to better allocate the funds...
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
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Joined: Wed May 16, 2007 10:10 am

Post by mcdonoughdiane »

beaverisle.....maybe you should be attending school board meetings! How many have you been to to date? If you want to make a difference then come forward and truly apply yourself in the community in a positive manner instead of hiding behind this Forum!
Frank Solle
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Post by Frank Solle »

I'm thinking first of all we should wait until the sign is up and running before passing any judgement on it. As for cost, I have no idea if a digital sign costs significantly more than any other sign in this electronic age. The cost of operating LED lights, if that's what they truly are, is not, I believe, excessive.
Second, I don't believe the remodeled building (let's remember it's not all new construction) is designed for 400 students. More like 100 perhaps, but why go to the expense of remodeling into a smaller facility? This, along with the other Island improvements over the past 10 years, does indeed make for a more inviting community. We could sit by the wayside and hope people come here, or we can be, and have been, proactive. Although there's still much that can be done.
Third, as one who did attend and graduate from BICS, and one who has been active in the school in various capacities over the past 8 years, I can attest to the need of the building upgrade. Yes, I suppose we could have waited another 10 years, but how much would it cost then?
Lastly, we now have a modern school, for modern times, providing the youth of the Island with a modern education. It's what tax dollars are for.
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Post by kathemeade »

I am with Diane and Sheri on this one! Well said ladies!! As a taxpayer on the Island who CHOOSES to own a home here and thus having to pay taxes I choose to put faith in our school board and the good people of the island who are involved and informed. I also CHOOSE to put no faith in someone who decides to hide behind a forum. Get a backbone and use your real name. As far as the sign...Frank nailed it!

From a personal note I am seeing these signs up at many of our local schools. I love them! It is a great way to keep everyone informed, give kudos to accomplishments and show school spirit. Just because BI school is small does not mean they need to be in the dark ages. I say use my tax dollars for the kids! I can not think of a better use than the future of Beaver Island.
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Post by Gillespie »

OK, from a cousin of mine earlier tonite whom shall remain anonymous unless they choose otherwise. I have always said someone could trigger a debate but not hide behind it, I still get paid the same amount to be a moderator of this site, fun or not and it gets less fun as time goes on as can life unless it is fair to all! Fair to all doesn't always mean some get fair and some get gas but that is the way it works! I was accused of being "BeaverIsle" by a school employee earlier today as I was also told of this thread earlier todayby another relative who thought it was despicable, hmmm. Are we all supposed to agree as long as it goes your way? I just don't get it? Public discourse is just that, whomever posted has posted a question that should be debated. As a county commissioner I get countless calls on how peoples taxes can be "abated", I don't have the complete answer, I am busy trying to keep up with my own!

Be ALL of those things as they are or as they may be, whether you live here and pay taxes, or live here and don't or live on the mainland and pay more taxes than the rest of us you have the right to ask? You might even have the right to ask anonymously but I don't think it is right to blame the "who" factor and forget the "why" factor? I did not support the new school because I worked a lot on the old one (which wasn't that old save for parts of it!). We had only recently finished re-insulating the majority of it and replacing windows when it was announced it was junk, hmmmm. I have worked in building for many years, no, I do not consider myself an expert at these things, yes I and my wife live in a remodeled house that was built in 1906. I could go on here but you cannot convince me anything cannot be repaired, I have proved it more than once. The debate should be about where this is taking us, not one anonymous post, maybe they will be back but let's look at this and the future of the island with open eyes, not angry over one post! Anyone agree? Here's my cousin's post and my reply:

"I quote you People, let's keep the rhetoric to an at least modest pace. When you start defaming people by name and using unconfirmed facts and points I think it gets a little over the top. There were 2 known posters of the 8 or so on the NI topic. Whomever they are need to start using their name or identify themselves or hit the bricks. It is beyond me why we are forced to do this when we are all supposed to be adults. For the record there are a LOT of things that are or have been done here that we would like to see or have seen done differently but everyone pulls together too late, seems like politics in larger areas. So, again, a reminder, keep it at least reasonable and no more posting using made up names unless you identify yourself. Pirate, you are on the edge of the plank too.
This is not about the school sign post its about gutless posters. You need to grow a sack and delete them. the pirate has posted at least 3 times since you threatened him. It's time to back up your words or it will be a free for all."

My response:

I do not disagree although my position on the school has been well and long known. I sit to this day in awe of the decisions your mother and mine made as school board members in the interest of containing costs. I remember so well how painfully they did those things, what in the hell separates us from them? I have said from day one, I don't mind posters that might open a topic, we will see where that takes us but I do have to say I don't want anyone using this for cover, knowing you all my life I am sure you agree. None of this should be about anger, only truth, Rich
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Post by sbsp »

I always enjoy your serious posts and I mean that sincerely. You're a politician and very good at what you do which shows in how you conduct your thought precess. Your statements take the reader down a road that doesn't come to a dead end but to a fork in the road. Whichever fork the reader takes it, it leads to another fork and so on and so on. By the end of your missive the reader experiences thought provoking possibilities. Thinking and knowledge is imparted, not a dictated conclusion.
You asked: "Anyone agree?" I do agree. The forum seems to have become a blood sport by readers going for the throat of the poster whether the name is known or not rather than the message of the post. This fire fight takes away from the content of the text which is what should be focused on more than who authored it. I speculate that "beaverisle" could have posted his/her name and the responses would not have been much different or any more respectful to the text questions. The replies to the post would have been the same demeaning attacks of the author.
I don't have any idea what sign is being referenced but in order to have an opinion, facts are needed vs criticism. Facts clarifying what the sign is, where it is, what it will be used for, what benefit does it bring to the school and community, how much did it cost, who paid for it, who approved it, at which school board meeting was it discussed and approved (not the challenge of "do you attend school board meetings"). Once these and other questions are answered, an intelligent debate on the text of the post, not the author, can be held.
All the above bickering only makes everyone associated with Beaver Island and the forum look foolish.

Kirk D. McBride
Terry Frysinger
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Post by Terry Frysinger »

The post by beaverisle was an insult to the hard working volunteers that serve on the school board. There was no intent to initiate a debate. When you make a post like this under an alias you deserve to be treated in kind.
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Post by kathemeade »

Sure is alot of double talk Kirk...can't have it both ways.
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Post by kathemeade »

Yes Kirk, Not Ken

Seems to me that the only one attacking anyone was the original poster; beaverisle, who is not confident enough in their opinion to use their real name.

Perhaps I misunderstood your post, but my impression was you were defending them. I had no issue with your feelings on the school. I do not know you personally, I apoligize if I misunderstood.

What the original poster said was cruel, pointed and uncalled for. To hide behind a fake name is not appropriate, and they should be called out on it.

I find it interesting that the original poster is sitting in silence as others get ruffled. The creepy part of it is that these "fake" users usually know enough to be dangerous.

Come on out and play beaverisle...but play fair. I think what Terry said speaks volumes. I for one will not continue to feed Beaverisle's ego. Get your kicks somewhere else...


Kudos to you for your efforts and hardwork for the children of Beaver Island. You are part of this community because you choose to be and you care. I am not on the Island full time, nor do I have children at your school. But, I am part of a school in the area I live full time and I know the sacrifices both with time and money you all make to be part of the school.

I recognize (as I sure you did too...) that you are not always going to do the popular thing and there are going to be times of great debates, harsh words and opinions that you are faced to deal with. To be forced to deal with them from a "fake" person who can not even give you the respect of saying who they are is awful.

On those days when you feel like it is a thankless job please remember that the children and and future of Beaver Island thanks you for your dedication.
Last edited by kathemeade on Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
Sheri Timsak
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Post by Sheri Timsak »

Well said Kathe!
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