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The Runberg Family Fund

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:05 am
by AEW
Hi folks,
John is doing very well in treatment and has been enjoying his letters from family and friends. We raise enough funds to cover all the critical bills that were due on Jan 15th. They were in REALLY bad shape but we averted a disaster. We now are facing another set of bills that will be due near the end of the month. The initial donations were awesome and John, Carol and the entire family are VERY GRATEFUL for the help! We really need another donation push to get things taken care for the bills due at the end of the month.

The Runbergs have given so much to the Beaver Island Community over the decades. Their volunteerism in some many thing on the Island is incredible. I encourage the entire community to get behind this worthy cause.

If you can, please donate to the fund to help John focus on his recovery so that he can get healthy in mind and body. Also Carol has informed me that she is looking for any work available.

Donations can be sent to :
The Beaver Island Medical Center
C/O Runberg Family Fund
General Delivery, BI, MI 49782

The Runberg Family Fund
Charlevoix State Bank
111 State Street
Charlevoix, Mi 49720

Or to any of the Churches of Beaver Island
If you have any questions about sending donations please contact

Mary Ann Weaver 231-448-3227 or Muggs Bass


The Runberg Family Fund

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:20 am
by Hayseeder
when my father was dying john and his family put on a benefit concert .it was a huge undertaking and raised alot of money for medical old man was given the chance to play music one last time and that made him very happy.i hope we can do the same for runbergs,in there current situation.

galen bartels

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 11:08 pm
by AEW
I am sorry to say that John is no longer in treatment.