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New Charlevoix Airport Terminal cost to Beaver Is.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:28 pm
by DON
On Monday night 11/16/09 at 7:00 pm the Charlevoix City Council will be meeting to discuss a new 3 million dollar terminal building for the Charlevoix Airport.

While the terminal will be built with mostly FAA grant money there can't help but be an increase in operating costs for a larger building. Since Beaver Island passengers are the primary user of the airport it is obvious that Beaver Islanders will be the primary source of money to pay the expenses for this new building through higher ticket costs.

It could be important for people from Beaver Island to attend the council meeting and let them know if you are for or against this project.

For your information the present terminal that is about 12 years old and still not totally paid for, will be leveled to make room for the new much larger building.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 3:33 pm
by jmcbain2
The present terminal is not 12 years old. It is more around 6 or 7 years old.

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 4:48 pm
by Kim Connaghan Jones
Either way.It's a total waste to raise it.Do these people think anything through,or just see how much money can be wasted?

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:38 am
by Keith Szczepanski
I wonder what got the wheels rolling on that discussion. I find it hard to believe that the traffic through that terminal would neccesitate additions.

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 8:58 pm
by AEW
We could take the 3 million and put it towards the 500 million dollar PER DAY Interest on our National Debt, Perhaps we could ask some kids what they think since they will be stuck with the bill.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 9:06 am
by Kim Connaghan Jones
Keith Szczepanski wrote:I wonder what got the wheels rolling on that discussion. I find it hard to believe that the traffic through that terminal would neccesitate additions.
The restaurant and gift shop alone will bring them in droves

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:05 pm
by BobTidmore
The big question is what this will do to the operating costs of the airport and will Charlevoix start to whine about this like they did when they proposed the enplanement tax and propose more fees on Beaver Island residents to pay for it.

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:26 pm
by cindyr

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:31 pm
by DON
Try sending comments to the Charlevoix City Mayor Norman Carlson at and or the city manager Rob Straebel at

Please keep all comments in good taste and on topic.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:00 am
by kerriegillespie
Level the current building? WASTE. I'm appalled at the the mere idea of it. I think we need to be sooooo much more resourceful in our development and planning to help secure a "green" and economically sound future. I'm not interested in watching the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. Can we revert back to the "old days" a bit in our mindset, and actually develop only that which we NEED for a sole purpose, rather than for the sake of making everything a multi-purpose selling point? Yes, maybe having a restaurant in the airport would be convenient. God forbid some human has to drive or walk 50 feet down the road to another restaurant. 'Convenience,' building things that are unnecessary or there isn't money for is becoming horrifyingly characteristic of American culture, and in my opinion, ruining unique culture. Its also enabling people to want instant gratification, resulting in an increasingly impatient society. In the 30 minutes i pass through the airport to arrive at my desired destination, i can live without a restaurant or a souvenir. But thanks for the materialistic, wasteful thought.

Important side note: I haven't done much homework on this issue, so i don't claim to have considered all sides. But i don't need someone to tell me why it's a great idea, and basically ignore or deny the reasons why it's NOT. To me, it ranks right up there with our new school that resembles a ski-lodge. Have the students grades improved? I dont know, but i doubt the external structure of the building is the determing factor in whether or not our kids get accepted into ivy-league colleges. But thanks for the debt. Will a new airport terminal determine whether or not i can get to or from home? NOPE. And i hope to be thanking the committee that decides against the new terminal for not being a contributor to the downfall of a resourceful future generation. You have to start or stop somewhere. If the time isn't now, when is it? Until we upgrade ourselves to death?

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 2:46 pm
by larry hall
You're absolutely right, Kerrie. The existing terminal is not very old. It is more than sufficient. Every time I have been there, only a few people where there; 1/2 dozen at the most. A new terminal would be a waste of our money.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:03 pm
by jmcbain2
According to Ben Gohs at the Charlevoix Courier, there is no plan to tear down the existing terminal. The plan is to expand the existing terminal to make room for a small eatery, more space for a pilot's lounge and storage.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 5:24 pm
by DON
I have a copy of the plans and the persent terminal will be torn down if the new building is built. Don't believe everything the news paper tells you.

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 8:32 pm
by Kathy Speck
Who are you? You are really starting to stir up a hornet's nest! Are you that much in the know??
Just curious....

Posted: Mon Nov 16, 2009 10:16 pm
by DON
I am on the Airport Steering commitee and have had input on the plans. It is a beautiful building and if it can financially be done with no increase in cost to the users of the Airport it will be great. The question is can it be done with no increase in cost. The building is more than 2 times larger and with a partial second floor. I am not concerned with the construction cost as it is mostly funded by the FAA and State. I am concerned with the operational cost and if both charter operators can be brought into the building. I just returned from the council meeting and the Schematic Design Phase was apporved and now goes to the FAA for funding approval.

The building is about 11,000 sq feet plus two covered entry areas. It includes to seperater Charter office areas, a large lobby with a possible fire place, a gift shop area, a lunch area, upstairs observation and meeting area, pilots weather area and pilots lounge area with a shower and sleeping area, elevator and 2 staircases (code). None of the present building can be used as it was not built to have a second floor and the funding is not condusive to saving it so it would be torn down.

The city seems to think they can operate this building for the same price as the present one and will make the rent very low to the charter operators. If all of that is true then it could be possible that it might not affect the cost of a ticket to Beaver Island. I hope it is true but don't see how it is possible. We are now into the next stage so keep alert for any news.

Just so you know I am very pro airport and am only concerned about doing things here that increase the cost of using the airport not only for Beaver Island but anyone flying into the airport. Keeping operational cost down reflect in lower landing fees, fuel prices, hanger rent, tickets to Beaver Island, etc.