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Beaver Island crime stats

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:44 pm
by Thomas
My family is seriously considering relocating to Beaver Island. In the process of research we found a strange glitch in data on Crime stats.

All of the major internet based town or city statistics sites show a somewhat significant amount of crime on Beaver Island. However, they often also conflate Beaver Island with Harbor Springs or sometimes Charlevoix.

In addition to the various website stats that seem to show a major spike in crime on Beaver Island, it goes against everything we know about the place. It seems possible but very implausible to us that Beaver Island has crime rates higher than most of outlying Traverse city.
Does anyone there have any clear data on this since the websites are constantly conflicting each-other on Beaver Island crime stats?

Thanks in Advance!

Re: Beaver Island crime stats

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:24 pm
by Richards
Hi Thomas,

I am surprised by this as well. Can you please post a link to what you are looking at?
This is the safest place I know on the planet.

If you need help relocating, I would love to be of service.
Glad you found this special place!

Sheri Richards

Re: Beaver Island crime stats

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:03 pm
by PScott
On an island where everyone keeps their doors unlocked and leave their car keys in the ignition, I truly can’t imagine a safer place.

Re: Beaver Island crime stats

Posted: Thu Nov 25, 2021 12:19 pm
by Mike Finn
I don't think crime statistics, i.e., crime rates, are very useful for very small towns like Beaver Island. The year King Strang was killed our rate was very high, the next year perhaps zero. Having said that, I did find a statistical rating published by ADT (the home security company). It shows Beaver Island crime to be well below the national average.