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Snowshoe Hare (rabbits)

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2020 11:36 am
by esalveter
I have been coming to Beaver Island for almost 27 years now to run my beagles on snowshoe hare. I have tried very hard to get along with everybody. I come mostly in July, August, September, December, January, February, and March. I try to leave October and November for the deer hunters. I very seldom shoot rabbits anymore. I just like to hear my hounds run. It is music to my ears. I realize it is not music to everybody's ears. I also realize most deer hunters don't want the disturbance. I nearly always start out on State Land, or Township Land, but I cannot control where the rabbit runs. This year is going to be a little different. I am finally retired, so I will also be here most of October and November.

If I am running my beagles, and the noise bothers you, or I am encroaching on your favorite deer hunting spot, please nicely ask me to run somewhere else. This is a big island, and I have a lot of places I can go. I am currently driving a blue Pontiac Vibe. I hope to get a beat up black and silver Dodge Durango up here sometime this fall.

Re: Snowshoe Hare (rabbits)

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:32 pm
by Terry Frysinger
Once your dogs have disturbed a deer hunt area in October and November the hunt is ruined, its too late to "nicely" ask you to gather up your dogs and relocate them to make noise for your enjoyment somewhere else. Taking down a deer blind and relocating it is not that simple. There's a baseball field north of town. If all you want to do is hear your dogs bark then let them run there in October and November.

Re: Snowshoe Hare (rabbits)

Posted: Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:47 am
by esalveter
If I could train a rabbit to run the bases that could work, but like I said, I can’t control where the rabbit runs. I generally start out on State Land, where I have just as much right to enjoy my hobby as you do. I really am trying to cooperate. If you can give me a hint of where you deer hunt, I will avoid that area of the island.

Us hunters really need to stick together. Not everyone is pleased with the idea that you are allowed to shoot a deer. You could do your best to make a clean kill and still have a wounded deer make it to the road or onto the property of an anti hunter.

Let’s work together. There is room on this island for everyone.