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Property Taxes

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 9:23 am
by Gillespie
Have been receiving many calls from people complaining about their property taxes going up as much as 4.5 percent in a seriously declining economy! Property values are dropping continuously as well. Everyone that has called seems to want to blame it on the local assessor which is not the case. These "decisions" are made by the fat cats in Lansing. They send instruction through the local equalization department to raise your taxes or they will "factor" the increase for your county along with a penalty. The excuse this year for a nearly 4.5 percent increase in YOUR taxable value was the rate of inflation last year. Obviously the balloon in fuel prices would have had something to do with this, creating the perfect excuse for them to raise your tax rate permanently. How many of you have seen this on your tax notices this year?

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:12 am
by Mark
On my home and two pcs of vacant waterfront property, both of which are down 25-30% in value.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 10:20 am
by caram
Yep, I was really surprised to see mine had gone up too, especially since so few things have even sold on the island these past two years. Sure get you anyway they can.....

Re: Property Taxes

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 11:54 am
by harry boesch
Gillespie wrote:Have been receiving many calls from people complaining about their property taxes going up as much as 4.5 percent in a seriously declining economy! Property values are dropping continuously as well. Everyone that has called seems to want to blame it on the local assessor which is not the case. These "decisions" are made by the fat cats in Lansing. They send instruction through the local equalization department to raise your taxes or they will "factor" the increase for your county along with a penalty. The excuse this year for a nearly 4.5 percent increase in YOUR taxable value was the rate of inflation last year. Obviously the balloon in fuel prices would have had something to do with this, creating the perfect excuse for them to raise your tax rate permanently. How many of you have seen this on your tax notices this year?
I'm not accusing anyone of lying here but passing the blame to the state is certainly suspect. My downstate home is in the Gull Lake area, one of the more affluent areas of Kalamazoo county and our Taxable Value was decreased. If the State was really mandating 4 1/2% increases for any reason, I would think we would also have been included.

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 12:15 pm
by Gillespie
That could certainly be true but perhaps that increase was for a certain area. Maybe Kevin could enlighten us on this. All I do kinow for sure is if the state tells you to put the increase on and you don't the state can and will add a factor. The fact is, to increase anyones property taxes right now is a travesty. As my friend Don always says, "We should have a part time legislature like Indiana, that way we can be assured of them only screwing up part of the time"!!


Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:54 pm
by jmcbain2
Check out the Petoskey News-Review's story today. ... 365002.txt

Property taxes

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 8:57 pm
by timsakj
I just got off the phone with the "fat cats" in Lansing and they assured me that the spike in property taxes is Richie Gillespie's fault.

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:41 am
by Maureen Abele
I was very surprised to see that our taxable value went up, too.

Posted: Sun Mar 15, 2009 1:06 pm
by BobTidmore
I attended the last meeting of the St. James township and the budget was discussed but no copies were provided to the audience. As I understand it the Township has to publish the date and time of the meeting and make the budget available before the meeting.
I would encourage everyone to read this before the meeting.

Section 141.412

Act 43 of 1963 (2nd Ex. Sess.)
141.412 Local unit of government; public hearing on proposed budget; notice.

Sec. 2.

A local unit shall hold a public hearing on its proposed budget. The local unit shall give notice of the hearing by publication in a newspaper of general circulation within the local unit at least 6 days before the hearing. The notice shall include the time and place of the hearing and shall state the place where a copy of the budget is available for public inspection. The notice shall also include the following statement printed in 11-point boldfaced type: â??The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget will be a subject of this hearing.â?￾.

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 9:04 pm
by unkle bik
How do you people get screwed for a "County Transit 0.24080 " levy?

The 2 times I was on your island, I didn't see a bus or subway.

Is there a subsidy for BIBCO or Island Airlines?

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:29 pm
by EGray
If you came via BIBCO there is a building right across the street from the boat dock, that is the transportation building. They have a bus that will pick you up and drop you off for a minimal charge. I know it has come in very handy for my grandmother who is unable to drive. They drive her to and from work, they take her to the grocery store, and they have also even came and picked up my little cousins to take them to my grandmothers house. So before you go and start telling people we are getting screwed for a county transit levy, I am here to inform you we are not!

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 10:35 am
by Michelle LaFreniere
Well said Emmers! I might like to point out that any senior on the island through the rest of the year can ride free, thanks to the Commission on Aging.. The rest of us can ride the bus for a very nominal fee, but this time of year you must call ahead, the toll free number is on BIBCO's website.. check it out..

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 9:02 pm
by unkle bik
EGray wrote:If you came via BIBCO there is a building right across the street from the boat dock, that is the transportation building. They have a bus that will pick you up and drop you off for a minimal charge. I know it has come in very handy for my grandmother who is unable to drive. They drive her to and from work, they take her to the grocery store, and they have also even came and picked up my little cousins to take them to my grandmothers house. So before you go and start telling people we are getting screwed for a county transit levy, I am here to inform you we are not!
Whoa! Good explanation.

I wasn't trying to insult anybody or policy. I was just trying to find out if you taxpayers were getting your fair share.

That's all.

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:28 pm
by Stephen C. West
â??I partly blame the St. James township's attitude on the northern islander which in recent articles seem to accept the status quo and those questioning the board are "nitpicking". â?¦. Said Taylor

Keep working on your reading skills Taylor! The opinion column, mine, is printed below. Read it twice and try hard to get it. Everyone else did. TIP - Indeed, itâ??s somewhat ironic that freedom to speak is also the freedom to speak irresponsibility.

View From 49782 - NorthernIslander 7-09

What you can do for your Island
By Steve West

As July 4th rolls around each year many of us are reminded what a great representative government we have. Despite its flaws, most apparent at the national level, only the most cynical American fails to appreciate our systemâ??s greatness. The recent â??electionâ?￾ in Iran is a good reminder of the norm in much of the rest of the world.

We are well aware of our rights to speak freely, vote in a fair election, own firearms, etc. Itâ??s always interesting to talk with teenagers who sometimes seem to learn little in government class yet they sure â??know their rights.â?￾ We know they are taught responsibilities as well, yet we all tend to focus more on our rights than, â??what you can do for your country.â?￾

The recent Peaine Township public hearings concerning potential changes in island ORV use law was an outstanding example for students to see how itâ??s supposed to work. Most Islanders were prepared and made thoughtful well informed remarks. Some even provided written texts of their statement to the board. Everyone was respectful and most who wished to speak did so succinctly. Supervisor Jack Gallagher ran an excellent hearing and deserves to be commended.

What a contrast that meeting was to others where folks jump up whenever the fancy strikes them to share their feelings or offer poorly informed opinions. Indeed, itâ??s somewhat ironic that freedom to speak is also the freedom to speak irresponsibility. Nitpicking minor expenditures, harassing boards over insignificant rules infractions, resulting in unnecessary legal expenses, and suggesting that our two townships have a spare million bucks are simply foolish, wasteful and wrong. The gadflies should understand that few question their right to speak but many their wisdom in doing so.

The further we get from Washington D. C. the more responsive, nonpartisan and thoughtful our elected ones are. On Beaver Island our elected officials in both townships are generally fair, prudent, and underpaid. They have earned our respect. A good way to show that respect is to be informed citizens and use our free speech right responsibility

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:53 pm
by Stephen C. West
Try Ken, when you characterize what an â??articleâ?￾ - actually a column â?? in the NorthernIslander says, to get it right. These work well â?? â?¦â?¦â?¦â?¦. â??

Free speech is a wonderful thing, as is accuracy. Best wishes.