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Spring Visit

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 2:04 pm
by DON
Just so you all know, we are coming to the Island on Sunday weather providing. Just don't want anyone getting excited to see a private plane landing. We depart our hanger in Charlevoix, land and taxi to our private hanger on Beaver, get in our own vehicle, and drive to our place back in the woods. We have no need to see anyone and don't plan to see anyone. We will reverse all of this to come home. We expect to do this often as our normal stay is one to four days. Also just so you know we are both healthy and limit our public contact in Charlevoix. We certainly want to keep our distance from people on the island so we don't catch the prevalent Cabin Fever. :D Seriously we wish everyone all the best and look forward to when some sense of normal comes back to all of our lives. Stay safe and healthy.
Don and Carol

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:09 pm
by ExIsle

I would like to visit as well.

Just some things you may wish to consider. What happens on day 3 of your visit if you wake up in the morning with a severe cough, shortness of breath and a fever of 102 fever? Do you think you are safe to fly back to CVX? What if the conditions are below IFR minimums? Are you going to call EMS? Are you going to visit the Health Center? If you do, what does that mean for the island?

Pandemics are a game changer to the way our society functions as the health of one depends on the health of many and the health of many depends on the health of one.

I am not telling you what to do but, to my way of thinking the wise thing to do is just to say home for now.

Be well be safe.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 8:01 am
by Judi_M
why? why? why?--it's posts like this that scare the heck out of me! The Island has been working hard to protect itself and the at-risk people and the care providers, health center, EMS, etc. etc. We ALL need to do what we can to keep the Island as safe as possible

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 9:30 am
by tkludt
How does the 14 day self isolation work on a 1-4 day trip?

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:01 pm
by KaylynJ
I’m in agreement with the above posts. It’s also important to remember two things:

1. Just because you don’t feel sick yet doesn’t mean you aren’t carrying it and in the process of getting sick
2. This past week the CDC told NPR that up to 25% of people with COVID-19 may be asymptomatic. You can share it with everyone you come in contact with without ever knowing you have it.

This island is in such a precarious position. We have two NPs and a handful of EMS, all of whom are wonderful at their jobs. They then go home to spouses, parents, children, etc. after possibly being exposed to the coronavirus while doing their jobs to help you. You don’t plan to see anyone, but accidents and unexpected things happen. If you do wake up ill one morning and need care, that takes away tests, masks, gloves, gowns and many other desperately needed supplies from the people that live here.

I know you’ll do what you want in the end, but please reconsider. The sooner we all do what we need to to stop the spread, the sooner everyone can get back to their island lives.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 12:03 pm
by Kim Connaghan Jones
There is a Stay At Home ban for a reason. Please rethink your choice and abide by it. We all need to do our part to get a handle on this.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sat Apr 04, 2020 2:25 pm
by jmedlin
Yeah, thank God the rich folks in private planes and boats can come and go as they please. All the while the rest of us are on ‘lockdown’, not knowing that - if we were to leave the island - if and when we would be able to return to our own property. They keep saying ‘we’re all this together’, but it sure doesn’t seem like it sometimes. As often, it seems like there is two sets of rules, and a system of socialism for the rich, but capitalism (and restrictions) for the rest of us.

Please keep in mind also sir, that if you were to have an accident or medical emergency, even while in seclusion here, you could possibly and unknowingly expose our precious few medics and first responders to the virus. There’s a reason for the stay at home order, and that is to stop the spread of this so deadly pandemic.

God knows we need and welcome visitors to return as soon as possible, and we sure don’t want to be unfriendly, but any unnecessary travel to and from the island is simply socially irresponsible at this time of such great sacrifice for so many.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 9:27 am
by 68Camaro
At the end you say "stay safe and happy"

What does "STAY AT HOME, IN SHELTER"[/u] mean to you?!?!?!?!?!

Way to go you pretentious A HOLE!!!!

What a way to show how you feel about this wonderful place and generous people!!!!

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:07 am
by K.D. McBride
I know Don and Carol along with their love and respect over many years for the Island and its residents. I think people have brought out some genuine concerns about visitors coming to the Island and putting others at risk. However, I think there are a couple of points to keep in mind with this discussion. One, Don was courteous enough to post that they would be coming from Charlevoix to their second home and the precautions they would take to protect everyone by isolating themselves. Number Two, and more importantly, Don could simply buy two tickets to come to the Island by plane or the boat and no one seems concerned about that fact. That would put far more people at risk of exposure but that appears to be okay with everyone. Until the powers that be get control of people coming by the boat or plane, everyone is going to be at far greater risk than Don and Carol could present.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:42 am
by Judi_M
I agree that people can get on an airplane at Island Airways or Fresh Air; yes, that is their decision, and they might consider it their right. At this time, the people of the Island have no way to communicate with visitors other than making a general plea for visitors to protect the Island population. This thread, however, is giving us the opportunity to address our concern directly to a specific person.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 10:51 am
by K.D. McBride
I understand your point but disagree with the premise that we are helpless victims. So on this Forum we have told two specific people while dozens are allow to come on the boat or fly. If the Island becomes a victim it's because of its own doing or lack of doing. I agree that the two critical points of mitigation control for Corona are the Boat Company and airlines. They need to be given the power by the townships' Emergency Authority to inform nonessential visitors not to come until it is safe. Few potential visitors are going to read this Forum or abide by its recommendation and people's pleas. Everyone's safety depends on local government at this time, townships need to step up.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:10 am
by Andy's Grooming Barn
My understanding is that the townships or the emergency service boards do not have the authority to prevent travel to or from the island, all they are able to do is discourage it. This would have to be done by higher government. All that our townships and emergency services can do at this point, which I think they have been doing is to try and educate and discourage travel.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 11:17 am
by K.D. McBride
Andy - I'm sure you are correct on the Emergency Authority's limited power but I think they might want to consider petitioning that higher government authority because of the Island's unique need. I'm also hoping they are making their appeal more public through publications as well as posted materials at the boat and airline's ticket counters. Thanks for your input. There can't be too much discussion on this critical subject. If Corona is allowed to get out of control on the Island, we all know the cost to be paid.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:00 pm
by BradG
I think Corona runs a distant third to Pabst and Whiskey Point Brewery. I also think I’ve got way too much time on my hands.

Re: Spring Visit

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2020 12:14 pm
by BradG
On the other hand, we have the opportunity to save the world by staying home and doing absolutely nothing. Let’s not screw it up!