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Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 10:22 am
by BI Pirate
A message from my dog Tug. Brine on roads may be solving a human's problem with dust but creating a bigger problem for wildlife and pets. Brine is a short term solution to a potential long term problem. Pets and wildlife with paw pads walking on brined roads can possibly burn their pads or worse, absorb the brine and cause kidney damage. The brine from the roads runs off into the ditch water or mud puddles that pets and wildlife drink. Brine is also absorbed into the soil and dust that we will breath shortly after the application loses its effect. Also the run off goes directly into fresh lake water, home to aquatic life, fish, water fowl and amphibians we pride ourselves for having in abundance on Beaver Island.
Tug simply wants us dust busters to ask ourselves if we are doing the right thing for those without a voice. :? :? :?

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 1:56 pm
by thenomads2
...and another big factor not mentioned above...vegetation that is killed where the brine washes off into the ditches and beyond.

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 4:08 pm
by PScott
Like I said, it’s a trade off and I have to pick breathing. I hope to not have to use my Epi pen.

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 5:54 pm
by BI Pirate
DDT was a trade off for mosquitoes but at what price? We are still living with its effects. There are trade offs in life, what are we willing to sacrifice and trade for them? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:43 pm
by PScott
Go drink some rum and relax.

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:52 pm
by BI Pirate
I guess we know the price you are willing to make all of us pay for you. Consider moving to the north end where the roads are paved. The roads were gravel when you made your real-estate choice to be where you are on the island. Live with it but don't make us sacrifice pets and wildlife for your error. Maybe you can tell I've had my ration of rum for the day. With another ration, I will suggest you pony up the money in Peaine Township to make the improvements that will allow you to breath easy and then I'll relax. :shock: :shock: :shock:

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 6:58 pm
by DeerwoodLodge
We must find a way to pave at least the main circle around the island for emergency, life safety, environmental, tourism, tax payer value, and many more reasons.

We shouldn’t have residents having to choose between environmental and personal health. We shouldn’t be arguing about how one ends up having to choose between those.

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 7:05 pm
by BI Pirate
Now that is rational input I can buy into rather than drink rum and relax. Some have a grasp on the importance while others want to continue dumping brine which will solve nothing long term. Thank you Deerwood! =D> =D> =D>

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Sun Jun 16, 2019 8:36 pm
by BI Pirate
For those on the other thread supporting brine for the roads and suggesting the use of Calcium Chloride between applications, consider: The warning for humans on the use of Calcium Chloride is that it can cause LUNG DAMAGE if inhaled as well as creating lesions in the mucous membranes. Maybe someone can update us on how the Epi Pen works on that issue. Then Tug and I can relax. Got to love the folks who have a "Shut Down Pipeline #5" sign next to the road where they dump Calcium Chloride.
Solution: "Fix the damn roads." I did find that other ration of rum, still not relaxed.
](*,) ](*,) ](*,)

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Mon Jun 17, 2019 7:30 am
by pbona
Hi All,
Get out your calculators after your view this link: ... rcreek.pdf

If it costs the twp $55,000 per year just for brine, we could put the savings toward this method of road surfacing. The savings from every mile of brine application and grading we don't have to repeatedly apply, would go toward chipsealing the next mile. It doesn't have to be done all at once. It seems quick, cost effective and pleasing to the eye. I lived on chipseal roads for years in Alanson, just across the pond and they stood up well to winters and truck traffic. Hey,its a thought.
Pat B.

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:05 pm
by AEW
$55,000 for putting brine on the dirt roads is nothing in comparison to having to operate heavy machinery 5 days a week 52 weeks a year constantly grading an maintaning the roads.

Be smart and pave the major roadways. It is more environmentally responsible to have the main roads paved than to continue to waste tens of thousands of gallons of diesel and tens of thousands of hours of labor constantly grading dirt roads.

There also was a process of using old asphalt roofing shingles as an aggregate for road surfacing. If the island stopped shipping off all that material and started stockpiling it they could process it and use it. That would also save homeowners a lot of expense having to pay to ship off the materials when they get their roof redone.

It would be great to have a paved Loop all the way around the island. It would attract a lot of motorcycle riders and probably more bicyclists

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 8:10 pm
by Pam Grassmick
My two cents are to approach the two townships and plea for an advisory road committee to study all the options for our island roads. The Telecommunications Committee is a good example of positive citizen involvement to secure the island's future by improving cell and internet service. I would like to believe that such a committee could provide the township boards with multiple options from dust control to chip seal paving and finally a full asphalt pavement. For anything to happen, the townships must be encouraged from the voters to endorse. According to many property owners, the last Peaine Road Survey was definitely skewed in favor of no further road improvement other than past efforts with dust control. Personally, I would like to see the options presented from a diverse group of road users. Currently, Peaine Township has a $500,000 savings account which is not ear-marked. Could some of these taxpayer's funds be taken from this account and used for further road improvement?

Re: Brine On Roads 2.0

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 9:21 pm
by Fish Camp ... ummary.pdf

"For many, projected paving costs higher than expected." Page 11 of the report.