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Remembering Buck

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 10:06 am
by BI Pirate
Remembering Charles "Buck" Ridgeway, good mate and golfer, who left us on this day in 2016, to play the links where there is no snow; nothing but sunny days. One time he made John Works shovel snow from the green so he could putt. Miss you big guy, give 'em what "fore"and go for the hole in one. Mary Ann's got the coffee on for after your round. :( :D :(

Re: Remembering Buck

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 4:49 pm
by K.D. McBride
Hard to believe it has been 2 years. Both Buck and MaryAnn were good neighbors and good friends for several years. We will always remember his famous grilled pizza parties and Thanksgiving dinner celebrations with friends. We miss them both. Pirate, thanks for remembering and reminding us of a great guy.

Re: Remembering Buck

Posted: Fri Jun 01, 2018 5:23 pm
by medic5740
Buck was the nicest person with nothing but good things to say about everyone. He was a great golfer who overcame many issues to be able to play. I've never seen a better sportsman on any level, in any sport, winning or losing. I enjoyed playing golf with him on almost a daily basis. He is certainly missed by this fellow retired teacher!

Mary Ann and Buck had us out to dinner at their house in PSJ. He loved to grill outside. His end of golf summer men's league dinner was the very best!

Miss you both,

Joe Moore

Re: Remembering Buck

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2018 10:55 am
by Ron Wojan
Buck and Mary Ann invited me to come to Florida each winter to stay with them. Buck and I would golf each day,meet Mary at the Clubhouse for lunch , then go back to golfing. Mary loved to cook for us and would have a great meal ready when we got home. Sometimes we’s go out to eat at a small restaurant on the water. When you live with someone, for even a week at a time, you get to know them quite well. I must say they were a great couple who were just fun to be around. I really miss those trips to see them. They are very much missed on the Island, as well. I feel fortunate to have know them for many years They were a wonderful addition to our Island family. God Bless them and their family. They will never be forgotten here.

Re: Remembering Buck

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2018 1:42 pm
by medic5740
Lest we forget, there was the Ohio State golf cart that Buck proudly drove around the Beaver Island Golf Course! You would almost think that he was a proud graduate of that university. Buck had many, many rounds of golf at the Beaver Island Golf Course using this golf cart. Smile down on us now, Buck as we begin the Summer Men's Golf League this week! Give MaryAnn a hug from us!


Re: Remembering Buck

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 10:32 am
by K.D. McBride
My most vivid golf memory of Buck was his wanting to watch the golf channel on TV and have the feeling he was right there. He bought the biggest screen TV on the market, so big it almost didn't fit through the door of his house. I went to see him after it was installed and tweaked several times. There was Buck in his leather recliner, dressed as usual in shorts, wearing his slippers which he wore if not in golf shoes, smoking his pipe with Buck's Gold custom tobacco and he was right. I thought I had just walked into the gallery at the US Open. He loved his golf, on and off the course.