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Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:50 am
by Wkohls
Angel . . .

I understand that you have accused me of calling you a liar and, further, that your accusation stems from the WVBI interview when I referred to the budget posted on the Forum as “intellectually dishonest.”

In view of the contentious nature of the consolidation issue, I believe that it is important that you and I address your public accusation in an open and honest manner.

The phrase “intellectually dishonest” is not a euphemism for “lie” and “intellectual dishonesty” is not a euphemism for “liar.” Among the many definitions that I found online, intellectual dishonesty includes “not living up to the expected standard” and “when one avoids an honest, deliberate and comprehensive approach to a matter” and “a failure to apply standards of rational evaluation.”

The budget that was posted on the Forum contains material errors that may likely lead readers to incorrect conclusions. Therefore, it is proper to refer to the document as “intellectually dishonest.”

It important to note that I referred to a budget that was posted anonymously on the Forum. I now understand that the budget was produced by a committee and not solely by you. For reasons that are not clear to me, you claim that my comments were directed specifically at you, rather than the committee or the document itself.

It is unfortunate that you made this accusation in a public forum and, for this reason, I am asking that you correct the public record in an equally visible manner.

Sincerely . . .

William Kohls

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:20 pm
by Beaver Bump
Bump Bump

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 4:51 am
by treehugger
Boy if that new avatar is not obvious Islandliving. You have found a new toy. Go for it and make yourself look like idiots again. Make Beaver Island Great Again by voting for Consolidation. =D> =D> =D>

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:32 am
by beaverman
I have refrained from posting up to this point, but I do believe that Bill Kohls needs to apologize to those of us that just barely make a living on the island that we love with no bright future to be seen. We have to try something. I have noticed that the major people against consolidation are the Martins, Bill, John McCafferty, Vince, Ron and the Galaghers. All of these people have homes or businessses valued at of 1/2 million dollars or more and it is safe to say are making a good living. I understand why Bill is floating the tax issue as this is the best way to get their attention. We with small house or renting aren't going to feel the so called pain, we will just lose the opportunity for a better life. Looking at signs around the island and all the signs in Peaine township I don't understand why Jim and Karen would not want to have consolidation. According to Bill anyone in St. James Township would benefit. By following the real estate listings I have seen over the past years that the Gallagher lowered their sale price from 2 million down to 1 million. John McCafferty lowered his from $900,000 to $450,000 as an asking price. To my knowledge neither has sold. If this isn't an indication of things stagnating or going south, what is? Bill should have used his skills as an accountant to jump in and see what he could do to help us. Instead it seems we don't count.

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 10:56 am
by Wkohls
Thanks for your post.

I have no need to apologize. The mission of the Committee to Save Peaine is to provide relevant information that will enable voters to make an informed decision when they go to the polls and we have lived up to that standard.

To the contrary, the petitioners and proponents should apologize for placing this proposal on the ballot without providing a compelling argument, supported by a written plan and rigorous analysis.

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:22 am
by beaverman
Sorry Bill. Not Angel. It is obvious what you are doing. Protect your kind. Let the rest get screwed. Thought I better use a milder term, so I changed the F word to screwed. Now that I had to get on to change I realized you were a banker. Must have worked for Wells Fargo as they were taught to screw the little account holders. You must have been a good learner.

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:50 pm
by Wkohls
Hey, Beaverman . . .

In 25 words or less, explain why consolidation will result in higher property valuations. When you're done, you can draft a comprehensive consolidation plan that is supported with rigorous analysis. Pease be sure to sign your name.

Note . . . all else being equal, an increase in carrying costs (such as taxes) results in a lower valuation.

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:55 pm
by beaverman
You are stooping pretty low Bill/Carla: Explain to me how a political sign can be posted in a public building. There is/was a NO Consolidation at Fresh Aire at the public airport. That is a not legal. Carla/Bill. You are responsible for the Air Port along with Elaine West the chairperson of the airport committee. Get on it.

Re: Open letter to Angel Welke

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2018 9:40 pm
by islandliving
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