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Posted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 12:59 pm
by Gillespie
If you believe one township on Beaver Island makes good sense both economically and practically post your thoughts here. Keep things clear and please no repetitive commentary.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:27 pm
by kathleen mcnamara
I am posting this as a personal message and not as a representative of the St James Township Board. Regardless of how the election turns out, I hope we can all learn from each other and help our community grow stronger. Sorry this essay is so long.

Thoughts on Consolidation – An Essay by Kitty McNamara
April 2018

As the Island moves toward a vote on township consolidation, many conflicting ideas float through my head and keep me wondering what is to come. This is an opportunity/challenge that will not come along again for a very long time, and so demands that each of us think about what it means for the future. We can only think about the future though by making sure we understand and recognize the past.

I like to think we are a community who gives much respect to its past. Who recognizes and appreciates the Native Americans, the founding families and their commitment to maintaining a vital year-round community during a transition in the mid 1900’s when many island communities were gobbled up by state and federal agencies. Who recognizes and appreciates the many elected officials, those born on the island and those who “got here as fast as they could”, who in the last 70 plus years have given so much to this Island community.

These community leaders have striven to modernize the island, to implement zoning ordinances and tackle the very difficult challenges of ensuring health care, maintaining air and water transportation, quality education, wildlife management, environmental controls and so much, much more. In short, these leaders have shaped much of what makes our small community strong. These officials, officials of both townships, have not always made perfect decisions and have not always had the foresight and ability to accomplish all they may have wished, but they certainly tackled the jobs when many others sat on the sidelines throwing barbs or playing Monday morning quarterback. It is always much easier to say what should have been done than to sit in the chair and make the decisions, many tough and contentious.

Looking forward can be difficult because we are so used to doing things the way we have always done them, and it is easier to do so than to step into the unknown. A recent article in The Working Waterfront caused me to think about the future leadership needed on Beaver Island and the transition to a style with the ‘right degree of transparency’ and a move from what the author refers to as matriarchy or patriarchy, to a process-oriented community. The author (Rob Snyder) says that some see the traditional methods of doing business with a handshake, and maybe without public discussion, as shortcomings. But, he also recognizes that that is the method that was learned from prior generations. He states the idea that leadership looks like controlling information and resources is still alive and well in Maine, but on its way out. I think somewhat the same can be said of Beaver Island, although huge progress has been made in recent years to try to communicate the “why” behind decision making.

If the townships consolidate, it is unknown who the new board will be – will the new township board be people who are committed to best interest of all Islanders? Yes, if the Island residents make a commitment to public service and step up to the plate to serve. Yes, if the Island is willing to move to a new model of community leadership.

There can be much talk and presentation of numbers and discussion of tax revenue, but the bottom line is that regardless of whether we are one or two townships, some taxes and taxing structures are out of our control, being firmly established by state law. And, those that are in our control must be approved by voters and would be stewarded by an elected board including a Supervisor, Clerk, Treasurer and two trustees.

I would like to see us usher in a new era where Island governance is valued, where most citizens take an active role and serve on committees and have a clear line of communication to the elected board. Where non-profit and volunteer groups who do so much for the island community are fully integrated into the governmental decision-making as partners, rather than as adversaries; where all governmental groups are meeting regularly and have clear and common methods of seeking and using public input; where the citizens have mastered the art of communicating their concerns through clear channels without concern that their neighbors will denigrate or find conspiracy in their every word; where citizens with a question will first go directly to the board or group with whom they have a question, concern or grievance before it is shared for all the world to weigh in on social media.

The current system with two townships has some weaknesses in terms of tackling common problems and issues. The weaknesses that I see are that much falls through the cracks; decisions get made but not always implemented to the fullest level. Committees, Commissions, Authorities boards that are made up of volunteers from each township are essential to the full functioning of our community and I see that we are using talent inefficiently. For example, the two planning commissions; each township has a dedicated board who discuss and implement a common Master Plan; perhaps having one planning commission frees up talent to serve on other important committees, authorities, or commissions.

I would like to see a community whose consolidated government values the island’s image and connection to county, regional, state, and federal partners and toward potential new residents and businesses. I would like to see a governmental structure that focuses island efforts on a few main goals; a structure that supports citizens and non-governmental groups to strategically select pieces of the puzzle to accomplish the goals. A system that encourages all to be positive stakeholders in seeing the whole community prosper – too often we measure our own successes by demeaning others’ accomplishments.

There are many challenges that face our island community and there is so much potential for growth if we move forward with focus and strategy. I believe the island has a much better chance of moving forward if the governmental system represents all of us as one yet comprised of multiple interests. I think the interests of today are not tied to a particular township. I think we need to work together to build a community the next generation will be proud to call home.

Challenges such as building the broadband infrastructure of the future, economic development, workforce development, and housing are the main issues that affect all of us living on Beaver Island and absolutely are not tied to one township or the other. I believe these challenges would be better tackled if there was an Island manager or administrator to properly and efficiently carry out much of the work of the township. The complexities of today’s world make it difficult for very part-time elected officials to carry out the detailed and time-consuming work of the township(s).

I would like to see a local government where we as citizens can have civil discourse, can agree, and disagree, but mostly can agree on how the discussions and decision-making happens in the first place. A community where all views are equally valued, and consensus is reached. Where we are not afraid to think big, to try something new, to challenge ourselves and each other to do what is best.

Members of the wildlife club, or the trails association, or the chamber of commerce, cultural arts association, Beaver Island Association, and many others all work on behalf of the island as a whole and never simply on behalf of St James or Peaine Township.

“We may fight like cats and dogs, but when someone needs something, we all come together.” I’ve heard this so many times over the years … it gets repeated and repeated and it makes me wonder, what if we all came together now and left the fighting to the cats and dogs? Although the ballot proposal calls the new township Beaver Island Township, I think a more appropriate name would have been Peaine Township in honor of the great tribal chief who influenced life and livelihood not only on ‘Big Beaver’, but on the outer islands of the archipelago which would also be part of the newly consolidated township.

I realize that township consolidation alone cannot bring about these perhaps too idealistic goals, but I do think it would force us to consider a new standard of governance on the Island we all love to call home. I fully realize that I have much to work on personally to move to this new leadership style. Whichever way the vote goes, I pledge to do whatever I can in support of this Island community and the many people who work to make it stronger.


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 1:52 pm
by Gillespie
From a citizen:

"Richie, I reviewed the proposed consolidated township budget--I did not pore over the numbers as Bill says he did. On page 7 I believe there are other economic items to be considered. 1/ One property review board vs two. In addition to reduction in costs should provide more consistency. 2/ The cost for heating/electric/telephone/internet cost will be reduced with the elimination of multiple buildings. 3/ Computer costs should be basically cut in half--same for photocopy/fax etc. 4/ Attorney costs will be less with less bickering between the townships. 5/ Most important will the elimination of friction between the two boards enabling a solid front when applying for grants etc. 6/ You will have a more consistent development of Master Plan, Zoning Regulations, Recreation Plans etc etc."


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 3:09 pm
by DeerwoodLodge

With all due respect, and I hope I am not the only person on here who feels this way, its extremely difficult to achieve any sense of democratic validity on behalf of the discussion and immediately throws into question the integrity of the discussion to have the moderator of a forum actually take a position on the very issue you're opening up for the community to discuss.

Insofar as you have already and irrevocably posted your personal position, it would make sense for someone else to moderate the for and against discussions, or at a very minimum for you to place your first post related to the budget out there, having clearly delineated your position, and then refrain from commenting in any way on either the 'for' or 'against' discussions. I would propose that would include deleting any previous engagement in discussion you have already had with anyone who posts in any of the three discussions.

It further compromises the integrity of the discussion by more or less removing the right of anonymity and privacy from each member of the community who posts by more or less clearly showing how they will vote. I will admit I am typically frustrated by those who insist on posting anonymously, but in this case the expectation of privacy is removed for everyone regardless of their preference, and that seems problematic.

I'm also concerned by your previous statements that indicate you reserve the right to serve as censor for any statements that you deem have broken the forum rules. Its hard to expect fairness and objectivity from you where thats concerned when you are actively engaging in taking a position and arguing it.

As a result, I struggle to encourage anyone to utilize these discussion threads as a viable tool in achieving a well informed and unbiased position. It seems flawed from the word go.

Vince Ebersoldt


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:29 pm
by Gillespie
From a property owner:

"When we lived in Princeton NJ there were two governments - The
Borough, which was the old core village, and The Township , which
embraced all of the expansion since the Revolutionary War. Literally a
doughnut around the core. Two police departments, two fire departments,
two city halls and utter financial chaos. Finally the two were
consolidated with great savings in money and efficiency. "


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 5:59 pm
by islandliving
Why can’t you name the “citizen” and the “property owner”. ???)


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 7:13 pm
by Gillespie
They are concerned with harassment, who could blame them!


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:16 pm
by islandliving
So you the moderator gets to hold their hands and write their post??


Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 8:28 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
In my opinion looking at consolidation might make since if we had two of all of those things but we don't most everything has been consolidated which has already gotten us the savings that they probably benefited from when they consolidated.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 10:56 am
by K.D. McBride
What's SAD is that people against consolidation are posting on the For Consolidation thread in order to continue their campaign of HARASSMENT. If they are against consolidation they should post their objection on that negative thread, not the positive one. Those harassing negative posts should be transferred to the Against Consolidation thread.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:36 am
by meadefamily
To: "A Citizen" posted on your behalf by Richie,

Thank you for bringing up the New Jersey consolidation. I did some research on this, as I am a true believer in learning from others and researching what has worked or not worked before. I was hoping that it would be a good "apples to apples" look at BI and Jersey's situation. In some respects it is a great comparison. Size of community, population, etc. In other respects it is more like apples to oranges. They had two's of most things, that process has already taken place on BI. I wish there was more time to research and to reach out to other communities that have taken this step. Being that you are from that area, can you provide perhaps the contact information of a few that were involved in this process in New Jersey? Regardless of the vote in May, this is a topic that I suspect won't go away and if the vote deems a consolidation, these contacts may be vital to help navigation of this process. If the vote in May is no, the contacts may equally be important so that collectively we can learn from our mistakes. Consolidation has many great merits and your personal experience it is good to hear it worked out for you. For many consolidation is daunting and overwhelming because of the lack of viable information so late in the process. Learning from others that have been through this process is so important.

Kathe Meade


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:38 am
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Nothing harassing in my post, I said in my opinion and I was not rude and FYI look in the against consolidation Richie posted in there about being for consolidation responding to another post as I responded to this one, no different. If it is going to be a discussion then you have to give points from both sides. Stop trying to make something out of nothing, again you keep bringing up other things to try to cover the real issues, state facts and stop trying to just cause trouble. Ken I was focousing on the thread I was responding to what they had posted.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:08 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Then Ken you had better explain this to Richie because that isn't what HE did, look at the con section and he replied to a con remark with a pro remark in the con section so if that is how he would like it done that he needs to lead by example but I am pretty sure he is able to speak for himself. I just did what HE did.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:57 pm
by Gillespie
Richie is the moderator.


Posted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 3:02 pm
by K.D. McBride
Andy -
How juvenile are you going to go with your posts? He started it, no you started, did not, you started it, no he started, did not, you did it first, my mom can beat up your dad. This is really going to help people make informed decisions. Take your passion on consolidation over the Against Thread and let those in favor post here.
No reply post to me necessary on this thread, I'll go over to the Against Consolidation thread to read what you have to say to me.