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Management plan for state-owned lands

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 12:30 pm
by dtritsch
The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR), Wildlife Division has initiated a process for developing a management plan for state-owned lands on Northern Lake Michigan Islands.
Next meeting:
Wednesday May 11, 2016
Beaver Island Community Center
1:00PM â?? 5:00PM.

Come and see what is being planned, offer your input.

Proposed Agenda
â?¢ Introductions
â?¢ Approval of minutes
â?¢ Review of Agenda: Additions/Deletions
â?¢ Review of Action items and sub-committee updates
â?¢ Invasives Sub-committee
â?¢ Cultural Resources Subcommittee
â?¢ Landscape Planning Sub-committee
o Wildlife Habitat Cuts
o Discussion of Landscape Planning Process
 Where are we, where do we go from here (CAP plan? Other?)
â?¢ Water Trail
â?¢ Trails work this summer
o Discussion of goals
â?¢ Maine Islands/Beaver Island activities â?? Matt Preisser or Pam Grassmick
â?¢ Discussion of Goals 4 & 5 â?? Don Tritsch
â?¢ Question/Answer period

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 9:36 pm
by AEW
What ever happened to the NRESC/NRETC? (Natural Resources and Eco Tourism Committee) I thought that was suppose to be the economic and environmental salvation for the Island? Are they still around? ... tation.pdf

Meeting Date and Time

Posted: Mon May 09, 2016 10:26 pm
by medic5740
I'm very sorry to have to miss this meeting. I am interested, but two days of notice is simply not enough when appointments are made month's in advance. Sorry, no recording and no live streaming of this meeting will take place.

Joe Moore


Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:03 am
by Rob Cole
It's always interesting when governmental bodies making decisions on deeply impacting things like land use policies for an entire region give short notice for public input. Almost makes one wonder if public input is the last thing the agencies in question want. Enjoy the way things look in the archipelago now. They're not likely to look that way after these plans are rubber-stamped by Lansing, Inc.

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:09 pm
by dtritsch
This process has been ongoing since the fall of 2014. This the the fifth meeting of the whole. I posted the notice as a reminder - the date has been on the calendar for weeks - a formal notice went out May 2 to nearly 100 people. The meeting is open to those who wish to make Beaver Island a better place.

Conference Call Number: 866-848-2216
Conference code: 8618024105 followed by the #.

Thanks, Don . . .

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 2:15 pm
by Wkohls
The Collaborative represents a remarkably open, transparent and inclusive process. Anyone is welcome to participate (provided that they are willing to buy into the process) and I would guess that 30+ people have attended (in person or by phone) each of the meetings.

I have commented on the Collaborativeâ??s efforts at numerous meetings of the Peaine Township board. I am cautiously optimistic that the process will continue to gain traction and I expect the results will become increasing apparent in the coming months/years.

The DNR should be commended for the disproportionate amount of time, energy and effort that they are expending on this process!

Iâ??m sorry that some of you were not aware of Wednesdayâ??s meeting and suggest that you contact Jennifer Kleitch at to be added to the email distribution list.

My issue

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 3:42 pm
by medic5740
My only issue is that, since I operate a news service, and since I have frequently recorded and live streamed video for many meetings at the community center, I am saddened by the fact that nothing was sent to me, and I had to read about this on the forum only a few days before it is to occur.

Openness is not what is being questioned. The actual advertisement and notice of the meeting seemed non-existent, except to a specific group of people, and not one of those members of the group made any contact with this news service.

I have medical appointments and did not have time to make any other arrangements, so it will not be covered by Beaver Island News on the 'Net. That's your loss, not mine.

It is unfortunate that excuses are more important that public relations regarding such an important event.

I posted "Conserving the Beaver Island Archipeloago" as a final report in March-April 2016. There was no notification of this meeting since January 2016 that was presented to me. So, unless you were on the list, you didn't get notified.

That's the issue.

Have a good meeting!

Joe Moore

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 8:45 pm
by AEW
Really what did happened to the NRESC/NRETC? That was a big group that must have had tons of meetings. It had a bunch of people from the mainland to come and "fix" the island. Where did they go? What did they do anything?

Also CMU has been on the Island for decades. One would think that every single flower, bug, birds, moss, tree, bush,reptile, crustacean, fish, amphibian, etc etc has been studied ad nauseam. All that data should be somewhere. Is the DNR or State employees just trying to spend money or actually fix a problem?

Department of redundancy department?

Just curious.