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Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 10:49 am
by Gillespie
More positive comments from the Supervisors wife.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 3:11 pm
by medic5740
I do have a few questions about vision for the future. I drove by the Bill Wagner Campground and noticed that there was no sign there. Bill put in a lot of effort on this island in many different areas including working for the DNR, farming, and helping get the Christian Church on a sound footing. Historically, he did a lot. Can we get this sign replaced with something equivalent to the previous sign? It points out his efforts, and it marks one of the important assets of Peaine Township.

Next, it appears that if you want to fish in Lake Michigan, even if you live down by Lake Geneserath, you have to drive and trailer your boat all the way up to St. James Township. Since I've been here for quite a few years, I know that this Wagner Campground launch area has also been a great Peaine Township asset up until everyone began ignoring the launch and let it get destroyed. What kind of improvements can we expect for this asset?

Also, there have been quite a few people interested in fishing some of the inland lakes, particularly Lake G and Fox Lake, yet there is no dock on either lake that is available for the public. This is yet another asset that needs some work.

The Beaver Head Lighthouse is slowly, but surely, deteriorating. This also is an amazing asset for Peaine Township. What can we expect from the township board to stop the deterioration and help begin the repairs of this asset?

I also understand that there was to be some primitive camping opportunity across Fox Lake. Is there any plan to accomplish anything with this asset? If so, where can that plan or any of these other plans be viewed?

As a former member of the Waste Management Committee, I find that there hasn't been a meeting in quite a long time. Since this is administered in Peaine Township, and since there haven't been any meetings, how are the bills being approved for payment? Where is the budget? Where is the long range plan? I can't find a single bit of information about the transfer station in over a year. When will this get back on track?

Lastly, the ability to find answers to questions seems to have been lost. Many items are hard to find. Several are posted, but cannot be found using a search engine like Google or Yahoo. If you ask a questions, people get mad at you. Why is that? If you disagree with them, they get mad at you. Why can't there be discussions without anger?

Now, on to whole island issues. Getting broadband Internet services seems to have been a priority. What happened to this? Some people could live and work here on the island, but can't accomplish the tasks needed to be done without better Internet.

A large portion of Peaine Township is without cell phone service. What is being done to get the corporations involved to improve this? It is an important asset that needs to be developed.

Instead of getting mad at each other over every little thing, perhaps we could put our heads together and start solving some of the serious problems that this island has, such as decreasing school population, downturn in the economy of the island, and many others.

It would seem that one twenty to thirty minute meeting per month isn't accomplishing any of these important things, so the questions is what are we all going to do to improve these situations?

Joe Moore

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 4:59 pm
by duffer
number one the airport issue is are they gonna open up a new lease or deal with kieth and rachel I do not know how that will be affected but also know of someone in particular who has always had issue with them, and its been good having both airports and airlines, god knows one wanted 125 round trip until competition came in, that alone would send people running,,, that cost, i was always taught in management classes if you don't like your competition get your game better, were lucky to have two airlines number two my friend i would bet richie is better read on the facts of township consolidation since it is his job every day and her serves on many twp and cities. cost is always more than figured he also says in dealing with charlevoix county which there has been issues before 2 twp have a bigger voice regardless of people in the town ships, as far as the island dying lets be real honest about that. i have lost tons of customers,,,, mostly retired people like the chabanoes the shellenbergs red rowley, one of the things most of those people had going for them…. they lived when getting a retirement was better, i see lots of people not getting retirements its truly a changing of the guards i could count 50 people easy that have passed away or sold because cost of living and health issues. i am still here and working to take care of those people still. all you have to do is see my kid working and realize we are a positive entity here, as i have applied for work here and not gotten jobs because of petty tyrants. I also know i have been around the block in other places not just around the island. my son started the simple life crew, it started here from ideas and suggestions and they seem to be able to work together something this island lacks. since a kid i have watched the infighting here… you wonder why i don't jump in feet first, because its been going on forever. and I TRY TO LIKE EVERYONE making it hard to make some choices because you either hurt one or the other. logic says i should get involved, i have never run a failed business and have always worked on the premiss of honesty and an open door. some one does not like what you did or said, i don't go back stab them, i was taught find out what went wrong go back try to make amends, thats how you keep people coming back! ITS that simple!

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 5:06 pm
by duffer
i also see the sign died at wagner camp ground…. want a new sign and a nice one, just ask I am pretty sure the simple life crew could do a killer job on a new one as a gift and to show support. i have offered to help on things when i first came, but never got calls. even when i asked. but some people like to have all the fame, I JUST WANT TO GET ALONG!

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 5:15 pm
by Gillespie
Thoughtful logical post Joe. Overlooking the big things and taking care of the mail and regular bills with no long range planning! Together we can do better, divided we will never progress, again, the county commissioner on the other side told me that repeatedly. But let's ignore that and stumble forward. Is that what people want? Those against consolidation never had a forum or question and answer session. Those for did, questions were answered. I talked to a lady today from Peaine who told me she was lobbied hard by one of the principals on a prior page from the oops email who told her taxes were going to skyrocket and other devious untrue things. It's very sad when people resort to that kind of thing. No other budget was ever presented ONLY a challenge to the one that was presented and not as if to help. It was more of a slam and I ain't playing thing by a township official. Again, did the Peaine Township Board authorize the supervisor to act against a public vote to consolidate? Really? The most shameful aspect of this heavy question plus the anti committee going around scaring unwitting people who deserve to be met in the middle. If this does fail it will be for all the wrong reasons and the questions you asked Joe will go unanswered and the short meetings will continue. That is what we will gain by staying divided. As my father used to say, "What can you do with small thinkers?"


Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Thu May 03, 2018 6:02 pm
by K.A. Pike
Richie writes - ""If this were anywhere near Eaton County or Lansing the state would have forced it long ago!",

Then Andy writes - "please provide the state laws that say that" and then she writes - "I will be looking forward to that state law getting posted on the forum."

I write - "in 2004 a new fire truck fell from the sky."

Then Andy writes - "I take it from this comment you are planning to donate an ambulance within the next year?"

I see a pattern here. Andy takes a statement and adds to it something that's not even in the first statement and then questions when she is going to get an answer to something that was never said.

Richie NEVER said it was a state law...Andy said it. I NEVER said anything about donating an ambulance...Andy said it.

Andy has lost touch with the truth and relies on adding to and twisting words to deceive

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:27 am
by James Bakker
Andy is not following the Biblical teachings that I believe in.

1 Timothy 2:11-14 ESV
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:56 am
by Wkohls
I dare you to say that to her face-to-face.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 12:03 pm
by carolburton
On this one I agree with you Bill.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:25 pm
by kateg
I have been following these posts, but never got such a chuckle as now. I dare any man to say the above to any woman these days!

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 9:34 pm
by islandliving
I am currently building a home for an attorney who specializes in city, towns, townships, government entities, land easements ect., he says if township consolidation passes he would love to do the legal work for it would pay for his 4000 sq. ft. house. He says $100,000.00 plus would be a good start to get all the legal work started to do the consolidation of the townships. I wonder if the attorney that quoted St. James Township has ever done a township consolidation? $20,000.00 can hardly get an attorney out of bed. There is absolutely no reason to consolidate the townships and no tax savings. All we are going to see is increases in the cost to live here. Taxes will go up guaranteed.


Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 10:02 pm
by Pam Grassmick
Hey John, why not give us the attorney's name? If this is his second or +++ home, he must be very expensive for government entities. Let's not hire that guy for any current or future work. Thanks for the information.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:05 pm
by Beaver Island Gardens
72 hours +to the polls. Can Island Living speak any word that resembles the naked truth. Your no longer the actual builder, your contracting with others. You don’t continuously live here. The Island simply put is too lean now to sustain many businesses. More like you come and go with the Islands currents . The lawyer you refer to has not been solicited in any legally binding fashion. Your being paid to do a job and you think you will be told anything other than what you want to hear? You harp on wanting facts adnauseum but sneer when anyone not in your corner of the ring presents. Your placing trust in an unretained lawyer? Like you would tv weather man? This same lawyer used to think perhaps that a certain air transportation company had angels wings. Until there was a falling out! Strip it down boys and all you’ve got is a dirty grudge match. Your rhetoric is boring. Change your attitude and dress for a classier future. Vote yes for consolidation or this same old story will circle around and bite you in the rear end again ,and again ,and again.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Fri May 04, 2018 11:52 pm
by Beaver Island Gardens
To you James Baker: You have not a clue what it takes to be real man. The Island Women on both sides of this fence would string you up and casturate you. If you actually have a pair we could divide them equally and be in agreement.

Re: Peaine Township Vision for the Future

Posted: Sat May 05, 2018 7:29 am
by islandliving
WOW Heidi, the truth sometimes hurts. Stop smoking what you grow and VOTE NO!!!!