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Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:01 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
okay Richie

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 8:15 pm
by islandliving
not anything; no single thing.
"I said nothing"
synonyms: not a thing, not anything, nil, zero, naught/nought; More
having no prospect of progress; of no value.
"he had a series of nothing jobs"

Ed this is the definition of what the petitioners and supporters have given us voters after months of asking and asking and asking. If you are into reading look back at the web site that Mr. Kohls and Mr. Gallagher have provided along with the amazing letter by the committee to save Peaine. The definition of that work would be â??somethingâ?￾ something for the voters to base their votes on. So far it all leads to a NO. Unless you can show us voters a reason to vote yes??
After all you are Ed Ykaded!!

John McCafferty

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:31 pm
by E C
I agree with you to vote YES on consolidation or every one will have nothing voters want to vote there personal logic and not be lead by the nose by some committee who will not even let them know their names
Andy you need to get over your obsession with Richie

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:38 pm
by islandliving
a movable model of a person or animal that is used in entertainment and is typically moved either by strings controlled from above or by a hand inside it.
synonyms: marionette; More
a person, party, or state under the control of another person, group, or power.
"he was little more than a puppet of his aides"

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:43 pm
by islandliving
Great info Ed. Keep it coming.

Posted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 9:59 pm
by E C
john you need to get better reading material than just a dictionary
voters do not be a puppet with a nameless committee pulling your strings to vote no
cut the strings and vote YES on consolidation

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:51 am
by islandliving
facts provided or learned about something or someone.
"a vital piece of information"
synonyms: details, particulars, facts, figures, statistics, data; More
what is conveyed or represented by a particular arrangement or sequence of things.
"genetically transmitted information"

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:16 am
by islandliving
not available or in short supply.
"adequate resources and funds are both sadly lacking at present"
(of a quality) missing or absent.
"there was something lacking in our marriage"
synonyms: absent, missing, nonexistent, unavailable
"proof was lacking"

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:08 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Richie I would be curious to know why you changed many of the post that were put under EC's name? The nastiness has been mostly removed. We know it has to be you as if it was anyone else it show at the bottom of each post when it had been edited but EC's doesn't have that. HMMMMM That is alright we know exactly what was said, maybe it shouldn't have been said to begin with if you feel you now need to remove it.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:37 pm
by Gillespie
Andy, tiring of your ranting and raving, I have nothing to do with EC and want nothing to do with all the crap you have been posting or Tracy or John or Ron or EC or whomever! This IS a privately owned entity and that is the bottom line, you have far exceeded courtesy extended to most people and have been very rude to many people. I have decided this is going to come to an end.

Very soon the proposed budget will be posted and two threads, one pro and one con and those on either side will stay on that side (copy and paste) or COMMENTS WILL BE DELETED! You and 3-4 others are responsible for over 500 posts in the last month or two and I (at least) have heard enough!

I also hear a Peaine top official has been telling people the sewer is failing and Peaine residents are only being asked in only to pay for the cost. BALONEY! It's one thing to state your case, it's another to shove fear into people when it's not true, shameful!

Enough is enough and it ended when you threatened legal action against a former moderator of this site. WTH! I have let things go to be fair and they got out of line. That stops today!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 1:57 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
First of all Richie I have not broken your rules on the forum so not sure what you problem is with that, many other have but you have done nothing.
Secondly I have not threatened legal action on ANYBODY I put in an official complaint because of how the moderator is handling this forum.

As for sewer I have no idea what you are talking about and really don't care

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 2:34 pm
by Wkohls
Reality check, please . . .

View the trash-talking posts under the name EC (on this thread as well as other threads.) No serious content; little more than a series of taunts and half-witted accusations of fake news, fake committees, etc. Clearly intended to bury other posts and mysteriously edited to remove the most egregious references.

And, Richie calls out my wife?

For what it's worth . . . the simple solution is to eliminate anonymous posts.

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:29 pm
by Gillespie
Bill, do you deny using the sewer in your comments? I notice you made no comment there. Many, of the posts I even bothered to read, seemed to be sarcastic responses to the hundreds of posts by GROWN ADULTS with their own minds who KNOW there is a lot of money to be saved by reducing the size of government all over this country and the world for that matter! To even suggest 600 people need two township boards, two planning commissions, two zba's, two assesors and two on and on's to operate the same body of assets is simply unrealistic unless you have something to lose (at least temporarily).

This place is dying under the weight of it's own malpractice of governance! I've witnessed it for at least 50 years! You all see it but you refuse to admit it. You'll take the last penny and spend it before returning it to the people who are overtaxed in spades here, our non homestead property owners! That's my two cents which certain of you won't agree but I've heard it all!

Here is the population of several of the townships in this county, they ALL have 5 member boards:
Hudson: 691
Melrose: 1403
Norwood: 723
Evangeline: 712
Wilson: 1964
Marion: 6757
Hayes: 4675
Chandler: 248
Bay: 1122
Peaine and St. James: 665

The smallest two townships of this group have two township boards? Why? Basically that's a complete board and all associated board for each 330 people! Wasting money? You tell me!

Many years ago this county had a board of supervisors and not a board of county commissioners which now is a board of 5. The board was each supervisor (15), each mayor and or village president. They never got anything done because they spent most of their time filling out the roster sheets! This was the way of the land back in the day when there was little communication, that hardly is the case anymore. Only on Beaver Island do we continue to piss money away in a backwards fashion! We should be standing uniquely together as one township.

Why did they originally start that way? Old english system of measurement. Townships were 36 square miles, why, communication! Thats why there were schools every 5 miles too, transportation! All that changed, even one township on this island was eliminated making Peaine the largest on the island. Why? They were wasting money on too few citizens! Interesting!

Why hasn't a budget been presented as yet? The wailing and caterwauling was so intense who would step into it? It's coming and soon. Thank God no sooner or you boo birds would have had that much more time to yell. There's still time to make an informed decision before May 8, lots of time!

I've heard comments on the sewer, something that was universally agreed should be there to protect our water, now it's a war cry from some people even in their 80's! We ALL use it, should we have not done it to protect our water? Anyone who comes to town and goes in the community center, the hall, the taverns use it but they don't want to be responsible. Nice.

Ferry dock, church, post office, marina, stores, bars, sidewalks, cemetery, hardware store, museum.....we all use them but some want that line there like it's going to protect them from-WHAT? This is one island and there should be one unit of government managing it and perhaps we should eventually have a island manager!

The budget that is being finalized has been painstakingly crafted to NOT exaggerate savings nor costs. In other words it's intended to be cautious so as to not overstate things. That said, I think the savings will be significantly greater.

Many of you invited the trash talk, let's leave it here. I own this forum and have and I'm not going to put up with it anymore. If you can't make a respectful comment don't bother. They will be removed and that goes for either side. It's time to move on in more ways than one!

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:38 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Since the homestead tax has to do with the schools and nothing to do with the consolidation please elaborate how consolidation would give money back to them. I don't understand why this was even brought up as part of the consolidation discussion it might mislead people. The homestead tax the townships have no say so in. Unless you know something I do not?

Posted: Tue Mar 27, 2018 3:55 pm
by Gillespie
Andy, I'm not elaborating on anything for you. You seem smart enough to figure it out! BUT, just for kicks, if our operational overhead and fixed costs go down, they call that a savings. It should, in good conscience, go to reducing taxpayers liability.