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Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:50 am
by Gillespie
A note to keep you all up to date. There is a lot of interest in this topic with many conversations being held. Make no mistake about it, there are very serious issues ongoing here. Those of us who have an interest in getting to the bottom of this want to be absolutely certain the facts are correct. The State Treasurers Office has been contacted by at least one party. This is not a mistake, there are big issues here. Stay tuned!

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:52 pm
by AEW
Tarra agus cleite ar na daoine truaillithe iad a rith amach an oileán

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:00 pm
by John Bolton
Was that quote taken from one of the township meeting minutes?
I mean, it is about as informative... meant for those in the know...

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:47 am
by lindawearn
It's Irish --"tar and feather the people passing ......the island" That's the best I can do.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:33 am
by E C
Google Translation:

Tar and feather the corrupt people running them off the island

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:56 pm
by AEW
Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, (from Greek: κλέπτης - kleptēs, "thief"[1] and κράτος - kratos, "power, rule",[2] hence "rule by thieves") is a form of political and government corruption where the government exists to increase the personal wealth and political power of its officials and the ruling class at the expense of the wider population, often with pretense of honest service.

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:24 pm
by John Bolton
You are describing the " Best Congress that money can buy"

and like in the national situation...locally, it is because the good citizens, historically, have not spent enough time in monitoring actual governance...Bread and Circuses

As an employer, I have found that only by constant vigilance can my company maintain is the nature of the beast. My employees want to do good, they have good intentions, however, without constant guidance they often fail to retain proficiency...

Vigilance is my job...
and it is our job as taxpayers...
Just sayin'....


Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:11 am
I think they are the instructors.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 1:04 pm
by Gillespie
This is a very serious matter! Information continues to be gathered and will become available soon. As was said previously, the information needs to be as complete as possible before publicizing. Does anyone think it strange that not one public official relating to this has stepped up to respond to even ONE of the questions posed? The supervisor (Bill Haggard) and new trustee (Kitty McNamara) would not be included in this as it goes back a long way. Very strange that no others have responded! Taxpayers this is your community too, you should be asking questions!

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2015 4:40 pm
by sbsp
Toil Pholaitiuil :!:


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:56 am
by sbsp
One or more SJT officials should grab the credit card and head for the educational conference, maybe learn how to properly use and document the charges. In the dead of winter it is the opportune time to attend an educational conference unless you believe you already know it all. I think the results of the audit showed otherwise. Too bad the auditors didn't make it mandatory for remedial purposes to have one or more members seek to learn the law through available township educational conferences. Maybe SJT will post on its website calendar who will be attending.
Don't hold your breath.


Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:16 pm
by E C
Too late. Conference over today.

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:29 pm
by John Bolton
Unfortunately, it seems the same few people here on the forum are holding water for the rest of the population. Over the years I have heard many, many off island landowners gripe about what is going on at the township level, yet, though, lurking, they may agree with this vocal minority, they are remaining strangely silent on these issues here on the forum.
Because of that, the Islander Fathers can then assume it is just this vocal minority, once again, griping about trivial matters...... and will continue to ignore this forum and possibly ignore doing the right thing altogether...

... and once again the voting minority will hold all the sway...

It is a sad truth that politicians, not matter what level of government cater to those who get them elected.. the rest, they merely tolerate.
In that light... I am not to hopeful in seeing any real changes on the island when it comes to non voting ( majority ) taxpayers having true representation ....

board meeting

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:47 pm
by duffer
I just hope people can put their egos aside and that thru diligence and patience. come to a conclusion that best fits the needs of all of island residence. no slight of hand for the future we hold is ours and our children's. thru this trial in the end heads should be clear books straight and a path to prosperity.

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2015 6:34 pm
by Gillespie
There have been no comments from the St. James Township auditor (even though they "promised" to have information back to the township the Friday after their special meeting on the 16th. of January. There have been no comments from the townships legal counsel nor have there been any comments from the special auditor hired to analyze the mess that the sewer finances are in. No apparent comments to the board or the public. In the meantime if you watch the video of the town board meeting this past week there are plenty of problems and a total lack of respect by some board members to others, particularly the chair. The treasurer announced additional spending on the fire hall even though members repeatedly stated there was no money to pay. He stated they were going to do it anyway, was there a board vote on this?

In the meantime the proposed budget for this coming year includes a 506 percent INCREASE in legal fees and an additional 7,500. in AUDIT EXPENSE. Do you know that the township pays for telephone and internet expense for the clerk and the treasurer? According to the budget YOU have/will spend 249% more than budgeted for last year. Are these costs apportioned or do we pay it all?? We pay these expenses for these people at our township offices!

A 2,000. battery charger was ordered with no prior notice or approval?

To Ms. McNamara's credit she is asking tough questions and being rebuffed unfairly. Kitty opened the meeting asking that the line, "All in all, the accountants stated the township is in good shape financially" from the minutes of special auditors meeting be stricken. She said this is not what the auditors stated nor is it a true statement. It was stricken.

There is a lot going on here that many of you should be questioning! Where are our auditor and attorney comments? More importantly, what is going on?