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Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:32 pm
by kathemeade

Great idea! Time to enjoy this beautiful weekend.

How blessed are we all to be able to do it on Beaver Island!


Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:46 pm
by bibabes+2
When I read these posts, my sadness turns to a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. There are some deep seeded feelings expressed here and I don't think either side understands the other. When terms like "Islander, Non Islander, Insider, Outsider" continue to be used in referring to someone, it most likely only increases the divisions between people and issues. It almost appears as if you weren't born on Beaver Island you don't have a right to say anything on any subject.
This may just be my naive observations.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:01 pm
by kathemeade

You are not reading the thread. You said: It almost appears . Why would you say something so insulting? You are not naive Cheryl, you are trying to stir the pot.

My comments were not in anyway implying that nor did it "almost appear" to be saying something so outrageous. My comment was simply that regardless of your "status" on the island (Should I clarify status? Status as in I live here year round, I am 3rd generation here, I own land here, I married a "local", etc. )is that if you live here and it is your home you are vested. It is a CHOICE to live here.

You can sit and judge in your home in Grand Rapids, but you do not know both sides of the story. Diane brings up a good point. Party Planner Girl has chosen to discuss her childrens "mistreatment" but there are two sides to every story. I would just hope that it would be discussed in private. Posting and accusing others on a public forum is not productive. Any issues that Party Planner has with anyone on the island should be addressed private.

Your stomach should turn...mine does.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:06 pm
by bibabes+2
Dear Kathe, Your last post supports my observations exactly.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:34 pm
by kathemeade

Dear Tina,
I am so sorry to read your post. I am even more saddened to hear you talk about your treatment by some people who live on Beaver Island. On the surface it seems such a nice place to visit and live but obviously there is a dark side to the island and the treatment of people who were not fortunate enough to be born there. Unfortunately it sounds like some long term residents think they are better than those who chose to move there. So sad to hear.
People in GR are sending you their love and support for the wonderful events that you have put on for the youth of the island.

So Cheryl,

Is this the observation that you feel you are so correct on. "Beaver Island has a dark side? On the surface it seems like a nice place... The treatment of people who were not fortunate enought to be born there..." Unfortunately it sounds like some long term residents think they are better than those who chose to move there...
See Cheryl these are all words that you used earlier in this thread, and they are insulting and one sided and making some pretty big statements about the people who live on this Island.

SHAME ON YOU. Yes, my stomach does turn, yes I am not local, no I was not born here and honestly I only know a handful of people on this island. But what I do know is what you described above is not what this island is about and the residents on this Island deserve better.


Beaver Island is a beautiful place with wonderful people who will welcome you.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:48 pm
by bibabes+2
Dear Kathe, You are exactly right. As a Non Islander and Outsider, I should not have the right to my opinion.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:27 pm
by kathemeade
bibabes+2 wrote:Dear Kathe, You are exactly right. As a Non Islander and Outsider, I should not have the right to my opinion.
At NO TIME did I ever say that "as a non-islander or an outsider...anything. Do not twist my words. When I used the outsider comment it was based on me...not you.

An opinion is one thing...attacking others character is another. You could of helped party planner girl in a positive way without attacking others.

To party Planner Girl: It is never fun to feel left out or hurt. I am so sorry you are feeling this way. My first post was to just give my experiences and observations.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:39 pm
by MarissaCrandall
Coming from a kid that is actually going to the current high school, I have had no problems. Not one other teenager has treated me with disrespect and not one other teenager has made me feel like an outsider. I know that you may think that the kids in the school were absolutely horrid to your daughter, but I have heard other wise. I am ONLY coming into this thread because you said that kids treated your daughter terribly, considering you were placing my brother and sister in law in the group of kids that were unfair to your daughter. You did not go to school and watch the teens interact with each other, nor did you hear both sides to every story. I apologize for you feeling as though you are being treated "unfairly" but don't label all of us "islanders" as rude individuals who hurt you. I know multiple people that barely know you enough to "hurt" you, so labeling them is offensive and rather childish. ALSO is it hurtful to say that kids changed your daughter. No one has the power to "CHANGE" someone, they change themselves. Living here my entire life I view myself as a "islander" and I love the people here. I always see smiling faces and hear friendly "hellos" from people. Which is not what you will find in most places you go. Enjoy the island, enjoy the people, because you will come to find that people other places are much more "harsh" and "hurtful" than the people on the island could ever be.

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:38 pm
by Hayseeder
did febuary come early?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 10:41 pm
by kathemeade
hayseeder: :shock:

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 5:43 am
by Party Plan Girl
Marissa, my apology, I did make a mistake in my earlier post. I said," the teens"... It was not all of the teens. Some of the teens were nice and some tried to be friends but some of their other friends did not want to see this happpen. She was treated better by some of the boys then some of the girls. She did participate in sports and tried to fit in, where she could, but she never truly felt accepted. She was always an avid reader and I thought she would do fine here. I was wrong. Only some of the kids were horrid. I never did label all of you "islanders" as rude and maybe, you might want to think of everyone that lives here, as "islanders." I never said that the kids changed my daughter. I meant that her behavior was changing because of how she was being treated. She began doing things that she should not have been doing. She was behaving like a different person and she was hurting inside. It is so important that we treat eachother well. Yes, people did barely know us and that is exactly why they should not have thought badly of us, or treated us badly, but some did. It is some of the same people, that still treat me badly and I don't understand why. I never did anything to cause this.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:28 am
by Party Plan Girl for the rest, this was intended to be a constructive post, and in some ways, it is. Some of you see, and know, some things as they truly are and some of you may never be given the opportunity to see and realize these types of things do go on. (YOU are probably better off) I did make it my CHOICE to avoid the stress and back away from the children's events and the fundraisers that would have kept them free for the community and free from asking for donations. (Some people seem to think that there isn't enough generosity to go around). My desire to do these events seemed to trigger some hostility, in our community, beginning, about four years ago, which has continued through today and I am tired of it. When I announced that I would be holding fundraisers, things became worse. We do have people that are very competitive, jealous and seem to feel a need to take their own inadequacies, (which are in their own minds) and frustrations out on me. (and, I'm sure, others) Some act as though I have topped or outdone them, in some way or another, (which is also in their own minds) when all I try to do is what makes me happy, and I do my best while doing what makes me happy. I have tried to confront some of them, to their faces, but they pretend to, not know what I am talking about and they act, completely, phony, to my face. There is a big problem with some people being two-faced, again, this goes on everywhere, but I am talking about here, and my personal experiences. I have always dealt with this kind of treatment, from some people, we all probably have but that does not make it acceptable behavior and it seem to be a way of coping. I think that it is very unfortunate. I also want to make it clear that I do make it my CHOICE, to stay away from these people, as much as possible. There is nothing I can do about the nasty looks, from some, and I am not misunderstanding anything! It is only some people, acting very immaturely. They should go home, look in the mirror and make the same faces so they can see what they look like.

I also want to make it clear that I do make it my CHOICE to surround myself by decent people who do care about others and they are very positive, helpful, kind and loving people.

...and I thank God that they are in my life!

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:21 am
by MarissaCrandall
As sorry as I am to say this, teens don't always get along. It doesn't mean that she didn't "fit in" it just simply means, they don't always get along, thats life. She will find that anywhere she went to school, that there were going to be certain girls and boys that do not get along with her. I hate to say this, but if you view so many people as "rude" on the island and that they give you dirty looks, then maybe you did, actually do something, because I don't really think they would give you looks for nothing. And a word of advice for you; instead of bringing this to the forum, a place that is suppose to be about news on the island that EVERYONE on here wants to know about it, it would be much more responsible to confront the people personally, and ask them why they act disrespectful, because I think you may be suprised that they may have answers for you. It just might help make people a whole lot more "friendly" towards you if you don't talk about the "islanders" in a bad way on a public website. I only know that I was offended at you saying that you seriously doubt the behavior has changed much, because like I said. I have always had friends here, I have tried my hardest never to disrespect the adults of the community, even if I did not completely agree with them. So I can't imagine that kids in the school made your daughter's time here terrible enough that she made the changes to herself because of how they "treated" her. I have heard some pretty rude things your daughter did, just to my family. So I can assure you it was not just her that had a the problem with others. Others, I'm guessing, probably had a problem with her. Oh and a quick question, wasn't this post suppose to be a "Help Wanted" add for your activities, not a "Blast From the Past" post?

I know I am only in high school, but I think anyone reading this thread will agree with me, those of us that look at this thread and thing that the argument is childish itself and that things in the past should be left there, that you should take my advice, and leave the personal problems of yours that EVERYONE can read about OFF of the Beaver Island Forum, and confront those people that have "hurt" you, directly, instead of "accidently" offending those of us that did nothing to you nor to your daughter. It would make things a lot more simple. And incase the problem shows, and you don't remember the names of them.. just remember you know their faces.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:27 am
by MarissaCrandall
Now lets all be mature here and forget all about this, move on, and Enjoy this Wonderful Labor Day Weekend.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:39 am
by kathemeade
Come out and support the runners this weekend!