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Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 7:31 am
by duffer
and carol god bless you for donating time i have for years my life being single and running a few business aces it tough, but i still help, i do remember a year ago you were packing to leave i don't know why but i am glad you stayed but welcome to beaver island i been coming since the very early 70,s and even for some locals its a love hate relationship, people think because i bought land out west i am moving? to funny the rumors i just made a wise investment and have reached that time in my life i can go enjoy two different places, since 2008 winter economy has sucked here so go have fun, and if you got projects give a buzz i am always ready to help as also the simple life gang which donated more time than any one single group, were here if people don't call then they don't get help, communication!

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 8:46 am
by carolburton
Kathe - I am nothing but sincere. We do not have enough helpers. It is the same people every single time. I can make a list. I suggest the BIA, PABI, the Baroque, BIMF, any event, the Chamber, the wildlife club, the waterways trail, the trails committee, Grant writing, and the list goes on. I encourage anyone to get involved. We can't keep doing it alone and expect to go anywhere faster than a snails pace. It tires people out and then they quit or move. We don't want that.

Duffy- Someday I would simply like you to explain how Peaine is under major development??? That is crazy talk. We also absolutely do not have enough people to support another store. What are you talking about? Totally unrealistic unless you have something in the works to double the population. We would just have another sad struggling business and there are enough of those. Have you been to the lakes or campground? They all need help. (This is not to be taken in a negative way because I think people are going to take action on these things now.) It is also nice that you are so proud of the Simple Life gang as are many others however these young men have hardly done more than any single group. They are in their 20's not to discredit what they have done but there are a lot of hard working folks that have been at it for years. Quit offering those boys up for grabs. Also I am not sure I have ever seen you concerned enough about a topic other than this forum to show up to a meeting or join a committee or a board. I think we would all like for you just to show up and get your hands in there. Quit talking about it and take some action. That is what we need action. Tons of stuff you could help with. The forum is always buzzing with things the island needs help with. Also we did consider leaving as every single resident has but instead we dug in, pitched in more, and are forging out what we can. We still may need to make changes to survive but that is what you do!

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 9:52 am
by meadefamily

I have been the recipient of those boys help twice. They are good young men. Personally I am glad to see a group of young men that are staying on the island, working and are quick to jump in.

I don't know who they all are now, but I do know a few years ago when our car broke down in town we were glad your son came to our rescue!

Living on the South end we have needed help with docks...those strong men are perfect for the task and always appreciate the work.

As far as townships go, both townships are vital to survival. One rural, one a town. I understand what you were saying about Peaine and it's contributions. There are many businesses in the township. Maybe not all brick and mortar...I don't think it is necessary to make a list, you get it! I don't think you can make them happy.. they want growth, say you are crazy talking when you suggest growth and then ask for a vision. Give a vision and you are asked to stop. So confusing!

Have a great summer!

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:35 pm
by duffer
i noticed the one picture jeff powers put up was made of birch barkā€¦. must have been the native americans,,,, what does yat ta hey mean? must mean good fishing?

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:40 pm
by duffer
carol look at where the building permits are granted, by far more land to develop in pieane than saint james, just look at permits for housing it is very obvious we are the place with they land the shore line and the space to grown you got to be kidding me you don't see that count the building permits and town ships

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 5:43 pm
by duffer
carol the simple life gang a bunch of kids have done 5 tomes what you have done, you put on a music fest, they cut trees they work with the walleye pond they cut fire wood for elderly they have cut trees off the road for people in need yeah right they are kids thats why they kick ass they have the energy,


Posted: Fri May 11, 2018 9:30 pm
by megsing3
This is all worth not replying to.

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 2:11 pm
by duffer
meg sing i agree some people are not aware of how much others donate time and resources. I apologize for my rant but as someone who has offered time equipment etc i am amazed at the lack of calls etc, I totally agree with carol it is time for people to put effort in i will say that both twp's need improvement it is not just peaine and i think jeff powers is way out of line thinking saint james has anything over peaine, were both needed and that attitude that ONLY saint james is growing etc is way off. lets move on! and carol give a call anytime you will find me more than willing to work with you!

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 3:52 pm
by sandpiper
Jeff: With all that Jeff Powers has brought to the Island, I would hesitate to criticize him. Lets drop the fight between the townships and work on increasing the viability of Beaver.

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 6:16 pm
by Dashwoode
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Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Sun May 13, 2018 11:37 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
No matter if you agree with Duffy or not, lets not try to be little him. He has a right to his feelings as you said people will NEVER forget how you made them feel. Much of this township crap was personal, not what was best for Beaver Island "IN my opinion", there isn't any point in getting into it now...... Many of us have brought much to this island not trying to take away from Jeff and we do it because we love the island. Maybe if more of us would work together instead of having personal agendas we would accomplish what needs to be done, just a thought......

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 5:33 am
by treehugger
Practice what you preach Andy. Your post was entirely unnecessary. Just going after Richie. To put it mildly you are acting like a jerk. Go back to you dogs.

On Donegal Bay Rd. "Is there a deadline date as I was thinking it was going to be before now, wasn't this started in the fall? Tourist season is coming........."

Maybe you should get busy on a decent boat launch on Fox Lake.

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 7:10 am
by Dashwoode
My post was a reminder to "sandpiper" that Mr. Powers may have done good things his words are more important. Grouping together a township of voters and saying they don't care is not a way to move forward. Mr. Powers contributions are no better or less than anyone else's. We all serve how God leads us to serve. Some are blessed with the ability to do more. Treehugger, you use your avatar name to hide behind your unkind words. Ms. Kohl uses her real name to defend this who are ridiculed. There are many Islanders that admire her courage and love for the island. She was put in a terrible situation and has every right to speak. Your attempts to belittle her are unwarranted. You and others have publically attacked her husband and her way of life. I have quietly observed this forum for a few years. Never commenting or becoming involved as I have witnessed the hatred displayed here. Perhaps it is time for Avatars to come forward to be the light in this dark space that hurts us Islanders. You avatars that expel your energy to hurt others need to remember your "hidden" identity does not hold you unaccountable.

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 11:05 am
by Dashwoode
Mr. Taylor,

My grandmother's favorite author.

Since Avatars are such a part of the culture here I could not think of a better one!
95978-Jane-Austen-Quote-I-was-quiet-but-I-was-not-blind.jpg (69.17 KiB) Viewed 1392 times

Re: And so it goes.......

Posted: Mon May 14, 2018 2:00 pm
by BI Pirate
I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw. :roll: :wink: :D