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Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:04 am
by meadefamily

Thank you for that great information. Impressive that St. James voted for one member. I have not seen that information yet!

Perhaps you could start a new thread of the progression of the consolidation efforts.

Thank you!!!

Kathe Meade

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:04 am
by sbsp
Joe - =D>

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:09 am
by Gillespie
Nicely done Joe!!

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:21 am
by Andy's Grooming Barn
So pretty much the same taxes would be collected but they will be collected differently, how with this make Beaver Island better? This is exactly what I have been asking is for somebody to please explain to me why this is a good thing. All I know is if taxes are levied the same amount as now once the consolidation goes through this would mean one township's taxes go down and the other goes up so how does this make Beaver Island better? Some say that a new board COULD lower taxes so that would be implying that their are less bills or an area to cut costs but all I keep hearing is maybe, could be, think positive...... You are correct we have two more months but that isn't much time to make such a big decision and a month has already passed with no facts coming out from the petitioners. When the petitioners made the discussion to put it on the ballot they must have had a reason other than it sounds like a good idea? Or at least I hope they did, all I am asking is for facts.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:36 am
by DonH
Andy: How about the fact that committees and elected positions have many more people to choose from if the townships are consolidated. It was always hard to fill important committee positions for both townships.

PS Kathe (fake name) You are not welcome to use my address, phone # or anything else. Pay attention to what I post and not where I live. Suffice to say I have been on BI for many more years that you have and also pay taxes.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:52 am
by Andy's Grooming Barn
If there were many committee to still be joined together I might see your point but other than the planning commission all of the others have already been joined. That is only the difference of 5 people I believe so I guess I do not see where combining two townships with all of the difficulties and cost that is will be will make that worth wild. Again I would love to see some facts that would say that if I pay more taxes Beaver Island would be better but I am just not seeing it.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 11:55 am
by Wkohls
Joe . . .

Thanks for your post, but readers may draw incorrect conclusions from your incomplete discussion.

In the most recent year, Peaine property owners contributed taxes totaling about $496,000 for shared operations while St. James property owners contributed approximately $380,000.

What youâ??re suggesting is that Peaine taxpayers contribute another $45,000 for shared services. (You also want Peaine taxpayers to cover a portion of the St. James general fund and road fund expenditures, but I will leave that discussion for another day.)

Note that the consolidation of the townships is not a prerequisite to resolving this perceived inequity. Not long ago, the Peaine board agreed to match the millage rate assessed by St. James to fund emergency medical services.

Based on your post, it is not unreasonable for Peaine voters/taxpayers to view consolidation a raid on the townshipâ??s finances accompanied by a loss of voter control.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 1:36 pm
by DonH
Andy: There are several more but we don't need to quibble over the number. BITA, Zoning boards, Planning, like you said and others that come and go on Beaver.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:22 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Don -
This being one of the benefits of consolidation that I have been hearing about, I really would like to know how many boards would be eliminated, if it is just one or two or a significate number. I feel this kind of information is important for people to know prior to making their vote. So hopefully the exact number comes out, I would like to see more facts come out to educate people and answer some of these questions, hopefully petitioners do that soon as there is a lot of information and a lot of questions.

I do know that BITA isn't an issue as it is a St. James board only so there is no doubling of boards there.

Now Zoning board, if I understand correctly and I am not for sure I do but there isn't a Zoning board but the planning commission handles zoning as well, so I am still only coming up with one board that is doubled, please correct me on any of this as I would like the correct information out to the people.

As for other boards that come and go I don't know but I would like to address what is here now.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:30 pm
by DonH
Andy: Any board in both township have been having trouble so I have mentioned those that might be in a single township. These are just off the top of my head. I am not trying to quibble over how many.
BI Municipal Dock, St. James Campground, Electors from both townships, Boards of Review from both townships, Boards of Appeal, Zoning and Planning as was mentioned before. Probably some I missed.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 2:39 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Well one of the reasons for consolidation is less boards (consolidation of boards if you would) not how many boards so I'm really not interested in how many boards as those positions will have to be filled whether we are one or two townships it doesn't change that so I guess I view that as irrelevant. I heard complaints of doubling up so lets see what there really is double of, I for one really want to know.

I am not aware of boards in Peaine township that are having a hard time getting filled but if people aren't willing to do the work I don't see how that would change by having one township as all of those positions would still be needing to be filled whether we are one or two townships.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:52 pm
by DonH
Andy: I will try and explain to you why it is relevant. If members are needed to fill two boards of review, under the two townships, it will take lets say 5 from each township (10 total). In a consolidated township it will take 5 from the same number of citizens as there are in the two separate townships. This means drawing only 5 from the total number will be easier and probably will have a better range of candidates. This isn't the only reason to combine, but just one the benefits.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 3:59 pm
by Andy's Grooming Barn
Thank you Don, I do understand my point is that I believe that most of the boards are already combined so I don't see this to be an issue and I think there are qualified people in both townships that have been currently doing a good job. Combining the one or two more boards that are not combined isn't worth the hassle or financing in my opinion. I don't know what the other reasons are and I hope somebody points them out as I think it is important for the voters to see the entire pictures to be able to make an educated vote come May.

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:18 pm
by islandliving
Why is it the strong supports against consolidation are negative people. Why are we made fun of and joked about. We are just fighting for what we think is right. Why is it that most strong supporters for consolidation have not been called negative. And my biggest question is why are most afraid to sign their names to there post. Are you embarrassed to be a supporter? Not proud of what you are saying? Are you fake? Fictitious? Not your words? I cannot understand why anyone would voice an opinion and not sign there name?? Explain??

John McCafferty

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:31 pm
by meadefamily
I have been asked to post my home address.

Because I use my name that process for you should be fairly easy. My husbands name is David and we live in Jackson, Michigan. With that information you should be able to locate us. If you are still struggling I would be more than happy to PM you or anyone that would like it. I believe it is also on the tax records available online.

Our address on the island does not receive mail. We don't have a box in town and have never received mail at the lake. I am sure if you look at the tax roll records you will see we have two tax ID parcels, and the complete address is listed there.


Since you addressed me personally, I can assure you I have no interest in "using" your personal information. Again, my "off the cuff" comment about your mailing address was because you took the liberty with my money when you asked me to just be positive, as you were sure the taxes would go down. My point was that was alot to ask of someone. People have the right to ask questions and ask for transparency and facts. Congratulations on being part of the island longer than me. Not sure how that is relevant...but kudos to you!!! I hope I have put your mind at ease.

In the event that you and your alter ego choose to mail me my award my favorite color is purple.

Now, back to the issue at hand. CONSOLIDATION...FACTS, FICTION and MAYHEM.