Courier Reports Charlevoix to Consider $1.00 Flight Tax

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Chamber of Commerce
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Courier Reports Charlevoix to Consider $1.00 Flight Tax

Post by Chamber of Commerce »

By Benjamin Gohs Courier Editor
Wednesday, February 4, 2009 1:13 PM EST

Charlevoix City Council managed to balance their proposed 2009-2010 budget during a work session last week.

A mix of cuts to various budget items in addition to a series of proposed fee increases allowed the cities fiscal fathers to eliminate what would have amounted to a nearly $90,000 deficit in the cities budget.

â??I think this puts us in a better position because we really donâ??t know whatâ??s going to happen this summer with revenues,â?￾ said city treasurer Rick Brandi.

While the budget will not be finalized until after the 7 p.m., Feb. 16 public hearing has been held and council votes on the final measure, following are cuts to the proposed expenditures:

â?¢ Drop from $15,000 to $5,000 for aerial photography;

â?¢ $2,000 reduction in spending on promotion;

â?¢ Remove funding for the historical district group for a total savings of $5,000;

â?¢ Reduction in number of lifeguards from nine to six for a savings of $12,000;

â?¢ $30,000 in contingency funds from the general budget.

City council increased potential revenue through the following measures:

â?¢ Raise parking ticket fees from $2 for basic infractions to $5 for basic infractions for an estimated revenue generation of $7,800 annually;

â?¢ Increase fees to place banners at each end of town to $25; nonprofits would still not be charged, but they would be required to obtain a permit;

â?¢ Airport parking fees would be increased from $2 to $3; and a passenger fee of $1 per flyer for an estimated revenue generation of $15,000.

â??I think the bottom line is they were able to end up $1,800 to the good rather than $87,500 to the negative,â?￾ Brandi said. â??So, I was very happy with that.â?￾

The next budget work session is scheduled for 5 p.m., Feb. 10 in council chambers, city hall.

The public hearing will occur at the previously stated date and time in the same location.
Frank Solle
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Post by Frank Solle »

Well, there's lots of options for us to shop, dine, or buy gas in places other than Charlevoix. Friends or family that visit here can easily do the same in Petoskey, TC, East Jordan, Gaylord, etc.

We should let these options be known to the Charlevoix City Council prior to the 16th.

Also, there was an informational sheet available at McDonough's today with phone numbers of government offices as well as businesses in Charlevoix you can call to express your displeasure with this taxing development.
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Post by AEW »

Why is it that I keep thinking about the Boston tea party and the Declaration of Independence these days....... Hey, lets suceed from the state...... But no cult leaders!!!!!! (that means you Ritchie)!!!!!
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Post by jflanagan »

Can anyone provide the email addresses of these "civil" servants???
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

Like the movie "The Mouse that Roared", after succession, Beaver Island could declare war on the USA, and then after losing, sign up for a new Marshall Plan
Richie may not be cult leader material, but he would make a great Peter Sellers :lol:
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Ben Franklin
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Post by BobTidmore »

Telephone Numbers

Shirley Roloff 547-6169

City Manager Rob Straebel
231-547-3270 (You may get a recorded message I left my comments and phone number)

Mayor Norman Boogie Carlson Jr. email:
James Young, City Attorney
FIRST WARD : Lyle Gennett & Dennis Kusina
SECOND WARD : Greg Stevens and Gabe Campbell
THIRD WARD : Shane Cole & Jill Picha

Weathervane 547-9955
Ace Hardware 547-6232 (a member of the City council works there)
Holiday Gas 547-4131
K-Mart 547-0915‎
Oleson's 547-6548‎
E-Z Mart Gas 547-9470‎
City Manager 547-3270
Central Drug 547-2424‎
Walgreens 547-1356
Rite Aide 347-8282‎
Stafford's Weathervane‎ Restaurant 547-4311‎
Terry's Place‎ 547-2799‎
Chamber of Commerce
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A letter to Charlevoix Officials

Post by Chamber of Commerce »

February 11, 2008

To: City Manager Rob Stebel, Mayor Noman Carlson, County Commissioner Shirley Roloff

From: Elaine West, Editor â?? NorthernIslander, Beaver Island, MI

Re: Proposed $1 fee for air passengers

The news of the City of Charlevoixâ??s budget proposal including a $1 per air passenger fee is hitting a raw nerve here on Beaver Island. In the current economic situation, keeping our tourist industry healthy should be a primary focus in budgetary decisions throughout the region.

To accomplish economic stability in the year ahead, our Island leaders have been laying the work to help the Island as whole through these challenging times. Some of these initiatives include: seeking island-wide internet and cell phone service, creation of promotional events to bring additional tourists to the island, and keeping in line passenger and freight rates â?? by both airlines and the Boat Company.

Charlevoix benefits from Beaver Island â?? from the tourists who stay at your hotels, eat at your restaurants, and shop your downtown prior to visiting our shores. Indeed, the Charlevoix Airport exists -- and the funds that allowed an improved terminal building and the parking lot came your way -- because of the number of air passengers going to and from Beaver Island.

Our Island property owners already support our municipal airport through millage. We donâ??t need and shouldnâ??t be forced to accept what amounts to an additional transportation tax on Islanders and tourists to balance your city budget.

I urge you to remove the $1 passenger fee from your proposed city budget.

Elaine West
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$1.00 tax

Post by JM »

What an excellent letter! Can you place a copy of it someplace so we can all sign it?
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Post by AEW »

Maybe Charlevoix County could do without a few employees, couldn't a Mayor be a city Manager of such a small town. ? County Commisioner? what the heck is that job about? Sounds to me like the Department of Redundency Department. Thin the political heard!!!!!!!!!!
De Oppresso Liber!!!!!!!!![/b]
Chamber of Commerce
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Post by Chamber of Commerce »

To: City Manager Rob Straebel, Mayor Norman Carlson, Charlevoix City Council

From: Steve West, Executive Director, Beaver Island Chamber of Commerce

Re: Taxation without representation / Proposed $1 passenger fee

As you know the City and airport benefit to the tune of about $1,000,000 annually from the federal government because commercial traffic to Beaver Island puts Charlevoix Airport over the 10,000 passengers mark. Further a couple of million more is poured in the Charlevoix economy by visitors traveling to and from Beaver Island.

Beaver Islanders support a Municipal Airport on the island with our tax dollars in the amount of $80,416 last year alone.

Islanders and visitors should not be forced to pay a transportation tax, without representation, to support your stated goal of balancing the city budget. The goal is outside FAA norms for the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) program.

You have many other options to consider. One wonders how Charlevoix businesses would react to a hotel tax of a buck or two a night. Perhaps, taking a cue from the state, an across the board pay cut for senior city officials would balance the budget.

On the national level it appears that both parties agree on at least one thing: Raising taxes during a recession is a bad idea.

Please remove this tax from the proposed city budget. Please include this as part of the official record of the 2-16-09 City Council meeting.

Best wishes from Beaver Island.

Steve West
(231) 448-2505
Last edited by Chamber of Commerce on Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BobTidmore »

I understand Nancy Tritsch will be attending the meeting.
I think this is the City Managers e-mail; it was on a reply I received to one I sent.

I think this is the Mayor of Charlevoix, Carlson

The airport manager
Matt Bailey Airport Manager

Other numbers from their web site.

First Ward â?? Dennis Kusina, Phone: (231) 547-4844
First Ward â?? Lyle Gennett, Phone: (231) 547-5598
Second Ward â?? Gabe Campbell, Phone: (231) 547-9739
Second Ward â?? Greg Stevens, Phone (231) 547-2517
Third Ward â?? Sherm Chamberlain, Phone: (231) 547-7046
Third Ward â?? Jill Picha, Phone: (231) 547-4169

Some good talking points are in the above letters but there are a couple of others that you might mention.
1. The airport is the only way off and on the island during the winter months and it is used extensively for island residents, especially seniors for medical visits and this would be an additional tax on their medical costs.
2. Also, donâ??t forget the additional $1.00 for parking, something that will be added to our bills when service personnel have to visit the island, something the mainland residents donâ??t have to pay.
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Post by JM »

I think both township supervisors should attend the meeting on February 16.
Chamber of Commerce
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Write a letter!

Post by Chamber of Commerce »

Please WRITE! The more the better! Info below.

Good Morning Mr. West:

Thank you for your e-mail on the proposed airport passenger enplanement fee. Your e-mail will be forwarded to City Council.

The City Council will be holding a public hearing on the proposed 2009-2010 budget on Monday February 16th at 7:00 p.m.

Linda Jo Weller, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager

City of Charlevoix

210 State Street, Charlevoix, Michigan 49720

231-547-3270 231-547-3617 FAX
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Post by kerriegillespie »

Interestingly, the largest proposed city tax increase involves that which the majority of Charlevoix residents won't be affected by, but ALL of Beaver Island residents will be affected by ----> increased airport parking rates and flying fees. Is the City Council adhering to the utility principle or the "out of sight, out of mind" principle? Maybe this could serve as a premature reminder, for the next election, of the consequences of not having a representative from Beaver Island in a respected, political position on the city council or board of commissioners.


Kerrie Gillespie
Kerrie Consuela Gillespie

"At the end of the day, who you are is completely up to you."
Chamber of Commerce
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Post by Chamber of Commerce »

Rob Straebel City Mgr, Mayor Carlson & City Council

Please remember phone calls are nice but letters are better. Please take a moment to write. Use anything you wish form the letters on page one in you own style / words. A BIG stack of emails WILL have an impact! An email to Straebel will be copied to the meeting packet for each "elected one." Deadline will likely be Monday 2-16 AM. Please write.

Best wishes,
"The Chamber Guy"
Last edited by Chamber of Commerce on Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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