BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

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Sour grapes
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by Sour grapes »

My apologies, I thought you were no longer on the Island. Please get involved again since you have such strong opinions and conspiracy theories.
K.D. McBride
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by K.D. McBride »

As you say: calm down...perhaps (you) didn't realize the issue? See The Scales Tilt Both Ways.
Thank you for amending your post above.
Kirk D. McBride
K.D. McBride
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by K.D. McBride »

In corresponding directly with BITA this is my understanding of what happened as of this time. When setting up the teleconference with the provider, BITA was never informed that there would be a second level code required and therefore posted the only code they were provided. Knowing that the public was most likely denied access, the recommendation of their attorney is to hold a special open meeting to rectify and ratify all actions taken by the board on the 14th in the absence of the public. A fair and correct procedure under the Open Meetings Act.

BITA informed me that at least one board member was denied access to the meeting by not knowing the unknown second level code. Through contact with the call provider he was able to gain access. My question yet to be resolved is if that board member encountered a denial to the meeting but then gained access through operator assistance, was that disclosed giving the board reason to believe there may be a problem with the public gaining access? Why would the meeting go forward or be continued reasonably knowing that the public might also be denied? BITA confirmed that they can not determine if anyone from the public was on the call.

My contacts with BITA have been very cooperative in resolving this issue for which I am grateful to them.
Kirk D. McBride
Sour grapes
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by Sour grapes »

You really need a hobby.

If they cooperate then why would you feel the need to blast it on the forum? All the extra questions and digging is ridiculous.
Seriously need to put your pot and stick away and stop being so negative all the time. Remember, people mess up, systems mess up. It doesn't always have to be an issue.
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by FishCamp » ... %20example.

Definition of sour grapes:

Sour grapes is the action of making something seem less important after finding out they can't have it.
An example of sour grapes is a man saying he didn't want to date a certain woman because she was dumb, after she decided to date someone else.

the act or an instance of disparaging something desirable, simply because one does not have it or cannot do it
Origin of sour grapes

from Aesop's fable in which the fox, after futile efforts to reach some grapes, scorns them as being sour

Idiomatic) A putting down or expression of disdain about something that one desires but cannot have.
I think his comments about that new car are just sour grapes because he can't afford it.
Sour grapes
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by Sour grapes »

Actually the history behind the "Sour Grapes" is just that! Thank You!! Sour Grapes represent the bitching and moaning from a few on here that are NEVER happy and bash others all the time. This thread is a great example!! Instead if calling and waiting for a response he comes on, throws out garbage and stirs the pot. I appreciate you elaborating! [-o< [-o< [-o< His last post is a perfect example. Compliment and then pounce. So much for that scale BS.
Sour grapes
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by Sour grapes »

Fish Camp since we are doing the whole definition of slang words I tought it would be fun to add yours. :-"

Noun - a place that isn't up to par, is dirty or just not right.

Verb - to harm someone or short them or otherwise cheat them.

Adjective - unclean, ill-fitting or just not right.
Mary's house is old and filthy. It's a real fishcamp.
Come on man, you know that dime is light... don't be fishcamping me!
If you're half done eating before your wife even sits down at the table, you are very fishcamp.
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by FishCamp »

Uh oh. I was just going off "deer camp".

And it is a venerable community in the mountains of California.,_California

I see your definitions at an urban slang dictionary.

Sorry if I offended any sensibilities on Beaver Island.

And there is a distinction between idiomatic and slang.
Sour grapes
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Re: BITA Open Meeting July 14th. Keep The Boat Running.

Post by Sour grapes »

No problem! Thanks for reminding the few who complain what Sour Grapes mean!

On a side note: Kudos to Ken Taylor for his new adventure in helping islanders! What a cool idea. In today's World we need more Ken's who are proactive and care about others!! =D>
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