Just A Thought

Open Discussion - for our Readers, Islanders, and Web Site Visitors alike. Discussion regarding any and all aspects of Beaver Island are welcome here. Also a place for general Beaver Island conversation and discussion.

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BI Pirate
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Just A Thought

Post by BI Pirate »

Beaver Island is one of a very few places in America that can monitor or control its own destiny regarding the virus. We are geographically isolated from the mainland. If coming to the island with the exception of a few private planes or boats, everyone must purchase a ticket. My thought or suggestion is encouraging or restricting who comes to the island until all is deemed safe with the control point being the ticket counter or reservations. At the ticket counters or in making a vehicle/flight reservation, if the person is unknown, ask if they are a property owner or traveling to provide a critical service. If they are not, inform them that the local government for protection of the island residents is asking that they not travel to the island until all is safe. This is for the island resident's health and safety as well as traveler's.
Down here there was a similar discussion of putting up control check points on the bridges to the keys. Sounds drastic but these are drastic times. Keep everyone safe!
:!: :idea: :!:
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by BradG »

Pam told me about a Maine island where some off islanders refused to self quarantine. The natives cut down a tree blocking them in their drive. Someone sent me a picture from WW2. A soldier carrying a donkey through a minefield so it wouldn’t set off a mine by accident killing people. The moral: Keep the jackasses who are too dumb to recognize the danger from hurting others. We really do need to take this seriously.
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by JFPowers »

Are you also going to restrict people leaving the island? Doctors in Northern Michigan made the following statement in a recent broadcast, " When you go into a grocery store of any size right now the virus is in the store, and you must take precautions with anything that you touch to prevent you from being infected there". So you must also restrict movement off the island as well.
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by BradG »

Yup! Works both ways. We really do need to take this seriously. No unnecessary travel, social distancing and I’m washing my hands until they’re chapped. Of course I did that anyway as part of my OCD, but now it’s a virtue.
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by meadefamily »

It is sad that people wont just stay in their home they are currently at and do their part to stop the spreading. I agree Jeff, going to grocery store is risky. The folks on BI have gotten it right. McDonoughs is so impressive with their service plan, as are other businesses on BI. We also would love to come to the island and retreat, but 100% agree with Brad and others on other thread post that coming here creates risk for the local EMS and medical staff as well. BI will be here for is all this summer. I beg other seasonal visitors to please be socially responsible and let the island continue to be a safe haven for the residents already there. . Ken also makes some great points. Us here in South East Michigan have a whole new perspective on this Virus. Most of us know a community member or family member that is infected. When I think about the devastation of families this could cause on the Island it is so concerning. Something that is so unnecessary if people would just stay away from Island, and also stay on Island if you are already there and not travel back and forth. For now we will stay here in South East Michigan and enjoy all the beautiful pictures you are all posting on Facebook! Looking forward to seeing our Island friends when this is over. God be with you all.
Andy's Grooming Barn
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

Well said from all of you!! Beaver Island is well protected just because of it's natural environment, If people respect that we can easily protect the community. Don't risk peoples's lives on the island just because you miss the island, your second home or or people you would like to see.....leave the people here that live here protected by the natural environment, don't jeopardize there safety now because you WANT to come here. Stay at your main homes and wait until it is safe to return to the island!
Andy Kohls
Andy's Grooming and Boarding Barn
BI Pirate
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Re: Just A Thought

Post by BI Pirate »

Good input and discussion, hope it leads to some action. An additional thought that I had was for the boat and airlines to purchase infrared digital thermometers that read from a distance when directed at the forehead. Many places are using them to monitor staff and others. If a passenger is exhibiting a temperature they are restricted from travel for their own safety and that of others.
:!: :idea: :!:
Posts: 91
Joined: Wed Nov 03, 2010 11:12 am

Re: Just A Thought

Post by pbona »

Hi Islanders,
We have been monitoring the responses from the Island agencies and services. Great Team work! When we first got back to Michigan from FL in mid March and self quarantined for 2 weeks, we discussed our Island return itinerary and quickly realized that in order to protect EVERYONE, it was foolish to attempt coming back before travel and distancing guidelines are eased. While this raised concerns about how well our homes survived the winter and high water, common sense quickly prevailed.

To return to the topic, here is my thought to facilitate VIRAL disinfection (which is different than bacterial). If they can be made available, UV-C bulbs in the 250nm light range can be used for large scale sterilization. This would allow continuous disinfection of packages, waiting rooms, passenger areas etc. anywhere visible light can penetrate. These lights are fluorescenct, usually not LED. In this range, UV-C is less dangerous to eyes and skin. As an alternative, halogen and mercury vapor light have anti-bacterial and to a lesser extent anti-viral effects, but with a broader range and much greater risk of eye and skin damage. They are all available commercially. These could be used when humans and animals are not present (i.e. they could be left on over night or after hours). I submit this as an adjunct to any procedures which may already be in effect. For those at home, aquarium sterilization kits could be used for small items like gloves, keys etc. None of these should replace hand washing, distancing or face masks. Sorry if any of this is redundant or in inappropriate for certain situations.
Gone Viral,
Pat B.
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