BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

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Sour grapes
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by Sour grapes »

I guess the old saying Damned if you do, damned if you don't could apply here. I am beginning to understand James crow comment The good old boys club rides again. I think we have a new name for your club.
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I dedicate this one to the crows club. :-" :-" [-X [-o< :roll: :roll: =D> =D>
Sour grapes
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by Sour grapes »

What is your end game? You single handedly got papers changed. Good for you. So is your post to declare victory, to gloat, to call them out or to thank them? No ignorance here, just call it like it is. You old crows just don't stop. Why can't you just leave them alone. You boys go from one thing to another. What's next?
Sour grapes
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by Sour grapes »

To help you with the confusion of the good old boys, aka old crows as James refers totootwo.

Good ol' boy or good old boy is an American English slang term : The phrase can often suggest a man with an anti-intellectual bias or some other intolerant viewpoint.

The phrase also can refer negatively to someone who engages in cronyism among men who have known each other for a long period of time. Collectively, these people are referred to as a good ol' boy network, or an old boys' club.
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by James »

Since my name was mentioned it looks like I need to jump in with my two cents. Bill, Larry, John and Jimmy would count as "good old boys" because of their "anti-intellectual bias or some other intolerant viewpoint" or "refer negatively to someone who engages in cronyism among men who have known each other for a long period of time." I guess we got off subject Ms. Sour Grapes.

I also found a great definition of old crows. I guess I was wrong.

The Association of Old Crows is an international professional organization specializing in electronic warfare, tactical information operations, and associated disciplines headquartered in Alexandria, Virginia. This nonprofit organization's mission is to "advocate the need for a strong defense capability emphasizing electronic warfare and information operations to government, industry, academia, and the public."[1]
Last edited by James on Thu Aug 23, 2018 7:41 am, edited 1 time in total.
K.A. Pike
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by K.A. Pike »

Kathe... I mean Sour grapes, good to see you've dusted off your dictionary.
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by meadefamily »


Nice try to drag me into your nonsense, but honestly I am too busy, too tired and beyond disgusted with this forum to be part of your games.

My only fight on this forum was when you and your mob went after specific people on the forum...

As far as this post and the last one that attempted to discredit a township board and then the health center I don't disagree that you "good ol boys" club are just doing the rounds again, going from one organization to another. Franlkly it is sad.

Your detective work is lacking. People can use writing styles and verbage to become anyone they want or anyone they want to be like. Ever heard of catfishing? Your obsession dragging me in is odd. This is the second time you have tried to drag me into your games.

A dear Beaver Island family lost a loved one unexpectedly. Let's have some respect and let them come to the forum without weeding through all of this nonsense.

Go focus on your own life...but leave mine alone.

Respectively yours

Kathe...just Kathe

PS...I face book friend requested you so you can see that I have a family, a life, sad times and good times. I have kids I love and parents I worry about. Maybe if I am humanized in your eyes you will see that this constant need to harrass others comes with consequences. And yes...I 100% agree with "sour grapes" when he/she called out James that harm does happen with these games.
K.A. Pike
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by K.A. Pike »

wow Kathe for being "too busy, too tired and beyond disgusted with this forum to be part of your games." You wrote quite a response.

I also saw that you weren't too busy or too tired to look me up and "friend" request me on FB.

Don't worry about the "friend" request on FB I marked it as spam. Do you really think I'm going to FB friend you. We all remember your FB fiasco with Ken Taylor on FB. For those of you just joining us, Miss Kathe, who is "too busy and too tired and disgusted with this forum" contacted family members of Ken Taylor on FB and "expressed your concern about his mental health" Good luck with that one Kathe, with that behavior you'd make for a great friend. . . NOT

It's really not a game, but if it was . . . you've proven you're a master at it.

oh, and one more thing. For one that scolds people for calling others names, I find it interesting you call people a "mob" and "good ol boys" You really are special. Since you're "too busy and too tired and beyond disgusted with this forum" I'll go now as we all know you've got to have the final word.
Sheri Timsak
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by Sheri Timsak »

I have only one thing to say to your comments about Kathe- she is a great friend!
Sheri Timsak
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by meadefamily »

Thanks Sheri I feel the same about you too!

Ken, that is not what my concerns were and we both know that. I am just thankful that you took down all the post that were so personal to your own life and the post that you brutually attacked others personally. You are correct, the "fiasco" served many purposes. I did send your niece a message encouraging her to read the forum post. If you were proud of your post I would think you would love your family reading your post. But...your post were quickly edited and you stopped. It was not the sensationalized story Kraig would like to make it.

Now if you boys are done circling my wagon that would be great!
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by medic5740 »

Can I ask a question here without getting beat up?

A corrected mistake has somehow made this into a verbal argument. Why is this? If someone made a mistake and someone else pointed it out, and then it gets corrected, how does this mean that anyone is being negative?

This is pretty much the same thing as the difference between "Can" and "May." You can tell the IRS that there is no relative on the board governing your 501C3, but, if this is not true, you may not do so. This is a simple mistake. No one did it on purpose, as far as I know. Someone pointed it out, and it got fixed. Enough said.

You can assign motives to anything, based upon your own opinion, and you can share that opinion. Does that mean that you are right? Maybe, but, maybe not. If I make a mistake, I am glad to get that mistake fixed, no matter who points it out, but the important thing is that the mistake needs to get fixed.

Can we please stop making up motives for others opinions? A mistake is a mistake, and fact is fact. The form is fixed. We all know that now because someone took the time to check.

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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by islandliving »

When you lose control and get defeated anger sets in.
Beaver Bump
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by Beaver Bump »

Lets all follow Ken's lead, he started this thread to give credit to the BIRHC on making sure their forms were corrected.

I would like to give credit to them as well, whenever I get my tail in a twist they are right there to straighten it out! What a great team we have of health providers! I personally don't know what I would do without them and respect them very much!

Makes me want to do the Beaver Bump!!!
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Re: BIRHC adjustment to their 990 IRS form

Post by islandliving »

less advanced in mental, physical, or social development than is usual for one's age.
very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"
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