Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

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Moderator: Gillespie

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Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Gillespie »

As mentioned previously I have filed to run for County Commissioner again. Beaver Island needs representation on the mainland which I have done for several terms in the past. We get nowhere generally without someone there to carry our torch. I made significant contributions on behalf of the island during these times and feel so strongly about it I decided to run again. We don't have to agree always in order for me to get this job but it is a great thing for the island. My efforts included big things like getting King's Highway paved (they wanted to delay it 5 years!) to things as simple as the water wagon that wets the road, small but a great thing when it's dry! With the upcoming effort to save the South End Lighthouse through the county to making applications for bicycle paths and so on a presence is needed! Anyone could comment on the tough nature of having bicycles everywhere in the tourist season (whom we need to survive!).

Our COA benefits have been cut in the past although our contribution remains the same and that also applies to the green bus service. For fifteen years, pre 1992 when I was first elected we paid for bus service and never had any until I was elected. To be clear, this isn't some ego trip for me, it's about getting something done for Beaver Island (and Charlevoix County). I believe that working together with the road commission and the county board along with the townships we can search for ways for more stable dust control on our roads such as a product that blends with the gravel and makes the surface somewhat impervious but short of paving. If we were to do some paving projects we need to be keenly connected to our mainland associates and to be sure we get our fair share of tax dollars back. Let's do this together. Beaver Island needs representation too!
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by stardust »

You got our vote
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Gillespie »

I was asked yesterday how I came to run for county commissioner in the 90's. It was 1991 in fact. I had called over to the county clerk to complain about the fact that we had been paying taxes on "Green Bus" transportation for 15 years and yet had no service on the island. The county clerk at the time told me there was nothing she could do about it and perhaps I should consider running for commissioner. Well, I did and amazingly I won. It wasn't too long after that we had Green Bus service on the island. The same person also asked me why anyone would vote for an off island candidate. That is a good question that I cannot answer. To be certain, the level of service including return of our tax dollars, parks revenue and much more need physical attention of someone island based. Very few can attend county meetings or committee meetings More the reason for local representation! I am well known on that side as a problem solver and unafraid to raise necessary questions. If you can't bear the though of voting for me fine, but please don't vote against Beaver Island by voting for a candidate who has essentially done nothing. We need better stewardship for our roads, bike paths, lighthouses, transit buses and Commission On Aging. As busy as I am I recognize the benefit to the island of having this representation which is why I keep going back! No one else has tried! When I went up to tell my father I had been elected commissioner in the Fall of 1991 he shook his head in disbelief and said, "Do you realize your the first off island elected official since King Strang?" Needless to say I said no but that tells a story in itself. Was I the first and only one to try? So, with that, please cast your vote for me August 7 in the primary election. If you can't see yourself voting for me don't vote against Beaver Island by voting for a mainland candidate who will do nothing for you! Vote Richard Gillespie, County Commissioner. THANK YOU! :D
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Magician »

Good work! I'll vote for you.
Hope Springs
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by RJC »

Beaver Island voters. Let's all pull together for the good of the island and elect Rich Gillespie as our county commissioner. During the terms he has served the county and the island he has always done a good job. King's Highway would not be done if he hadn't been there, not to mention the other things he listed in his announcement on this page. It's foolish to believe someone from the mainland would have the same interest in Beaver Island's needs as Rich does. Voting for a mainland candidate has the same effect as throwing your vote away. Like Rich's sign says, Beaver Island Needs Representation Too! Please vote for Rich August 7th! Roland J. Cull
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Gillespie »

Your vote today would be much appreciated! Vote for Richard Gillespie, vote for Beaver Islands best interests, thank you!
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Gillespie »

Well, we tried. Time to move on! Thanks to those who supported me!
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by BradG »

Too bad. Maybe if we all pulled together it would have happened. Now we're back to no useful representation at all.
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Gillespie »

Brad, I was called at least 25 times yesterday and either stopped or someone stopped by to offer their condolences. To each person I gave the same response. The 99 people on Beaver Island who voted for my opponent did not hurt me in the least, they hurt themselves and their community. They are too selfish and self serving to realize it. All this did was give the ONE PERSON who was willing to make the sacrifice on behalf of their community to take the time to go to the mainland and leave his business in the better interest of Beaver Island more time to run his business! My father said it best, "you can't win with small thinkers", exactly what these people are. The jokes on them and as a result, Beaver Island. Now we get nothing! My opponent has done nothing but oversee a decline in services WE PAY FOR. Now the tax money collected from island property and those UNABLE to vote will be spent on the mainland instead of our proportionate share. I am not hurt by this, our community is! Good job people, soak in it!
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Realtor »

The really sad part is if just a little over half of the 99 against votes on BI (51) had used their head and voted for the Island and not for personal reasons, we would have a local representative on the Charlevoix Board of Commissioners. Richie 482 and 481 for Nancy. Keep it up and your real estate values will continue to plunge. Charlevoix knew enough to back their local candidate. Wake up you nay sayers, others depend on a positive outcome, if yours doesn't, think of your 137 neighbors that want to improve the outlook.
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by charlevoix1 »

I have to disagree with Realtor. We had nearly 300 Charlevoix voters vote for a non Charlevoix person (BI) :cry: while 425 of us stood fast and voted for Nancy :D . We could not have won without those on Beaver that voted for Nancy =D> . For those 99 Beaver Island voters, thanks again for helping keep our County Commissioner on the Charlevoix side :lol: . Sorry Beaver :-({|= .
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by charlevoix1 »

Great point Sour Grapes. The Realtor was trying to point out what we always count on in Charlevoix. Beaver Island will go its on way and we in Charlevoix will benefit. Thanks again. I am glad Sour Grapes you liked my emojis.
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Realtor »

Sorry Sour Grapes. I was only trying to point out the stupidity of a few voters. Both townships provided Nancy with a majority vote in the over all count, so I am not blaming either township. And you Charlevoix1 need not get involved in our problems.
Sour grapes
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by Sour grapes »

Realtor [-X [-X [-X

One man's stupidity is another man's wisdom. Chew on that for awhile. ](*,)
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Re: Gillespie-Running for County Commissioner

Post by BradG »

It's a marvel that the Island is so adept at shooting ourselves in the foot. We keep doing it and not learning from our mistakes. Charlevoix is right that the mainland has no interest in us except to take advantage.
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