Thanks Bill

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K.A. Pike
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by K.A. Pike »

Kathe: I have to apologize to you for not understanding that my jerking you around had such an effect on you. I now understand that I drove you to think I was demented or having the first stages of dementia. This led you to actually try to contact my relatives on facebook, which I consider a no-no. I have since deleted my facebook account."

I was going to quietly sit back and watch this unfold until I read this. Kathe, You have got to be kidding me !!!!!! You actually tried to contact someone's family through, WOW. You have proven who needs help and and none of us are thinking it's Ken. You need to step away for a while, this place is actually hurting you. I've referred to you as the hall monitor in a previous post, but this unbelievable.
Andy's Grooming Barn
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

I guess who cares that she did that, if he was not saying anything that he was embarrassed about it shouldn't matter. You must admit some of Ken's comments are pretty out there, I would be concerned if my family member was saying some of the stuff he has, she doesn't know Ken but apparently this is just how he acts who knew? Even though Richie erased it, as he rightly should I copied what he said about Jean and Karen, why somebody would say stuff like that is beyond me and really out of line. Kathe can do as she wants, not like she broke any laws or said any lies, she was actually concerned because of his awful posts. Her own choice whether you like it or not it is her decision.
Andy Kohls
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by meadefamily »


No.worries, he edited his post so no one saw is concerning behavior. His true friends would be concerned about putting financial information on a public forum. They would reconize his rants and name calling is concerning.

Why must you continue to create drama? He said his peace. I said mine.
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by islandliving »

No worries Andy, I copy the posts...

K.A. Pike
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by K.A. Pike »

Andy wonders "who cares" ... do any of us expect any less from you.

Most of us are at the point where we can almost write the replies of Kathe, Andy, Bill, John and Tracey to any post on any topic.

Unlike Kathe who say's she not going to reply to a thread any longer and then continues again and again and again...I'm going to let one of the Fav Five have the final response to my comments on this thread.
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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by meadefamily »


Your last comments warrant a response, to clarify your embellishment. I did not call you demented. You are embellishing and twisting. I have never called you names or attacked you. Here is the reality.

You have displayed behavior on the forum that are incredibly concerning. You sir are the one that verbally attack others, call names and abuse beyond belief. Your last post is a fine example of that. I did not post things about you. I did not go on Facebook and post as you have implied. I sent a PRIVATE message via messenger to someone expressing concern over your post on the forum and asked them to read them to evaluate if there should be concern. Obviously they would know if that was just your normal behavior or new. You are fortunate I did not go back and send them the pages of UNEDITED post I have copied prior to you erasing and edited. ( the time you by name slammed the board members of the Heath center, or more recent when you attacked st. James past board members)

I have asked you to stop, as have others other than Andy and Tracey. When you started ranting about your need to give away your money and implied your net worth a red flag came up, as that is irrational behavior and dangerous on a public forum. I was sincere and still am sincerely worried about you and your need to behave the way you have.

Your "friends" that have encouraged this behavior should be ashamed of themselves. You enjoy this attention and behavior. That is evident with the need to create your own thread because, ( in your words, "you did not want Kathe to take the abuse alone".) my post that said I would not be engaging with you anymore was simply that I did not want to encourage your behavior either.

I have never belittled you, I have acknowledged your love for the island, your generous gifts and even agreed with some of your post. I have only asked that you stop the name calling and be kinder with your delivery.

I stand by my concern. Hopefully now someone that truly loves you is aware of your irrational post and behavior and is making sure you are okay. I have hard copies of every post that you have attacked me and others unedited if they would like to get a better picture of this. I hope that they laughed it off and said, " O, that is just Ken...he has been like this since he was a kid". If that is the case then so be it.

You openly admitted you took it too far. Yes Ken, you took it too far. Now please stop. Again, if you want to discuss this further please call me. I have posted my number many times. I stand by my concern and if that makes me the bad person so be it. I would not do anything different. I care about people and their well being. You displayed behavior that warranted concern. If you were my father or loved one I would be grateful that someone cared enough to reach out. Now please move on and stop attacking.

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Re: Ken Taylor

Post by islandliving »

Mr. Taylor,

I had never posted on the forum, except to advertise a sale or something, until some months back when you called the governing people of the BIRHC "a pack of rabid dogs". Yes, then I allowed myself to be drug down to your level in an attempt to stand up for some very hard working, outstanding, Beaver Island Citizens. I think Kathe had the right idea, contacting your relatives, I can only hope they are reading your posts, you do appear in need of intervention.

You seem to have a real problem with me being a "short timer" here on the island. Yet you also spew hate at the "old family names" so which is it? Seems like you just have a problem.

It does sound like you love the island and have done many good things. Hopefully you will be remembered for those actions and not your words on this forum.
BI Pirate
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by BI Pirate »

One has to go back to your page 1 of this thread to get your full tongue in cheek humor of "Thanks Bill" edits, very funny. :roll: :lol: :lol:
Andy's Grooming Barn
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by Andy's Grooming Barn »

Dickie being a smartass really doesn't help the tax payers to be able to make an informed decision, apparently you don't feel this is that important, Ken has shown his true colors but I really thought more of you.
Andy Kohls
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by BI Pirate »

Andy, Meant no harm nor Pro or Con on Consolidation. Just saw some humor in Ken's posts. Please forgive me if I offended. [-o< 8-[ [-o<
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by islandliving »

You must be funding more to Richie than just suing your own townships for him to allow your bullshit and completely mean post to people on the forum that he moderates. Don’t cut off the funding Taylor for at that point you will be nothing in some peoples eyes.

John McCafferty =D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>
Jimmy McCafferty
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by Jimmy McCafferty »

Everytime you post something Ken I am reminded of Madonna's saying "Never expect much more from a pig than a grunt". I have helped in the instruction of a martial arts class for 20 years. One of the biggest threats to the children I have taught is the bully threat to them. The angry voter comment I made earlier will defeat the consolidation issue. I estimate 70 per cent of Peaine voters will vote against consolidation. The training as a martial artist stresses humility and respect for all living things. I have a great feeling the consolidation issue will brings us together as one community without having to pay unnessary legal fees.
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by meadefamily »

Ken says,

"And if you Tracey, JImmy, John, Kathe and Andy don't like my so called bullying, insults, slander or whatever you call it, you can talk with my lawyer. He has lots of experience as he is partnered with Clarence Darrow and they worked together on the Scopes trial and they won't put up with any monkey business."

I believe the Scopes trial was in 1925. Monkey business is a book about the trial. This is 2018. Mr. Darrow was born in 1857 and died in 1938, he was 80.
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A now divided Island

Post by islandliving »

:?: :?:
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Re: Thanks Bill

Post by islandliving »

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