Township Consolidation Update

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Post by islandliving »

I am in agreement that the supporters of this will provide to the public the deciding factors that make them believe this consolidation is a good move for the improvement of the future of Beaver Island. I am hoping to see thing like the salary of a profession manager and how that extra position is funded. I would like to see the new proposed salaries of the newly elected officials. Being the Peaine Township Treasurer for awhile I know the workload for one township and I feel we are lucky to get people to do these jobs for what they are getting now. It is my opinion this will create full time township jobs where benefits will be paid and this will be additional extra cost to taxpayers. I am hoping to see the projected cost of the dissolving of the 2 townships and the cost of creating the new. Who will do this work? An attorney? Both townships own a lot on their own. Properties? Lots of time and money? Has anyone though of any of these cost? Do we vote on all this money to be spent? Does the new township take it out of the new general fund? I can see a lot of attorney hours taking place? $250.00 plus per hour? The Islands property taxes are extremely high and keep going up. I live in a pole barn on 17 acres and pay $6,000.00 a year 100% homestead. We are losing our retired part time residents quickly and more would leave if they could sell. More so we lose good people to the bullshit politics, bickering, and divided Island we have become. Very good people that pour money into our economy have left for these reasons. This township consolidation is that. There is no concrete reason how this will better the Island from the supporters of this proposal. I know the forum is not the place to look for answers. I will contact the Township supervisors to get meetings set with the supporters to get their plan as to how the consolidation will be a big improvement and justify all the cost to Island residents. Does anyone know if the petition turned into the county can be accessed by the public. I understand there was something on the agenda of tha last township meeting in Peaine but no good reason was stated of why the townships should combine.

John McCafferty
Pam Grassmick
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Post by Pam Grassmick »

There were six residents in the audience of Wednesday's Peaine Twp. meeting. I being one. No video taping from New on the Net. Bill Kohls read a statement from his phone from Pete Plastrik and it related to this clause that was mentioned on this posting.

Under the countyâ??s decision, each township may decide to also use the May 8 election to allow voters to elect at least one registered voter to the coordinating committee. (An
elected or appointed township officer or employee is not eligible to be a resident member of the coordinating committee.) Under state law, St. James may allow the election of up to two residents, because it had the larger population in the 2010 U.S. Census. Under the countyâ??s decision, each township must pass a resolution by February 13, 2018 if it wants to allow election of residents. Any resident who wants to be on the May 8 ballot must by February 7 submit to the relevant townshipâ??s clerk a qualifying petition signed by at least 15 registered voters in the same township.

The Peaine Twp. board did not make a decision and the course of action was that Bill Kohls was to approach Kitty to see what St. James Township was going to decide. It was noted by Carla Martin that a special meeting would need to be called if a registered voter was chosen since Peaine Township won't meet until after February 7th.
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Post by islandliving »

Thanks Pam for informing the process for being elected to the coordinating committee. My statement was I didnâ??t believe it was brought up to why the consolidation of the townships was a great idea and why? Again I know the forum is not the place for myself and many others to get the simple answers to the simple question being asked.

John McCafferty
Pam Grassmick
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Post by Pam Grassmick »

John, you are correct in believing that no discussion took place during the Peaine Township meeting as to why the consolidation of the townships was a great idea or why. The meeting lasted 30 minutes covering the agenda items and public comment.
Jimmy McCafferty
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Township consolidation

Post by Jimmy McCafferty »

I have given copies of the resolution for joining townships to the Library and hardware stores. Any information needed for this subject can be acquired from the County Clerk and from either township clerk here on the Island.

I have been pursuing information on this subject and due to my frequent visits to Charlevoix have been in contact with the county clerk office. Would like to extend my gratitude to them for all the information they have given me. Have also had the opportunity to discuss this matter with the county clerk and our commissioner. Would like to publicly thank them for their insights on this and other Island matters. If you are truly concerned about the welfare of the Island you have to get involved as I have. Have been at every Peaine Township meeting since I moved here in August.
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Post by islandliving »

I am not seeing a single supporter of the proposal to consolidate coming forward to say they are in support other than Kurk McBride. Bill Markey on the fence. I would think the circulators of the petition might have some input but I think they have no comments because their petition was circulated and signed with little or no research. If a resident tax payer thinks this is a money saving proposal, wrong. Way wrong. The circulators and petition signers have nothing. It's a good idea? Ok show us why. Most township services are already combined. EMS, Airport, Tranfer Station , Fire, ect. Consolidation will be a very extensive and for sure a very expensive undertaking. Should the Island spend a whole lot of money, time, and energy on something so major that a few people think is a good idea? The good idea needs a lot looking into? I will personally ask John Feigan and Angela Welke the opportunity to show us something to support the consolidation. Please show us taxpayers the good in this. Please show us the tax savings in our future. Please show us why we should spend unknown amounts of money to consolidate our townships. I would think you Angela Welke that started this post with the progress report would give us some kind of explainiation of why this is a good idea. John Feigan let's hear from you as well. Just support your reasons to the many confused taxpayers that you are looking to vote on and support your proposal. I am not seeing the greatness in this plan as was not even asked to sign the petition. As a matter of fact I did not know there was a petition to be signed concerning this proposal. Put it out there people. Anything is better than nothing. Tell us why, we the residents of Beaver Island, tax paying, residents and part time residents, will benefit from the consolidation of the townships. Supporters of this please tell us why???????? Thank you if you respond!!!!

John McCafferty
Eric Naranjo
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Post by Eric Naranjo »

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Post by wmarkey »

This is perhaps part of the reason I don't post on this forum very often but I am glad at least that you have acknowledged that I have spoken up even though it seems you might not have completely understood what I have said. I believe I have stated valid reasons that support unification and if you or others could reread what I wrote on the previous page maybe you could consider a rebuttal to what I wrote. On top of that I would like to add a question, with respect because we are all in the same boat and you are one of the best we got, but how will the status quo REDUCE your TAXES or anybody else's taxes be they islander, new islander, summer resident, or retiree. If something has to change to make that happen wouldn't smaller more efficient government be a large part of that change.
p.s. Making it cheaper in the long run should and could be accomplished
Last edited by wmarkey on Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:05 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Post by wmarkey »

Then there are contras or a downside to unification; The pricetag of unification of government and its restructuring, foreseen and unforeseen, could take too long to recover and make it not worthwhile, the priorities of one township area could be neglected in favor of the other, completing the planning for unification could be somewhat rushed to meet the 2018 election, the loss of government jobs might reduce some households standard of living (I would definitely miss it) and the subsequent loss of double government spending on the Island could hurt the Island economy.
Well the people will decide
Last edited by wmarkey on Sun Jan 14, 2018 10:07 am, edited 1 time in total.
"Our problems are man-made,
therefore they can be solved by man."
Eric Naranjo
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how do we get there?

Post by Eric Naranjo »

First of all I will clarify my applause to what Mr. Mcafferty has stated. I find it odd that an entity would suggest something to the public without stating how or why it should be offered. That is to say, what prompted this consolidation idea at this particular point in time?

Second, I realize I am out of the loop and all, however I do not know of one person on B.I. who has seen the petition that was supposedly circulated. (Maybe it received so many signatures so quick that they did not need for many to see it.)

Next, I would like to hear sound argument for consolidation from those who brought about the petition.

and last but not least, On the surface a single township with unified board members from across the island would be sweet. I think it would pass if the right people could gave us the appropriate feedback on just exactly how we would get there.

Just a few thoughts, I hope more people like Mr. Markey step up to the mike. It is important for anonymous forum viewers to understand that there are many concerned citizens that want to take action and are waiting for the right time.

Any way you look at it, B.I. is going through a transition period! I am being told it is up to the voters to decide?

I am on the fence as well! It sounds like a great idea (like our current health care system in America) I just don't want to see any half baked plans thrust onto an island that has enough on it's plate at this moment. E. 8)
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Post by islandliving »

Isnâ??t it strange that a lot of people we know were not asked to sign the petition and isnâ??t it strange that a lot of us didnâ??t even know about the petition or the whole idea of consolidating the Townships. Do you think something this major should have been brought into the publicâ??s eyes in every way possible before it got this far along. Something that will impact everyone but hardly anyone was informed about. Sounds like someone is trying to sneak something through in my opinion. This should not be on the ballot at all and surely not on the ballot as early as May. I have not heard yet from anyone why this is a good idea because it is not. It will be extremely expensive to get done, one township will be more expensive to run after the recovery of the expense of the merger. Property taxes will for sure go up in Peaine Township. One Government running the whole island is a horrible idea. i will say it again if you want people removed from office and you want to make a change than get people together with similar objectives, get your people on the ballot, and get on the board and do something. Changing the government to thin the crowd to get a head start is rediculos. Especially at the cost of the tax paying citizen.

John McCafferty
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Why right now...

Post by islandliving »

We have many new faces, on both township boards...elected officials. These people thought enough about the island to spend their own time and money, to get elected. I assume, because they WANTED these jobs, and we're elected by a popular vote.

Now after only a few months on the job we want to say, oh never mind that other election, we are going to have a new election, and hopefully put our, family, friends and neighbors out of a job??? Why not wait for the current terms to be up?? What is the agenda here??? Rant over....Tracey
K.A. Pike
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Post by K.A. Pike »

John McCaffety writes:

"i will say it again if you want people removed from office and you want to make a change than get people together with similar objectives, get your people on the ballot, and get on the board and do something."

It sounds like that's exactly what's happening. Some people got together with similar objectives and they are doing something.
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Post by islandliving »

Yes Mr. Pike they are doing something. They canâ??t get in the way that everyone else gets in by campaigning and getting voted in so they are trying other alternatives. Sad we will have to pay for it.

John McCafferty
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