Veterinary Radiology Services

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BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Doc, I usually slip over there toward the end of summer and buy a raffle ticket. This year I'm now rethinking that contribution. Instead I'm going to give you the $100 for x-ray equipment. What would I do with a car on Whiskey Island anyway? :roll:
You are the epitome of professional medical services on the island along with Joe Moore. Don't let trite thinkers and doers get you down, keep up your outstanding service to Beaver Island. You both have lots of people backing you for all the right reasons. =D>
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Joined: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:51 pm

Post by johnjohn »

What about the pirate and the rest of the cowards. Apparently your friends that post under aliases that you agree with don't count. You are a coward that goes by your rules and when the post isn't to your satisfaction you delete them
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Post by meadefamily »


You have our support as well. We have not had to bring our dog to you for services during our summer months on the island, but knowing you are there is tremendous peace of mind if we had an emergency. We did however call you once when our five pound maltipoo was bit by a snake and we did not know what to returned our call with in the hour, you were off the island and still took the time to see what we needed. You even offered to see him the next day when you returned in the evening if I felt he needed to be seen.

It occurred to me tonight reading the post on this thread that our peace of mind certainly does not pay your bills. We all deserve to make a living without apology.

I don't fully understand the reasoning behind the health centers new policy, and find it disappointing that the decision makers can not see the errors of this. I would imagine that if it was their animals they would want the services.

I could not imagine explaining to my eight year old that her best friend had to perish because the vet could not treat her doggy.

With all that said, we also would like to assist in helping donate to offset this expense. You being on this island is an important part of our lives here in the summers. Perhaps a go fund me site would be a great way to get this rolling...

Thank you for all you do...and on a side note, the hardware store is also a big part of our summers. Dave is grateful for you on those days of never ending summer projects and he needs this tool, that screw or this widget. Abbey is grateful for the night crawlers so she can fish, and I am grateful for them having projects and fishing so I can read a good book!!!
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Joined: Tue Jun 17, 2014 7:35 pm

Post by meadefamily »

Last edited by meadefamily on Mon Mar 19, 2018 8:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
pam moxham
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:05 pm

Post by pam moxham »

jeff, I like MANY others don't understand why you can no longer utilize the xray equipment at the Health Centre ,especially when it is non regular hours.

Was there a reason given?

Is it a privacy issue? Unsupervised you will xray fluffy or spot...then sneak down hall break into the (locked ) records office and read files?

Is it a cleanliness issue? Do you trash the x ray room and leave it a mess?

Perhaps it is abuse of the equipment? The xray is used so often during regular work hours every work day it needs a downtime?

Fnancial issue? The RHC loses money every time the equipment is used....they are never re pocket oodles of money from each THAT the issue?

The access code on the back door ( to the BI RHC ) was changed recently.I was told they "ccouldn't give it out to ANYONE " and "it would all blow over in a few weeks ".As a member of BI EMS we had access as this was for Pt care. If the Pt wasn't flown off ... we would be there AFTER HOURS...have Pt inside ready to be seen by the health care provider often before the provider was there.

Miraculously , at the Emergency Services Authourity mtg the next day when I asked about the access code . I was told it was now available.

Perhaps the BI RHC board would /could reverse their decision ? Make xray equipment available for you to resume using?

If you needed to be there afterhours and needed supervision..I am willing to meet you there etc..If the board approves of course.

For many of us living the dream on BI our pets ARE our family...In the Pollyanna world I'd like to believe in....we will help each other as a community...utilize resources as a community.Do we really need TWO xray machines on BI?

What an amazing Public Service it would be if the BI RHC could add to their list of care...we work with Dr Powers to ensure good health for ALL our family members including pets.Perhaps , miraculously again , this has all blown over and you can use the equipment.
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Post by JFPowers »

I only use the digital developer and the concern is HIPPA violations since the BIRHC interpreted the survey results that they need to "tighten things up" as to preclude these type of violations.

As for leaving the place a mess, I use my own equipment plates and X Ray machine to take the actual X Ray, in rare cases I have used the machine, when my machine was down, or as the case last summer, when I took over the East Jordan practice of the recently deceased Dr. John Richter, my main unit was needed over there.

A funny story~
I have gotten in trouble before years ago in the old facility, I was wrestling Bob Banvilles dog 'Barney" a tough spirited Chesapeake Bay Retriever who was having cardiac issues. We left some dog hairs on the table and it caused quite a stir....... I apologized and made sure that never happened again.

Probably because Barney never was very easy to handle, one day I called Bob, he was away but barney was at home, I needed to drop off medication for Barney, Bob told me "Ahh, just go in the trailer and put it on the table, He won't bother you"..... Well what happened was I soon found my leg in the grasp of a growling 90 pound Chesapeake Bay Retriever who was now between me and the Exit.... :shock: It was a tense moment, and Bob of course thought the whole thing was comedic :lol:
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Post by BobTidmore »

Access to the building should be part of a board-approved policy manual. Was this based on an interpretation of an unscientific poll conducted over the Internet? Was this a board decision or did a staff or board member wing it without board approval?
James Bakker
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Post by James Bakker »

I see JohnJohn is lurking around. I will pray for him to be civil.
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Post by CoastieGuy »

I can't let the BI Pirate go it alone. I will also send my $100 that was going for the car this year. I haven't had any luck anyways. I guess the rust bucket has to wait another year to be replaced. Don't want a newer car until the road grader does it's work.
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

Under the guise of defending the defenseless,
First, I want to know who this anonymous,"John-John" thinks he is ...??
As historically on this forum, it was my personal domain to call out the old Pirate for not revealing his/her identity, making questionable claims and being particularly adverse to truthyness. I am aghast that this interloper would dare tread such hallowed ground.(':x')

When, last year I discovered who the Pirate was and offered to reveal his/her identity if a good cause was shown or a charity funded...
the Island response was, "He is an a###ole... but he/she is our a###ole", therefore I dropped the idea.
Now, along comes this guy who dares to call the BIP a coward... and everyone else who is going nameless on the forum. Well, tough apples Mr. John-John...
You are going against the stream here and wasting your time and importantly to me (it IS all about me, right?) infringing on my domain as the person who complains about anonymous forum postings...

And what does this have to do with the situation with Dr. Powers and the Xray fiasco? Nothing.
Except.... that once the problem was presented to the public here (I didn't notice if the C of C sister forum ran this article, ?) Things changed....and transparency prevails, once again...

Last, I, too, offer to spend my annual $100. lottery ticket towards the community goal of keeping folks' animals having access to quality medical care.
John- John... take a hike...

and you, my BIP buddy... I still, "Hate you the worst" :D
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
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