NEWS - Beaver Island Community Message Board

Open Discussion - for our Readers, Islanders, and Web Site Visitors alike. Discussion regarding any and all aspects of Beaver Island are welcome here. Also a place for general Beaver Island conversation and discussion.

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Post by sbsp »

What I don't understand in stepping back and looking at the big picture is why when Beaver Island is in the grips of a death spiral for economic survival, the Chamber (Director, Board and Members) fiddle with a forum while Rome burns?

Rachel Teague
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Beaver Island Community Message Board

Post by Rachel Teague »

The Beaver Island Chamber of Commerce Community Message Board is not a replacement for the privately held forum but instead is another venue for members of the community to post events and helpful information for those visiting the Island. It is generally understood that a message board is a place for postings such as events or specials while a forum is a place intended for discussion. As we said in our Guiding Principals, â??The World Wide Web is huge. There is room for just about any post somewhere.â?￾ We have no desire to exclude anyone. Our hope is to be helpful and inclusive. Yes it is our job as the Beaver Island Chamber to highlight the positive attributes of Beaver Island community for the world to see and our website is a great tool to do just that. Since we are not a political organization we have asked that political discussion be held in other more suitable venues. This request has been positively received by our membership and community. There are many social media platforms for people or businesses to relay information such as Facebook, Twitter, Google +, and Instagram to name just a few and just as there is a place for each one of these different platforms the Chamber board feels there is a place for our community minded message board. It is good to have a choice in matters of expression and anyone can freely exercise theirs to either participate or not in our message board but we just ask that topics are in keeping with the published intent of this message board. With regards to moderation of this message board that will be done by the Beaver Island Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors with a subcommittee handling the day to day activities but if moderation has to be enacted then that will be done by committee so that it is thoroughly reviewed prior to action. We look forward to unveiling our Beaver Island Community Message Board very soon and believe that this will be a beneficial addition to our community. So please stay tuned!

Rachel Teague
Beaver Island Chamber of Commerce President
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Post by KaylynJ »

As much as I hate to admit it, tourism is an important part of Beaver Island and its sustainability. Believe me, I wish I could be living in the days of my grandparents and great-grandparents where they were surrounded more by loving family that came with their ancestors from Ireland than troublemaking strangers, but that simply isn't the case anymore. The "death spiral for economic survival" is a black eye on this island and it's even reaching into the papers on the mainland. What's wrong with putting your best foot forward and providing a forum where such negative light isn't allowed?

It's reasonable to question why the Chamber is interested in establishing a new forum in a time like this, but it is also reasonable to ask "why not?" Let them have their forum. How does it hurt you? This one isn't going anywhere.
Kaylyn Jones
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Post by James23 »

As a troublemaking stranger, I love the idea of the Chamber of Commerce message board.

While I'm sympathetic to the political issues of the full and part-time residents, a place to go to simply find out where to rent a kayak, or find a good home to rent for a week or two, would be a great benefit. I'd also be interested in any current promotions by local businesses, restaurant specials for a given day or week, etc.

Or once and for all, find the way to get to Greene's Bay that doesn't involve trampling over private property. :)

Many of these things are already out there somewhere else on the web, but it's reassuring to have a personal response on a message board.

Conversely, we like all the troublemaking strangers we can get in my town. You're welcome to come to Chicago any time!
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Post by KaylynJ »

Spent 14 years of my life in Chicago, lovely city.
Kaylyn Jones
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Location: Beaver Island, Kalamazoo, Fripp Island, SC

Post by sbsp »

No argument from me that tourism is an important part of Beaver Island and its sustainability. It's good to keep in mind that many of us were and still are the summer tourist who have driven the Island economy for your grandparents, great grandparents and now many of you who live on the Island year around. We are not troublemaking strangers. We have invested heavily in the economy and pay a substantial tax rate. To drive us off the Island I believe would be a big mistake. Up to you.
James23, I like your attitude. My concern about the Chamber's forum is that resources both in people and dollars might be better spent directly on tourism and attracting it to the Island. I'm not convinced that a new forum will accomplish that outcome. As far as finding your way to Green's Bay, contacting the Chamber by phone, e-mail or in person should accomplish that along with any other questions tourists, visitors or residents may have regarding the Island. I am being sincere in making that statement. I believe the Chamber is there to serve its members and everyone coming or who might come to the Island.
As my learned friend says, IMHO.

Last edited by sbsp on Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by BMcCaw »

Great question; what IS the best way to Greene's Bay without crossing private property? Without a boat or a bullhorn for replies...
Brendan McCaw
John Bolton
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Post by John Bolton »

I have always tried to be courtious on this forum. I have asked the question whether or not that the new forum is the best way to spend Chamber time and energies. I have no control of what the local board decides to do. Free country.
I'm not sure if I am being labeled a trouble making stranger or not.
Not sure who you are referring to.
I have only been a property owner for about forty some years.
But I will say this:
A review of the posts on some of the controversial entries show me
That the majority of "negative" and harsh comments are coming largely from you "Homies" (check it out)
Though I do not always agree with Kirk, he is spot on about who
has been holding their end of the economic bargain over the last few generations ( at least since the fishing ran out)
As far as the "Black Eye" you are referring to, please remember it wasn't any trouble making stranger who gave it to this island
Those who say we need more " happy talk" out of one side of their mouth while bad mouthing their Island neighbors for trying to be involved and concerned, ought to take a long look into the mirror... And not the one that answers to " Who is the fairest in the land?
So, which post would be struck down? The one that negatively labeled neighbors TMS or my defense of my questions?
Good Luck to the new forums administrators......
If we do not all hang together,
we will all hang separately,
Ben Franklin
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Post by megsing3 »

Chamber, best of luck!

But are you worried that nick-naming your forum "the board" will curse it?

Hopefully you will find creative ways to answer questions - other than directing visitors to the chamber website! LOL
Will you still participate in this so well established and fun Beacon Forum?!!
K.A. Pike
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Post by K.A. Pike »

LOVING FAMILY <--- I take that to be Kaylyn Jones and some of the residents of BI, that came with their ancestors from Ireland. TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS, <----I take that to be seasonal and the tourist who rent a cottage for a week or two during the summer.

I would suggest if it wasn't for the weekly tourist (according to Kaylyn Jones ---->) TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS, this island would be in a world of hurt. Your LOVING FAMILY would not be able to use the number of TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS in justifying your grant request towards your rural health center, or the subsity to operate your ferry system, just to name two. How many TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS helped you build your community center (I know they gladly accepted my check.) How many troublemaking strangers buy tickets for the car each year for the BIRHC fund raiser or the BICC raffle for the Kubota or John Deere UTV. (I know they both take my $100 each year.)

I'm going to give Miss Jones the benefit of doubt here and guess that most of the LOVING FAMILY residents of Beaver Island don't vote her president of the welcoming committee this summer at the dock as all the TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS invade her ancestors sacred land.

I've been down this $$ road before. But I would estimate by time we rent a cottage, pay round trip for our car and utility trailer on the ferry, eat out 3-4 nights a week at the local eating establishments, ride into town a couple of nights for an ice cream cone, buy moped gas, shop at the local grocery store at least 3-4 times during the week, pick up a few things and bug spray at the hardware store, buy a few $100 raffle tickets and visit most if not all the shops selling t-shirts...we've spent $2300 to enrich your LOVING FAMILY economy. If there are, conservatively guessing, 30 TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS (tourist)and their families visiting your loving families island each week they are contributing $69,000 a week to your welfare. (This doesn't take into account the non-homestead seasonal families that live on the island all summer.) Now remember your (Miss Jones, do I have your attention) season isn't very long, you only have to put up with us troublemakers (me and the weekly tourist) for 12-13 weeks out of the year. During the 13 weeks, you endure this pain and suffering your economy has seen $897,000 of revenue. in my book that's close to a MILLION DOLLARS.

So go cry me a river, Kaylyn Jones, as much as you HATE to admit it you would be in a would of hurt without a bunch of TROUBLEMAKING STRANGERS stopping by.
E. Naranjo
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harmony anyone?

Post by E. Naranjo »

I doubt very seriously that the opinion expressed by miss Jones is condoned by more than a handfull of people. With that being said I would like to clarify the fact that there are many Irish and non Irish who reside here that are committed to the idea of making this island a better place to live. Right now many are frustrated by the condition of the economy as well as how our local economy is being managed. What we are not hearing is that many from all sides of the table are concerned with how to bring this island together. Somehow we need to take our energy and channel it in a manner to begin to find solutions. Stereotypes and prejudices need to be thrown overboard A.S.A.P.!! History has shown that if you throw one group off the Island they will return with a vengeance. I thought we all belonged to the same race? The human race.

I understand that there are a lot of hurt feelings out there. This world will let you down if you let it. Yes major error has been committed. However, a much larger error is lurking around the corner. We have to admit our mistakes. Understand that in one way or another we have all been guilty of messing up. That is half the battle. Next we have to commit ourselves toward not making the same mistakes over and over again. It is o.k. to be wrong only if we desire to make it right.

None of us are getting any younger. We on this island do have some things going for us that the rest of America does not have. We here on Beaver Island are all blessed with a small piece of Paradise. While we still have the chance we should take the time to talk about our problems with all of our neighbors regardless of ethnic origin or financial status. If one neighbor does not want to converse then walk down to the next neighbors house and try again. The solutions are not that far away. They do require (in my opinion) one thing. We have to shut off technology for a while and talk to people face to face. And that my friends is probably the hardest thing we will ever have to do.

I also understand that there are many who love this island and are not able to be here to vote or talk face to face. It is my hope that you will come back and express your feelings in person soon. Your ideas are just as important! I believe that if everyone is allowed to voice their opinions we will draw from a far deeper well of insight that will one day yield a abundance of solutions.

The clock is ticking. If people are not ready to examine new ideas and work together then don't worry, THINGS WILL GET WORSE!! They will get worse to the point of complete collapse and then we will have to start all over again with new ideas and cooperation. My request is that we all do ourselves a favor and work together sooner than later. Eric
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Post by salwag »

I am a casual visitor, but one never knows if that could change to a more "invested" participant in Beaver Island down the road.

In the mean time, I am grateful for all who have, and all who are continuing, to add to the community of Beaver Island. Not the least of which are the non humans who have put down roots longer than the human; the early travelers and settlers of tribal origins; the newcomers from across oceans who built their own homes and farms and sub-communities of cultural or religious commonalities; current full time and part time residents and day travelers alike.

I appreciate the Forum for allowing discourse - although it may do well to keep in mind that written words convey information often better than emotion or intent, and much misinterpretation of feelings can cause unintentional rifts between folks.

I am glad to see the Chamber will have a message board that may serve a different but perhaps overlapping purpose than this one - hopefully all will still be involved with both.

Thanks for the thread regarding the paramedic situation was brought to a more public attention, which has lead to citizens being more aware of other issues at hand. Thanks to those who wish to keep these issues at the forefront, and to those who deal with them in a less public manner.

Beaver Island is unique, but not so much when it comes to families of european settlers to a place, and those that have come after. Always some feelings of difference. Not able to hear much from the original people's, though - which is also not that unusual.

Anyway I appreciate all of you and the ways you are all trying to keep the Island viable for yourselves and others, intentionally or not. It keeps me coming back.
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Post by James23 »

I'd like to say that I took Ms. Jones' characterization of Island visitors as a kind of term of endearment.

I get that there are downsides to having a three-month monsoon of strangers arrive by air and by water. Right when the air and the water are warming up, too. But hey, it's still the only place in the world where complete strangers sometimes wave at me when we pass on the road.

I once did the calculations that coming from Chicago, especially when BIBCO was requiring people with car reservations to arrive 2.5 hours before departure, that I could be in Hawaii in the same amount of time it took me to get from my door in Chicago to flip-flops on the ground on Main Street. And the cost, all in, wasn't as different as you would think.

Yet we kept coming back.
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Post by »

It occurs to me that those complaining about" TROUBLE MAKING STRANGERS" have much less invested and much less time on Beaver Island than those same strangers. Interesting, to say the least.
Jim Campbell
Marie LaFreniere
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Post by Marie LaFreniere »

Thanks Jim, you gave the Palmer Family what???Two hours???
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