Writing Group?

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Writing Group?

Post by BIDL »

I know we have some writers out there who might be interested in an informal writing group/workshop. I (Patrick) am happy to coordinate and participate in a prose workshop for fiction and/or nonfiction.

I'm not, however, secure enough in my poetic abilities and sensibilities to do a poetry group, so if we have interest in such a group we'd need someone to step forward to coordinate it (the coordinator is not expected to teach, though--they would be a participant).

Let's hear what you think! Anyone interested in either or both, please let me know ASAP so we can get rolling.
Beaver Island District Library
26400 Donegal Bay Road
PO Box 246
Beaver Island, MI 49782
(231) 448-2701
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Location: Beaver Island

Post by KaylynJ »

I may be interested :-)
Kaylyn Jones
Tessa Jones
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Post by Tessa Jones »

I think that would be wonderful. I know a few friends that love to write. I would also be interested in getting together a group for the poetry.
Adam Richards
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Post by Adam Richards »

I would be interested!
Eric N
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Writing workshop

Post by Eric N »

Patrick, count me in! Eric N
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Location: Beaver Island, Michigan

Second and Fourth Thursdays @ 7pm?

Post by BIDL »

So how about it? Would a schedule like this work? We would meet twice a month on the second and fourth Thursdays at 7pm at the library. That way the building will otherwise be closed so we don't have to worry about being noisy.

The only hitch so far is that we would have to reschedule the first August meeting as author Patrick O'Sullivan will be reading at the library that evening. Otherwise this schedule would fit with the library scheduling. What do you all think?

As for a format, it depends a bit on how many people intend to attend. We'll probably have 2-3 group members submit a piece or a portion of a piece (10 - 15 double-spaced pages or so) via email to me for each meeting. I can then distribute it to the rest of the group for everyone to read and comment on. Pieces should be sent out at least a week prior to the meeting.

Group members can then either print the pieces out and make comments directly on the pages or else make comments in a word processing or text editing application. If you do the latter, you can choose to return it to the author either digitally or by printing it out with your comments. The important thing is that you arrive at each session with a marked-up copy of each piece under discussion--the copy can be printed or on your tablet or computer, but it should have your comments on it to help you refresh your memory for the discussion of the work.
Beaver Island District Library
26400 Donegal Bay Road
PO Box 246
Beaver Island, MI 49782
(231) 448-2701
Posts: 325
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:57 pm
Location: Beaver Island, Michigan

First meeting set, and special guest!

Post by BIDL »

Hello all,

The first meeting of the BIDL Writers' Workshop is set for the evening of Thursday, June 26th, at 7:00 here at the Library. This is a creative writing critique group that will involve reading and commenting on the pieces of fiction and nonfiction submitted for each meeting, and submitting your own work for discussion. I'm sure there will also be a lot of lively discussion about various aspects of the writing life, so it should be fun.

On that note, I'd like to get an idea how many attendees we will have next week. Ari Berk, the critically acclaimed author who is going to be giving a reading at the library on Friday afternoon, is interested in attending the BIDL Writer's Workshop meeting while he's here, and I want to make sure we have a good turnout before having him commit his evening to us. This is a chance to pick the brain of a successful author (of 10+ books), so don't miss out! Contact the library or respond to this post if you are planning to attend. Ari has also offered to extend his presentation time on Friday if anyone from the Workshop wants to talk more.
Beaver Island District Library
26400 Donegal Bay Road
PO Box 246
Beaver Island, MI 49782
(231) 448-2701
Posts: 325
Joined: Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:57 pm
Location: Beaver Island, Michigan

Ari Berk Books!

Post by BIDL »

Also, if you want to get to know Ari through his work, pop into the library ASAP to check out Deathwatch, Book 1 of the Undertaken Trilogy. We have all three books, of course, plus many of his other titles, some of which are for children. The reading Thursday will be from the Undertaken Trilogy, which is for adults and young adults.
Beaver Island District Library
26400 Donegal Bay Road
PO Box 246
Beaver Island, MI 49782
(231) 448-2701
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