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Moderator: Gillespie

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Post by Gillespie »

OK, we are about to start a paving project to redo King's Highway, in all my life my vision for "all the pavement" we needed was Donegal Bay Road to the beach, DarkeyTown Road to the lake, East Side Drive to the golf course, Paud Een Og's Road to the township and McCauley's Road to East Side Drive. In the next 7 days whatever roads will get paved in the rest of many of our lives will be decided. As of right now it is ONLY Kings Highway and unless a big bunch of you step up and show your interest in something more.

I have been working with others to add Donegal Bay Road as far as the Font Lake Boat launch, East Side Drive to the golf course and possibly Darkeytown Road to Eagle Hill. Again, the odds of getting anything done if you are 55 and older again in your lifetimes will be little or none! Do you want your township boards to investigate this? One of the possible options is to use excess (funds) if there are from other accounts by getting language in a ballot proposal for the August primary. These things are doable but coming very fast. If nothing is done nothing will be done! We cannot achieve my "wish list" but if we could possibly do the three I listed in this paragraph or even two of them it is more than you will likely see again!!

The transportation costs are so prohibitive that the idea of doing a little every couple years is off the table. Its been TWELVE years! The few of us that have been discussing this chose "Citizens Road Committee" (CRC) for discussion purposes. Do you folks want to see this proceed? We have less than 24 hours to get some basics together, call a special meeting of the township boards to discuss, try to prevail upon them to let the voters decide and then see what happens in August with construction to begin immediately following the completion of Kings Highway. Should the election be favorable this could literally start the next day.

Without giving this a shot we will have the same sloppy when wet and dusty when dry roads that we have year after year! If these roads are improved that means no dust control or constant grading on these most used avenues! Those efforts can be extended to the outlying areas keeping the dirt roads in better condition! Maybe we would have to not buy dust control this year to help, we do have the water wagon! Let's not let this opportunity go, however short the term to get the decision made! Let's hear from you!!
Last edited by Gillespie on Tue May 06, 2014 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Gillespie »

Some Facebook comments on this, did not post them all, these combined with over 35 "likes" since yesterday....

Lynn Cary I'm in Richard

Dale McDonough Yea!

Tony Gatliff I am a tax paying property owner, I am in. Yes vote from me!

Richard Gillespie Here's the deal, we are trying to get officals together tomorrow, Thursday, you could call it April in Ireland but if you folks want this as do I you had better speak up!! I was chastised in a way you cannot believe by a local businessman who decided to run me out of here because I didn't fall in, I am no going to and you all now have to jump in or bump down the road, its very simple.

Richard Gillespie This stuff doesn't happen without a mob, LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Uhh, before I get run out of town!! Tomorrow is the day!! COME ON!!

MaryRose Doig Richie as a taxpayer on the island I say "yes" to a project that will clearly benefit the island and islanders.

Janine Andrew Richie, who can we specifically email about this? Posting on the forum doesn't seem like enough to make point. Isn't there an elected official that we can contact and have our opinions known and counted?

Roland J Cull Im 100% for it

John Hajicek I am in favor of going back to the cord wood corduroy roads.

Nean C Smith We say yea! Is there someone else we need to contact?

Dale Cull Let's try it !!!!!

Kathy Brouard East side to the golf course w/King's Hwy.

Richard Gillespie Please send emails to participation on all fronts is extremely important to try to get this going. I had a citizen comment (well, firstly I said I would gladly pay 500. bucks a year if this project could go forth) that he would definitely be glad to pay for something we all can enjoy! That is not to say extra taxes are being asked for but if, by show of hands and in order to get something done we could possibly bond some, use "stored funds" if we have any and so on would you, who can vote, vote yes on a reasonable proposal.

Richard Gillespie Here's how I see it. If either township has any fund or funds that have accumulated money above typical needs would you voters vote yes to have those funds moved to road improvement, once again, specific road improvement?

Richard Gillespie Secondly, would voters consider either bonding or voting some additional money so we can get this done while they are here if needed? Important questions? I don't want to spend another dime on taxes but this is a here and now situation. Please chime in!! The sooner the better!!
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Post by Jim »

Hey, Ritchie.
I was wondering if you are trying to pack in all these quick meetings to get caught up with all the meetings you said you missed over the last sixteen years.

Anyway, it's good to let the voters decide. I agree with you that I prefer not to pay anymore taxes, either, since Hannigan's swamp is considered waterfront property

Jim Stambaugh
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Post by Gillespie »

Jim, as much as I respect you and have known you for many years I find your comment asinine!! My action and or reaction is to the fact that nothing has been done for the future of this community. I don't choose to have "quick meetings", it turns out NO meetings were had, although countless times, the road commission told the township road committee and others that they needed to apply for added bike path lanes NOTHING was done. Should I be to blame for that? What in the hell does Hannigans have to do with anything? OH, it goes by your house? 12 years!! 12 years lost....

I have zip to gain here, I am just, like anyone who has raised children here, trying to find something for them to do so they might come home and enjoy life and retirement amongst their history. Sadly we have spent money on everything but...I digress. If you would like to speak about this I would be very receptive but I think this is shameful. I work, and very hard, I am not retired and find little "good opportunity" because I pay a lot of taxes on things supporting others, if you really want to discuss this, you know how to find me. Thanks, Rich
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Post by Gillespie »

Keep those emails coming folks, lots of strong support, need lots more!!! We are going to adjust our tack slightly and we be letting you know but we financed our street and road improvements in town as did Peaine out Kings Highway, that concept is being explored, your total support will be needed (and your letters!)!
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Post by sbsp »

What is the time line for making the decision(s) and who will be determining the final outcome?
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Post by Gillespie »

Ken, I think you have my cell number, please call me or find me, thanks!!
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Post by cindyr »

If Donegal Bay Road had been paved already, would that pavement have been torn up to access the sewer system when things went wrong last winter?
I have two issues with paving, both of which I brought up at the township meeting:
Maintenance: I don't like dust any more than the next guy, but I see the constant struggle to keep King's Highway in one piece. I know the dangers of potholes. I think the shifting geology of our sandy island is not the best surface for lasting pavement. I know dust control is pricey...but I'd still like to see some estimated costs on maintenance and repairs of additional paved roads.
Safety: I can't help but think that paving will increase the driving speeds. Paved or not, we still have narrow, curvy roads that also accommodate walkers and cyclists. We have been very fortunate to have had very few serious auto accidents on this island. I'd sure like to keep it that way.
I'm not trying to be negative about this, but I think we'd be remiss if we didn't look at all aspects of this major project. Don't let deadlines cause us to go in without thinking it through.
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Post by BobTidmore »

Those are good comments Cindy but I believe that Kings highway was not properly constructed, hence the need for constant maintenance.

The sewer repair is another issue and itâ??s no reason to not pave Donegal Bay.

It will be eons before we have a chance to get a paving machine here again lets get some roads paved when we have the chance. Iâ??ve only lived here for 10-years but I have not seen one summer where the application of dust control measures was effective.

No one walks or rides on the east side to the golf course when the roads are full of potholes/bumps and so dusty you have to turn your headlights on.

Estimated costs of additional paving and maintenance are both good ideas.

Bob Tidmore
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Post by Gillespie »

The difference is asphalt over tar and chip which does not have any significant service life.

Latest update. We can do this!! You need to contact your township officials and urge them to vote to borrow the money at low interest tax free rates based on the millage we have voted in. If we do these three roads my thought this morning was that we add a 3' bike lane to each one giving us a bike lane and a lasting surface!!

The township boards actually have the authority to borrow against the millage up to 1.25 percent of the taxable value of the township. This could be an awesome project leading us into the future. Send those letters people, call the officials, we cannot let this opportunity get away!
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Post by jflanagan »

We are taxpayers and we support this.
James Flanagan
37700 Font View Ct. 4439 N. California
Beaver Island, Mi Chicago, Il
49782 60625
231-448-2109 773-463-5494
Pam Grassmick
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Post by Pam Grassmick »

Speaking of road improvements, what is the status with the island's new county garage? It is my understanding that the CCRC will not keep a grader on BI unless we have the county garage built. Every civil engineer for the last 20 years has recommended that the only way to improve our dirt roads would be for the county to provide a full time grader. It is simply inadequate to bring a grader over in the spring and say we're done with grading. The road crew does a fantastic job but they need the time and proper equipment to keep the majority of roads in proper order.
Trish Scott
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Post by Trish Scott »

Excellent post, Pam.
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Post by BobTidmore »

Another good question and I understand that there is group consisting of the Road Commission, Sheriff â??s department and the Charlevoix County Transit Authority that have been to the island to select a site for a joint building, one that would house a road grader in addition to the other equipment.

Yes a road grader would help on all of the roads but we have an opportunity to pave some highly traveled roads that are terrible during the summer.

I fail to see why any Township official would not want to take advantage of this opportunity to have a paving machine here and at least offer the citizens of this island a chance to vote on this matter.

We have an election for two township trustees for St. James and I would like to know their position on this issue.
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Post by Jim »

I will attempt to explain my â??asinineâ?￾ question. First of all, Richie, I know nothing about your personal business, or what you have to gain or lose concerning the paving project of Eastside, Donegal Bay Road or any other road. You brought that up. Nor am I blaming you for anything concerning this issue. I generally avoid blaming anyone for anything. I admire the expressed passion you have for paving the island roads for the benefit of the island people, though I canâ??t make the connection of how pavement will draw our kids back with few jobs on the island... unless they work for Reith -Riley. The point of my question was about involvement and timing.

Unlike the possible location of the new county barn, the Kingâ??s Highway paving project has not been a secret. It has been discussed and debated for a decade. Finally, two or more years ago, the plan was approved for the year 2014. During that time, was there never any discussion at County Commission meetings or the Road Comission, about the possibility of extending the pavment out Eastside or other roads? Did it just pop up within the last month or two that â??hey, maybe we oughta do...â?￾ You have said that you have had a dream of paving many of the island roads, so I have to believe that expanding the paving was at sometime discussed with the county.

If there wasnâ??t any pertinent, prior discussion about the additional pavement during that time, then why not? And if it had been proposed earlier on, then why were the citizens of the island not apprised that the Eastside paving was being considered? Iâ??m positive that good minds were at work planning the project. Iâ??m sure that you yourself were involved in the discussions at the county level, as a proponent of island development and welfare as our elected official.

Now, Richie, you know Iâ??m no politician, and I know very little about county government or the responsibilities of the road commission, but it seems to me that had the communication been more timely among those entities and the public forum of the township board meetings, the urgency to launch a ballot could have been avoided. It would have given the voters time to determine if additional paving is the best use of their tax dollars, or if there are more effective places to put our communal money to improve island economy and safety

Because I am ignorant about the responsibilities of elected County officials, I first thought it would have been your role to keep the townships and their citizens informed at public meetings. I was wrong about that because you have stated that, for whatever reason, you had not attended township meetings for years. Anyway, it is regrettable that there wasnâ??t more of a â??Heads upâ?￾ given. At any rate, thanks for listening to me, Rich. My question was more flippant, perhaps, than â??Asinineâ?￾. Having been a teacher for 30 years, I believe there are no dimwitted, foolish questions for people who donâ??t know the answers. I am happy we both agree that, ultimately, the decision must lie in the hands of the voters.

Hannigans swamp? A joke. Itâ??s the closest Iâ??ll ever get to owning waterfront property, but sometimes the taxes seem similar to beach front properties. __ Jim Stambaugh
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