off island hiring

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Kim Connaghan Jones
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off island hiring

Post by Kim Connaghan Jones »

What ever happened to taking care of your own? I don't know about anyone else, but I'm getting REAL tired of people from the mainland getting hired for island jobs, when SO many of the people right here on the island need those jobs to support their families. People here are more than qualified for these jobs and there is no excuse for this. First The Transfer Station, now Beaver Island Community School. This has got to stop!!!
Sue Avery
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Post by Sue Avery »

Well said Kim.
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Post by Citizen »

Both positions that Kim cited are taxpayers paid public jobs. They were posted properly and those that applied were interviewed. At that point the best qualified were selected by several people. That is what we taxpayers would like. Public jobs are not a god given right to anyone born here on Beaver. They should go to the best qualified to do the public business.
anna brand
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Post by anna brand »

Well said Citizen.
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Post by MarissaCrandall »

As a student from the school, I would rather see a familar and trusted face walking around rather than someone from off the island. There are many people from the island that would LOVE to have the job. I find it unfair that the person being hired already had a job downstate, yet was hired in front of others. I also don't understand how you can be "qualified" to clean toilets. There were nine islanders that applied from the island and two off-islanders. I'm sure that one of the nine could be considered "qualified".
Another thing I would like to point out is the incident that recently happened in Traverse City with the custodian. I know you may say that our school does background checks and what not before hiring, but so do other schools, yet they apparently missed something.

For the story on the Traverse City custodian go to the below link ... crimes[url][/url]
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Post by KaylynJ »

Good point Marissa. The only thing is that apparently our school does NOT do background checks since one of the last few people in the running was supposedly someone who was into very bad activities. Yet when a member of the community said they asked questions about it, it did not seem that anyone was aware of it.
Last edited by KaylynJ on Tue Aug 07, 2012 11:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by jibber »

Whoa Whoa Whoa....Do we really want to go and judge these people coming into these new positions like that? I personally know the individual that took the spot at the schools and that person has close ties to the island! They aren't "taken jobs from the locals". Just as stated, the job was posted, people who were interested applied, and a canidate was chosen.
Being "Qualified to clean toilets"....really? What an unknowledge opinion! I find it very upsetting that people are already judging those who I feel will make great employees of the island. Oh, and I don't see anybody mentioning the "others" who refuse to work or won't show up for work. Doesn't seem like those people need jobs too bad.
It makes me sick that you think this indivisual hasn't passed all background checks and that they are some kind of creep...thanks for the warm welcome.
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Post by MarissaCrandall »

One, if you can't identify yourself by your actual name, you shouldn't be posting on the forum.
Two, I am still going to the school and I see what the janitors do.. and yes basically it is cleaning toilets, vacuuming, and wiping down dirty surfaces.... not very difficult.
Three, who are these people that you say aren't showing up for their jobs on time?
Many people have "close ties" to the island, that's not really saying much. Oh, and I NEVER called this new employee a "creep", so please do not put words in my mouth. I was simply informing people of the recent problem that has happened with custodian's. Thanks. :)
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Post by KaylynJ »

"Close ties" to the island does not make you an islander, nor does it make you a resident. As Marissa stated, this person had a job downstate when so many do not have a job (both downstate and here) yet it was decided that they should have the job here.
James Bakker
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Post by James Bakker »

The elitism shown by one so young is disappointing. The job mentioned should not be denigrated as has been done on the forum. Everone's work is important to someone.
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Post by KaylynJ »

Apparently the purpose of the original post seems to be flying over your head. NO ONE is degrading the job, simply stating facts. I am a BICS alumni and can attest to what Marissa has said about the job. The point of this entire thread was to point out that there are people ON THE ISLAND who need jobs yet people who already have jobs downstate are getting hired here. And as someone mentioned earlier about people not coming to work on time or at all - that was ONE person and the rest of the islanders should not be lumped into that group. The point of the first post was that there are many people here who are GOOD SOLID QUALIFIED workers that could do the job with no problem and yet someone off island who had a job was hired instead. This is NOT a dig at that person personally it is simply a fact. Many people on the island agree with the first post but have been smart enough to choose to stay out of the drama.

And for the record, to the people who refuse to use their real names on the forum, I am done wasting my time arguing with you. Those who don't have the guts to use their real names on the forum have no business posting. My name is clearly stated and island citizens know who I am. I'm not hiding behind a nickname or a pseudonym, I am outright and stating the facts. I am standing by my statement by using my real name.
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Post by MarissaCrandall »

It is actually very astonishing how many people can put words in my mouth. First of all I was only voicing my opinion about MY own school. This is my senior year and I was simply in letting people know how I would like to spend my last year at BICS. For some unknown reason, I am know being made out as a unknowledged young elite. I guess when people voice their opinion's on a topic it then gives others the right to voice their opinion about people? Hmm. Okay well I really hope for the sake of my last year that this new employee does not think that I have referred to him as a creep with an unimportant job, because I have not.
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Post by sbsp »

The best thing that Beaver Island could do for itself is to ban the term "Islander". The term is so divisive that it trips up important things that could and should be accomplished by and for ALL.

Kirk D. McBride
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Post by MarissaCrandall »

Again back to what Kaylyn CLEARLY stated... That the point to this post was that someone that lived here should have got the job. Honestly let's get realistic here people. There are PLENTY of jobs downstate, there are limited jobs here. If you wanna work in a restaurant or at a hotel, GREAT!!, come here. But if you want any other kind of job those are more likely found downstate. Apparently the aim of this post was completely pushed aside by people who thought I was degrading the new employee, when in actuality it was to voice my KNOWLEDGED opinion that I KNOW and have grown looking up to some of the people that applied for the job and they didn't even get a chance to be interviewed? But some person, downstate, that is already employed, does? This is not about it being an unimportant job, it's not about disrespecting the future custodian, and it's CERTAINLY not about what the term "islander" means. It about the fact that out of nine of those people, living ON the island, that applied for the job I know that at least four did not even get interviewed. I'm sorry but if you step back and look at the situation from one of those four people that are PERFECTLY capable of cleaning and watching a group of children at recess, you may understand how unfair the situation is. And I know life can be completely unfair sometimes, but honestly people? Living on an island is hard enough and when an opportunity at a new job arises its a little ridiculous that a person not even living in the area gets to have it
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Post by jflanagan »


I understand that your main point was that people who are full time residents on the island should have been considered first for the job. And, I agree with that, to the point possible by law. I am not sure about the exact numbers but I know that the island school is subsidized by the state and that this year there was some doubt whether some of those funds would continue to flow. The island needs to always be sure that it gives islanders the first shot at jobs but it does not want to appear that other fellow Michigan citizens are treated as second class or demeaned in any way.

I do have to also jump in on the janitor remark. My father was a janitor for many years and he did a great job and was an great asset where he worked. Your original statement said: "I also don't understand how you can be "qualified" to clean toilets." I understand that you may not have meant that to be a demeaning statement about being a janitor. But, it IS! School janitors are not just toilet cleaners and doers of other dirty nasty tasks. They have to do that but they have to do much more. I am not sure about BI school but in most places they need to be able to work some sophisticated tools, they have to understand the different cleaning products and how to safely use them ( a year after my dad retired, two janitoresses were killed when they mixed the wrong products together in a small janitors closet and were unable to escape the fumes). But, most importantly, they must relate well and communicate well with the students and staff around them. Who was the school janitor from the Simpsons - Willie?? we don't want a bad tempered person like that around the kids.

Sorry to run-on and digress but, as you can see this is personal.

James Flanagan
37700 Font View Ct. 4439 N. California
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