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by Party Plan Girl
Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:32 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Helen Dudzik Rest In Peace
Replies: 9
Views: 7074

Sorry all... I was mistaken on this post. I did not mean to cause any harm... Please forgive me... The story was shared with me today about Wini and I must have misunderstood the connection to relatives. Please forgive me, I meant no harm. The person that shared the story said that there is so much ...
by Party Plan Girl
Sun Jun 17, 2012 1:31 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Flag Disposal Ceremony-Public is invited
Replies: 1
Views: 1484

Don't forget!
by Party Plan Girl
Sun Jun 17, 2012 7:48 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 0
Views: 1450


HAPPY FATHER'S DAY to all of the fathers on Beaver Island and around the world! Inspirational Prayers For Father's Day God, bless all the fathers in the world. Guide them to be good role models and loving to all their children. Help them to be a father like You are. Give them grace and patience to ...
by Party Plan Girl
Sat Jun 16, 2012 7:37 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: How to give your Humming Bird a bath
Replies: 1
Views: 1428

What a miracle story!
by Party Plan Girl
Sat Jun 16, 2012 8:26 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 0
Views: 1516


Mahatma Gandhiâ??s 5 Teachings To Bring About World Peace

â??If humanity is to progress, Gandhi is inescapable. He lived, thought, acted and inspired by the vision of humanity evolving toward a world of peace and harmony.â?￾- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Editorâ??s note: This post was written by Shilpan Patel of the Success Soul blog.

Have you ever dreamed about a joyful world with peace and prosperity for all Mankind â?? a world in which we respect and love each other despite the differences in our culture, religion and way of life?
I often feel helpless when I see the world in turmoil, a result of the differences between our ideals. This leads to grief and sorrow being inflicted on millions of innocent victims by a few who abuse the power of their convictions.

â??How can I make a difference so that I may bring peace to this world that I love and cherish so much? A name flickers instantly in my mind.â?￾ - Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi inspired the world with his faith in truth and justice for all Mankind. He was a great soul who loved even those who fought against his ideals to bring about peace with non-violence.

How could a meek and fragile person of small physical stature inspire millions to bring about a profound change in a way the mightiest had never achieved before? His achievements were nothing less than miracles â?? his creed was to bring peace to not only those who suffered injustice and sorrow but to espouse a new way of life for Mankind, with peace and harmony. His life was a message â?? a message of peace over power, of finding ways to reconcile our differences, and of living in harmony with respect and love even for our enemy.

Teaching # 1: Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment and the other by acts of love. Power based on love is a thousand times more effective and permanent then the one derived from fear of punishment. â?? Mahatma Gandhi

The force of power never wins against the power of love. At this hour of greatest unrest and turmoil in our world, the greatest force to be reckoned with lies within our hearts â?? a force of love and tolerance for all.

Throughout his life, Mahatma Gandhi fought against the power of force during the heyday of British rein over the world. He transformed the minds of millions, including my father, to fight against injustice with peaceful means and non-violence. His message was as transparent to his enemy as it was to his followers. He believed that, if we fight for the cause of humanity and greater justice, it should include even those who do not conform to our cause. History attests to his power as he proved that we can bring about world peace by seeking and pursuing truth for the benefit of Mankind. We can resolve the greatest of our differences if we dare to have a constructive conversation with our enemy.

Teaching # 2: What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans, and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty and democracy?

A war always inflicts pain and sorrow on everyone. History has witnessed countless examples of dictators, including Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin to name but a few, who inflicted sorrow and destruction on our world.

A world of peace can be achieved if we learn the power of non-violence, as shown by the life of Mahatma Gandhi.

Mahatma Gandhi has proven that we can achieve the noble causes of liberty, justice and democracy for Mankind without killing anyone, without making a child an orphan, and without making anyone homeless with the damage caused by war.

Teaching # 3: There are many causes that I am prepared to die for but no cause that I am prepared to kill for. â?? Mahatma Gandhi

We live for our values and passion but at the core of our existence lies our innate desire to live a peaceful life. The greatest noble cause is to display our desire to bring about peace in this world by our own sacrifice and not that of those who oppose our views. The strength of cowardice is in using power to cause death and destruction for others. The strength of courage is in self-sacrifice for the benefit of all.

Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his own lucrative law practice in Durban, South Africa to lead a simple life and to share the pain of the powerless and destitute. He won over the hearts of millions without ever reigning power over anyone â?? simply with the power of altruism. We too can bring peace to our world by showing our willingness to sacrifice our self-centered desires. Our utmost cause in life should be to win the hearts of others by showing our willingness to serve causes greater than ourselves.

Teaching # 4: An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind â?? Mahatma Gandhi

History can attest to the fact that most human conflicts have been as a result of a stubborn approach by our leaders. Our history would turn out for the better if our leaders could just learn that most disputes can be resolved by showing a willingness to understand the issues of our opponents and by using diplomacy and compassion.

No matter where we live, what religion we practice or what culture we cultivate, at the heart of everything, we are all humans. We all have the same ambitions and aspirations to raise our family and to live life to its fullest. Our cultural, religious and political differences should not provide the backbone to invoke conflicts that can only bring sorrow and destruction to our world.

Teaching #5: We must become the change we want to see in the world. â?? Mahatma Gandhi

A great leader always leads with an exemplary life that echoes his ideals. Mahatma Gandhi sacrificed his thriving law practice and adopted a simple life to live among the millions who lived in poverty during his freedom struggle. Today, we see modern leaders cajoling the masses with promises that they never intend to keep â?? let alone practicing what they preach in their own lives. One cannot bring world peace to all unless a leader demonstrates peaceful acts of kindness daily. Mahatma Gandhi believed that we are all children of God. We should not discriminate amongst ourselves based on faith, caste, creed or any other differences.

An outstanding example of Mahatma Gandhiâ??s leadership was his famous Salt March, which brought about a profound change. On March 2nd 1930, as a protest at tax on salt, Gandhi wrote a remarkable letter to Lord Irwin, the Viceroy of India. He wrote, â??Dear Friend, I cannot intentionally hurt anything that lives, much less fellow human beings, even though they may do the greatest wrong to me and mine. Whilst, therefore, I hold the British rule to be a curse, I do not intend to harm to a single Englishman or to any legitimate interest he may have in Indiaâ?¦â?￾ With these words, he inspired millions to fight for this righteous cause and eventually forced the British to leave India without inflicting harm to any Englishman. Such were the quintessential qualities of justice and peace that made Mahatma Gandhi the man who changed our world for the better with his ideals of faith, love and tolerance.
â??Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth.â?￾ - Albert Einstein on Gandhi
by Party Plan Girl
Fri Jun 15, 2012 8:22 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 0
Views: 1137


Here is a story called "Grandfather Tells" which is also known as "The Wolves Within" An old Grandfather said to his grandson, who came to him with anger at a friend who had done him an injustice, "Let me tell you a story. I too, at times, have felt a great hate for those t...
by Party Plan Girl
Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:53 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 1
Views: 1868

We must become the change we want to see in the world... --Gandhi
by Party Plan Girl
Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:38 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 1
Views: 1868


Burned Biscuits When I was a kid, my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then. And I remember one night in particular, when she had made breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago, my mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuit...
by Party Plan Girl
Tue Jun 12, 2012 5:39 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: TOMORROW IS: World Wide Knit in Public Day
Replies: 0
Views: 1247

TOMORROW IS: World Wide Knit in Public Day

The calendar I have shows that it's tomorrow but I have found conflicting dates. From: World Wide Knit in Public Day From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia World Wide Knit in Public Day was started in 2005 by Danielle Landes and takes place o...
by Party Plan Girl
Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:24 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Gillespie Memorial Park & Public Beach Clean Up
Replies: 1
Views: 1847


On behalf of the Beaver Island community, Doug Tilly would like to give a special thank you to the Charlevoix County 4-H group of volunteers and to Lisa Gillespie for their assistance in helping to clean up Gillespie Memorial Park & the public beach area. Great job everyone!
by Party Plan Girl
Sat Jun 09, 2012 11:55 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Gillespie Memorial Park & Public Beach Clean Up
Replies: 1
Views: 1847

Gillespie Memorial Park & Public Beach Clean Up

A beach clean up is scheduled for Monday June 11 at 1:00 PM at the Gillespie Memorial Park & Public Beach Wearing water shoes is recommended as there is broken glass, metal debris, and other sharp items embedded in the sand and under the water. Please bring a metal rake for yourself to use. Tha...
by Party Plan Girl
Fri Jun 08, 2012 6:58 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 2
Views: 2751


To Achieve Your Dreams Remember Your ABCs A void negative sources: people, places, things, habits B elieve in yourself C onsider things from every angle D on't give up and don't give in E njoy life today; yesterday is gone and tomorrow may never come F amily and friends are hidden treasures; seek t...
by Party Plan Girl
Thu Jun 07, 2012 10:39 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Replies: 0
Views: 1520


Great Outdoors Month

Feeling sluggish... If you haven't already gotten yourself out in your yard / garden this spring... or maybe that's not your thing... Why not get outdoors and take a walk. We have wonderful trails, beaches, country roads... get out and breathe the fresh air into your lungs! Let God touch you very soul... we live in our own little paradise here on Beaver Island! Get the children and grandchildren out there with you.

Get out the fishing gear... go kayaking... golfing or whatever it is that you like to do!


Great Outdoors Month 2012 Proclamations

June is a special time to celebrate Americaâ??s Great Outdoors. Presidential recognition of Great Outdoors Week was begun in 1998 by then-President Clinton and has continued ever since. Since 2004, Presidential proclamation of Great Outdoors Month has come annually, celebrating a variety of important events and actions that occur during the month. Great Outdoors Month highlights the benefits of active fun outdoors and our magnificent shared resources of forests, parks, refuges, and other public lands and waters. Media attention to the proclamation triggers actions by millions of households and prompts public discussion of important issues linked to outdoor recreation, including volunteerism, health, and outdoor ethics.

"An Evening of Remembrance" Raises $2 Million For Flight 93 National Memorial

Newsletters Posted on Thu, 05/17/2012 - 08:35.
Hosted By President Clinton, President and Mrs. Bush and Speaker John Boehner, National Park Foundation's "An Evening of Remembrance" Raises $2 Million For Flight 93 National Memorial

Washington, D.C. â?? Tuesday night, nearly 400 guests joined the National Park Foundation, the official charity of America's national parks, and co-hosts President Bill Clinton, President and Mrs. George W. Bush and Speaker of the House John Boehner at the Newseum in Washington, D.C. for "An Evening of Remembrance" honoring the 40 passengers and crew of United Flight 93 who fought back against their hijackers on September 11, 2001, ultimately crashing their plane and preventing a second aerial attack on Washington D.C.

April 2012 ARC Newsletter
Newsletters Posted on Thu, 05/03/2012 - 11:59.
April 2012 Newsletter

This newsletter is available in PDF format here.
In this issue:

â?¢ Byways Advocates Hold â??Next Chapterâ?￾ Discussions
â?¢ Rachel Jacobson at April Recreation Exchange
â?¢ SAFETEA-LU Extended, Again
â?¢ Great Outdoors Week and Great Outdoors Month 2012 Will Showcase Economic, Health Benefits
â?¢ White House Convenes Group on Games to Boost Outdoor Activities
â?¢ International Pow Wow Features Parks and the Great Outdoors
â?¢ Recreation Community Prepares Response to USDA Challenge
â?¢ Change to Volunteer Pass Requirements

Electronic Games and the Outdoors
Check out the below links (green and underlined) to learn more about how each of these companies and programs is using technology to engage youth and adults in the Great Outdoors.

Hopelab Ruckus Nation
The Ruckus Nation idea competition tapped into the power of the global community â?? including kids â?? to generate new ideas for products to get kids moving. The competition was the first initiative in HopeLabâ??s work to develop fun, effective products that increase physical activity in young people to help address the devastating effects of sedentary behavior and obesity.

Hopelab Zamzee
Zamzee is an online rewards program for young teens powered by their physical activity. To earn rewards, teens wear the Zamzee meter, a three-axis accelerometer specially calibrated to record short bursts of movement as well as vigorous activity. Physical activity recorded by the Zamzee meter powers a teenâ??s online account at

Shinobi Labs Adventure Walks
Treasure hunting meets every day walking! The world is full of fun, bizarre, and hidden objects - and even ordinary objects that we mostly ignore. Mobile Adventure Walks allows players to explore and find visible treasures - anytime, anywhere!

Geocaching Kids
Get an introduction to the sport and find out how it works.
REI Geocaching

If you love the outdoors, it is only natural to teach your children about its wonders. Geocaching offers you a great way to do just that. It's a high-tech treasure hunt that can help engage your kids in the natural world.

Scribd Outdoor Electronic Games
GeoGames are electronic games implemented in a distributed peer-to-peer architecture using a scalable ad hoc geocast protocol to implement inter-player messaging. This design provides a low overhead message that is natural for this style of gaming. It allows us to design games for vigorous outdoor play any-where, including rural venues lacking network infrastructure and crowded venues such as campuses, stadiums, and down-town streets. This paper describes the GeoGames Architecture (GGA), examples of implemented GeoGames, and evaluates GGAâ??s strengths and limitations.

My Parx App
The My Parx app provides park visitors with the free access to quality information on parks, from local municipal parks through to state and national parks.
National Get Outdoors Day Launches: Seeking 100 Sites and Diverse Partnerships

News Releases Posted on Fri, 02/29/2008 - 17:59.
Washington, D.C. (February 28, 2008) Participants from dozens of federal agencies and non-profit organizations and the recreation industry gathered in Washington to launch National Get Outdoors Day, a new annual event to encourage healthy, active outdoor fun. On June 14, 2008, and each June thereafter, these partners will offer sites for American families to experience traditional and non-traditional types of outdoor activities. Prime goals of the day are reaching first-time visitors to public lands and reconnecting our youth to the great outdoors.
Earlier this month, the USDA Forest Service (FS) and the American Recreation Coalition (ARC) jointly outlined plans for National Get Outdoors Day at the Outdoor Recreation Village at this yearâ??s Super Bowl in Glendale, Arizona. ARC President Derrick Crandall opened the National Get Outdoors Day Coalition meeting with a video about the Village, which drew an estimated 100,000 visitors. He noted that the Outdoor Recreation Village served as a testing ground for the National Get Outdoors Day concept. â??We have a Super Bowl quality team in place. We may not know all the plays yet, but we have excellent talent. We can win back the hearts and minds of American kids to the Great Outdoors,â?￾ said Crandall.

National Get Outdoors Day is an outgrowth of the Get Outdoors USA! campaign, which encourages Americans, especially our youth, to seek out healthy, active outdoor lives and embrace our parks, forests, refuges and other public lands and waters. Working with the FS, Get Outdoors USA! hosted six recreation forums and learned that public lands were missing the right triggers to capture the attention of todayâ??s youth. ARC and the FS have each pledged $100,000 to the initial National Get Outdoors Day effort.

Jacqueline Emanuel of the FS emphasized her organizationâ??s goal to reach the under-served public and first -time outdoor recreationists through new and diverse partners. FS Director of Recreation, Heritage and Volunteers Jim Bedwell echoed Ms. Emanuelâ??s comments, â??We are all in this together. It is important that National Get Outdoors Day is not just the Forest Service, but all of the federal agencies.â?￾
Participants were invited to join the National Coordinating Committee and to take part in one or more of the initial action task forces: Site Identification; Partner Recruitment; Communications; and Event Support.

Members will identify and secure the commitment of 100 diverse sites for National Get Outdoors Day. They will keep the National Coordinating Committee informed of the status of each site and act as the liaison between the sites and the National Coordinating Committee.

Partnership members will foster and develop relationships with traditional and non-traditional partners who share the National Get Outdoors Day mission, provide resources to support the events, and benefit from affiliation with National Get Outdoors Day.

The communications team will promote and publicize National Get Outdoors Day through a range of media outlets. They will identify and utilize national media partners, spokespersons, and social networks to heighten the awareness of National Get Outdoors Day and its mission.

This task force will support and assist local sites by developing an operations manual with resources to host a successful National Get Outdoors Day event. Members will connect national sponsors and local sites to ensure ample materials and signage for the events.

Site identification, partner recruitment and communication efforts are already underway for National Get Outdoors Day. Mountain High Resort in the Angeles National Forest, Big Bear Discovery Center in the San Bernardino National Forest, Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort in the Wasatch-Cache National Forest, Boy Scouts Camp Snyder in Haymarket, Virginia, and Callville Bay Marina in Lake Mead National Recreation Area are already proposed official National Get Outdoors Day sites. Partner agreements with The Coleman Company and other outdoor recreation industry companies are being finalized. Promising discussions with A-list Hollywood celebrities, NFL stars and national media partners are yielding high interest in this special event.

The National Get Outdoors Day Coalition concluded their meeting in agreement to work together to develop and produce an outstanding national event that will recapture Americaâ??s enthusiasm for the great outdoors. Kevin Coyle, Vice President of the National Wildlife Federation, implored the coalition to energize the conservationists of tomorrow. â??We are losing the battle. But we have plenty to offer. The demand side is where the attention needs to be. American childhood has moved indoors. We need to get them back outdoors.â?￾

To join the National Get Outdoors Day Coordinating Committee or to find out more about National Get Outdoors Day, contact: Caroline Mica, , 202-682-9530 To find out more about Get Outdoors USA!, go
by Party Plan Girl
Thu Jun 07, 2012 7:45 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: TODAY IS: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day!
Replies: 0
Views: 1797

TODAY IS: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day!

From: National Chocolate Ice Cream Day When : Always June 7th National Chocolate Ice Cream Day is a great day to eat America's favorite flavor of ice cream. National Chocolate Ice Cream Day is a field day for ice cream makers. Howeve...
by Party Plan Girl
Wed Jun 06, 2012 6:57 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: D-Day June 6, 1944
Replies: 0
Views: 1614

D-Day June 6, 1944

D-Day 6th. June 1944 From: Although the term D-Day is used routinely as military lingo for the day an operation or event will take place, for many it is also synonymous with June 6, 1944, the day the Allied powers crossed the English Channel and land...