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by Nuge
Thu Mar 28, 2013 5:11 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Prayer Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1879

Sunday Prayer Gathering

We meet every Sunday
9:15 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall

Our purpose is put put ourselves in a prayerful state of mind at the beginning of the Lord's Day. Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Mon Feb 25, 2013 9:11 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Glenn Arden RIP-Obituary
Replies: 11
Views: 9241

I'm sorry to hear of this sad news. Glen is a great guy. I will always remember his kindness and terrific sense of humor. My thoughts and prayers to his family.
by Nuge
Wed Jan 16, 2013 7:48 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Time Change: Sunday Prayer Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1531

Time Change: Sunday Prayer Gathering

Until further notice we will meet at 9:15 every Sunday, (rather than at 9:00.)

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, January 20, & Every Sunday
9:15 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Fri Dec 28, 2012 3:12 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Prayer Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1502

Sunday Prayer Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, December 30
9:00 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Mon Dec 24, 2012 1:01 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Thank You So Much!
Replies: 1
Views: 2679

Thank You So Much!

This past week, an anonymous member of our community selected and purchased the groceries for eight separate Christmas dinners that were distributed to eight needy families of Beaver Island through the Food Pantry. This kind and generous gesture brings the true meaning of Christmas to life for all o...
by Nuge
Fri Dec 21, 2012 10:38 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Prayer Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1523

Sunday Prayer Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, December 23
9:00 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Thu Dec 13, 2012 6:15 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1414

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, December 16
9:00 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Wed Dec 12, 2012 10:03 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: A Tribute: John Paul Kenwabikise
Replies: 4
Views: 6301

A Tribute: John Paul Kenwabikise

I was at Johnnyâ??s one autumn afternoon, and we happened to be watching the Weather Channel â?? what a surprise! And the meteorologist commented, â??The northeast is enjoying a splendid Native American Summer today.â?￾ And Johnny exclaimed with fire in his eyes, â??Did you hear what she said? Itâ??s not Native American Summer, itâ??s called Indian Summer! It seems that everything good that we have, they try to take away from us.â?￾ And for that reason, when I use the word â??Indianâ?￾, I am using it with the utmost of respect. I know for a fact that Johnny was proud to be called an Indian.

For the next few minutes or so, Iâ??ve got a few Indian stories to tell that will honor my best friend, Johnny Paul Kenwabikise. But for these stories to have their deepest meaning, I must first tell you about two important background things. First, I must tell you a little bit about me. And secondly, I must tell you what I have learned about Johnnyâ??s Indian stories.

So, for me: I was born in the cowboys & Indians generation. You knowâ?¦ Jim Bowie, Davie Crocket and Daniel Boone. But wait! For me, that was the Walt Disney generation of Alan Ladd, Fess Parker and James Arness! But think about it for a minute, these pioneers could leave home with their horse and their musket. They would travel for days and be completely self-sufficient as they headed west. But as soon as they reached the Mississippi River, they needed a scout â?? they needed an Indian. I was always fascinated by these Indians who were portrayed as a cut above the pioneers who could seemingly do things that white people could not do. If that was my childhood introduction, my later years firmed my belief that the Indians care for the Spirit of the land. And for this reason, I have always had a deep respect for Indians.

The second important background piece is to know that an Indian story from Johnny is not necessarily factual. For example last summer, Simon and the kids were visiting for a week or so. One day, sitting around his table, Johnny commented, â??Last Summer was beautiful every day.â?￾ He pointed to me and said, â??Every Sunday, I drove around the Island with Nugent. We stopped along the way, drank some beers, and pulled into friendsâ?? houses.â?￾ In reality however, Johnny and I drove around the Island only twice that summer and certainly not every Sunday. But the spirit of his story is that for the time spent, it was as good as it gets. I learned to listen to the spirit of Johnnyâ??s stories.

I will freely admit that initially, I was a bit fearful for what I was getting into. Although I was genuinely attracted to this great man who cared for the Spirit of the land, I was afraid that it would challenge my own Faith. However, that changed one day. I flew with Johnny to the Emergency Room in Petoskey due to his severe pneumonia, and helped him check in. When asked his religion, he said, â??Roman Catholic.â?￾ And when asked if he wanted to be visited by a priest, he responded, â??Oh yes! Father Pat will be here every day to give my Holy Communion.â?￾ From that point on, I realized that the things that I would learn from Johnny would only deepen my own Catholic Faith.

Johnny had a pretty good sense of the Kenny Rogers song, â??Know when to hold â??em, and know when to fold.â?￾ He talked about the tense days in the mid-80â??s when the Indians were given exclusive fishing rights. He would recall pulling nets and boxing the whitefish and heading to the mainland. As they left their boat with the catch, they all had carbine rifles strapped to their backs as they walked through town. He said, â??Nobody ever bothered us when we carried our rifles.â?￾ Johnny stood firm to protect his livelihood.

Another time, I was sitting in the Shamrock with Johnny and sipping a beer. He commented, â??I wonder why they took out the Indian Room?â?￾ I asked him, â??What the heck is the Indian Room?â?￾ He walked me around the Shamrock and we looked at old pictures on the wall until he found one with the Indian Room. It was essentially a lean-to shack built off of one of the walls. In reality, it was an ugly remembrance of the time when we thought segregation was the proper way to deal with Indians. Johnny said that it was great! He knew that whenever he went there that he would be surrounded by his friends and family. If the Shamrock were packed with summer people or hunters, he said that he knew he would always have his seat in the Indian room. I was humbled and embarrassed to hear of this story. However the true spirit of this story is that when you are handed lemons, why not make some lemonade and enjoy life to the fullest?

Wendyâ??s death was hard on Johnny. I never met Wendy, but he always spoke of her as if she were still his little baby girl. When she was sick, he recalled that he would go with her to Grand Rapids every weekend for her cancer treatments. He would recall, â??We would pack sandwiches and take smoked fish and coolers of beer and go to Grand Rapids in the van. We told stories all the way there and back. When she was having her treatments, sometimes we would stay in the van all night and tell more stories until she was ready to come back home. We did this every weekend.â?￾

Johnny spoke many times of John, Kenny & Dennis and the terrible days surrounding their death. No story was ever the same. Sometimes, he recalled waiting for three days looking out the window of the Shamrock. Sometimes, he was out on the water for three days with friends looking for them. And sometimes he was simply waiting at home for them to walk in the door. Details were always scrambled. I soon realized that the spirit of these stories combined to tell me of the disaster that struck his life on the day when his family lost 3 sons. It was as if an explosion went off, and Johnny was still picking up pieces. I was sitting on the hill behind the fire station one time as Johnny talked about that fateful day. I asked him, â??Arenâ??t you angry with God?â?￾ Johnny responded with a firm and emphatic, â??No!â?￾ â??How could I ever be angry with God? Look how good He has been to me.â?￾ Tears welled in my eyes as he began to explainâ?¦

He picked up a tiny ant racing across the front of his scooter. He asked me, â??Do you think this ant knows what time it is?â?￾ He said that the ant has no concept of time, but it simply does the best it can all day long â?? and lives its life to the fullest in the process. He said that people are the only ones that deal with time. He told me, â??God doesnâ??t even deal with time.â?￾ He told me that when he dies that he would be reunited with his sons, daughter, brothers & sisters, and mom and dad â?? just as if nothing happened. He told me, â??When you are in Heaven with God and with your family, you will look back on this life only as a blink. When I get to Heaven, my kids wonâ??t even realize that I was gone!â?￾

And this, my friends, is the most profound Act of Faith that I ever heard in my life. By the wayâ?¦ he returned the ant to his scooter when he finished explaining.

Johnny confirmed this same Act of Faith when he spoke of Jessie. He had just dropped off the fish boxes in Charlevoix, and had cash in his pocket. He walked into the Villager, and ran into Eddie Maudrie and Jessie. After a few beers and a few stories, he parted, and Johnny told me: â??I said to Jessie, â??Catch you later!â?? And that was the last time I saw him. But without time, Jessie knows that he will see me in just a few minutes. And I will see him, too.â?￾

Most of Johnnyâ??s stories were fun times. He spoke of caring for horses for Warren Townsed when he was 14-years old and spent the time as the only one on High Island through two long winters. He spoke of the great times when Hermie fixed breakfast every day for every kid on the Island before they went to school. He told (several times) of stories of fishing with Jimmy and turning dozens of boxes of whitefish into cash. They would leave Charlevoix in late afternoon, and tie off the wheel of the Sunny Don and drink beer all day until they finally fell asleep. They would all wake up when the boat beached itself somewhere on Sand Bay in the early morning hours. He loved those times, and I feel so privileged to hear of them.

Johnny is salt. Salt is mentioned many times in Holy Scripture. St. Matthewâ??s Gospel refers to the â??salt of the earthâ?￾. And Johnny, as an Indian, cares for the Spirit of the land. All of us recognize salt. The salt-shaker is always on the table. It gets spilled & knocked over. Possibly falls on the floor, and gets kicked around. But when the time comes, and we want to use the salt, we take it for granted and grab it. For you see, salt is this simple substance. And when salt is used in the proper proportion, it brings out the best of everything that it touches â?? without calling attention to itself. Johnny was my salt.

It has been almost 75-years now since Johnny was born on High Island. Paul & Isabel baptized him John Paul. And they also gave him his Chippewa name â?? Nangoshe, meaning â??Little Starâ??.

I can imagine the party in Heaven right now. Thereâ??s a bonfire, fireworks, and of course great food and a few warm cans of Bush beer. As Johnny casually walks in, he is greeted, â??Boozhoo, Nangoshe! Aniish na?â?￾ or â??Greetings, Little Star! How are you?â?￾

Today, we say, â??Goodbye, Johnny!â?￾
â??Boozhoo, Nangoshe.........Aniâ?￾
â??Farewell, Little Star.â?￾

And with Faith we say, â??Weâ??ll catch you later..........Aniâ?￾

Patrick Nugent
by Nuge
Fri Dec 07, 2012 8:57 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1459

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday,December 9
9:00 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Thu Nov 29, 2012 9:53 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1403

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, December 2
9:00 AM
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Sat Nov 24, 2012 12:34 pm
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 2
Views: 2094

Ahhh! Yes. I missed that important detail!

At 9:00 AM!

by Nuge
Fri Nov 23, 2012 7:26 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 2
Views: 2094

Sunday Gathering

Sunday Prayer Gathering
This Sunday, November 25
Gregg Fellowship Hall
Everyone welcome!

Note: Please be sure to park at the end of the parking lot near McDonnough Road.
by Nuge
Sun Nov 18, 2012 7:23 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Food Pantry Fundraiser
Replies: 6
Views: 5550

Last night at the Hunters' Dinner the drawing was held for the hand-made afghan donated by Anna Mae Maxwell. The winner is Sarah Rohner! Congratulations, Sarah! Thanks to all for your donations to the Beaver Island Food Pantry. Judi Meister Patrick Nugent Miranda Rooy Chris Vanlooy P.S. Note to BI P...
by Nuge
Fri Nov 16, 2012 8:43 am
Forum: Main Beaver Island Open Discussion Forum
Topic: Sunday Gathering
Replies: 0
Views: 1397

Sunday Gathering

This Sunday, November 18, 9:00AM. Gregg Fellowhip Hall. Everyone welcome.
by Nuge
Mon Oct 01, 2012 8:57 am
Forum: Beaver Island items for sale, trade, or free
Topic: Travel Trailer for Sale
Replies: 0
Views: 2230

Travel Trailer for Sale

1971 Travel Trailer for Sale 3 Berths â?? 2 Convert into Tables Propane System â?? All in working order 3 Burner Stove Oven Furnace Fresh Water System â?? Very Clean Connections for Direct Hook-up Holding Tank Hand pump or 12-volt Pressurized Electrical 110-volt Hook-up for lighting & outlets 12...