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Beaver Island Animal Fund

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 11:25 am
by AEW
Hey Folks,
We've made a pretty big dent in the feral and unwanted cat population over the years here on the Island. Recently there have been a couple people on the Island who have had litters of kittens and cannot find homes for them. One RUMOR also running around is that a certain person is just killing the kittens that their unfixed female cat has been having for years. I am going to speak plainly here for a minute. If you do not get your pet spayed or neutered when the BIAF will do it for FREE your an IDIOT. And if you are in fact drowning, shooting or letting loose litters of kittens you are a need of some professional help and a date in Court. Get your pets fixed dammit. We might even consider paying for spaying and neutering a few people in need of being removed from the gene pool.

Adam E. Wirth

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 8:58 am
by karens
You TELL 'em Adam!

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 9:34 am
by bibabes+2
It is sad to know that there are sick and cruel people who have pets. A pet owner's commitment is to protect, provide and love unconditionally. If they can not commit to that, find a pet lover who will provide the safe keeping and love which is lacking in this person's care for the cat.
Give me or post the person's name and I will send the money to have the cat spayed. Sick, sick, sick which leads to questioning the person's mental capacity.

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 11:11 am
by AEW
Hi Cheryl,

I have no "facts" just second hand information from two people so at this point it is not right to post names etc. Rumors are pretty wild here and can be destructive. But should we find it to be true we will contact the proper authorities.