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Best time to come to the island....

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:33 pm
by mom2my3kids
We live in Indiana and I am fascinated with the island. When is the best time to come to the island. Someone month during the summer would be great.
Tammy :D

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:48 am
by Jeff
July and August are the most popular "safest" months - the weather is great and the water is nice and warm. When I was in college and had a boat in the water, July and August were always my favorites and what I thought of as "summer."

Now that I'm on the Island year around, June is my favorite because I'm too busy in July and August to take as much time to enjoy them, and after a long winter it feels great to get out and hike in the nice weather. Most of June is still very quiet as most tourists haven't arrived yet. But it really depends on the year - June is sometimes really really nice, but some years can be quite cold too. September is also usually nice, and it's about that time I realize I'd better get out or I'll miss the summer after working through July and August on whatever projects come up, so September is a recent favorite as well for enjoying the Island summer.

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 8:23 pm
by mom2my3kids
Thanks, we are thinking about swinging by after we visit mackinac island.
Thanks again

Posted: Sun Feb 06, 2005 8:58 am
by Tinker
We go to the island mid-July every summer, its a beautiful place. I am very thankful that I have been introduced to this little island. Sitting on the beach, having a little refreshment... ok, ok, alot of refreshments, and watching people come and go.....its a tough program....HEY! somebodies gotta take a turn at waking early and seeing that beautiful view of the lighthouse. Hopefully Brian will have a framed picture for me to purchase this summer. Whatya say Brian????

best time for Beaver

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:22 am
by Linda
or anywhere in northern Michigan, in my opinion, is September. It's still very warm, and breathtakingly beautiful, but best of one's around...last September, when we got the only really warm temperatures of the entire year, was one of the best I've ever known up here, absolutely spectacular.

But go when you can, just don't miss it.