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The end of the dream

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 4:20 pm
by Tim Rockwell
Fascism wins: freedom loses. Hope for the survival of the real American dream has been betrayed, and betrayed by the heartland itself--Ohio. For those who relished the last four years of disaster and hate, cheers: you'll have plenty more to crow about in the next four years. Goodbye to the America we knew.

The darkening of the American Dream by the Intervention Mag

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:35 pm
by cherie
Mr. Rockwell I agree with your statement. I guess we get and deserve what we vote for. Below is a article I found. :-)

The American Dream is a material dream,the hope for a life of wealth. Everything else is secondary,including democracy and nationalism. This material American Dream helps keep our society together since little else glues us.However,with riches beyond reach,Americans are forced to settle for the occasional brush with opulence and a house on a small plot of land with an SUV in the driveway. Still,the Dream tends to hold and bind a people with less and less in common.

There was a time when the American Dream told a religious story,the Puritans sought not material independence but spiritual freedom. Later the American Dream spoke of one nation,a national freedom imbued with the romantic notion of country first and self second. World Wars 1 and 11 come to mind. Always there has been an emphasis in the Dream on individualism,even when the reality was clearly the opposite. the American Dream today is little more than the material possessions one casn gather,little more than the United Satates of wealth. Still,it helps us to identify with each other and not go after each other's throats,most of the time.

The dark side of the American Dream,however,cannot excist without the death of the Dream--hopelessness requires the end of hope. We need to remember this as our government,propelled by unbound hubris--which comes naturally to a group who have sacrificed little yet have been given much-- engages in foreign nation building. The Bush Administration is promising a soon to come Iraqi Dream,but what it is really building is the dark side,which in a year or two,probably sooner,will explode in our astonished national face. Meanwhile,back in New York there are fewer cops in the subway and more broken dreams in the growing unemplyed. If I listen carefully,I can hear the unzipping of another backpack. It's the American Dream lost,the darkening of New York,the dark side of our Dream. And it's coming to your town soon. So watch your wallet.