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Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:50 am
by TaniaRH
On my next trip to the island I hope to secure a piece of property. I have a list started from the realty websites. Many properties have been for sale for years so I am hoping that the owners may be flexible on the prices. If anyone knows of a few acres, under 20k please share with me at my email I have already heard from a few owners and may consider their properties but I really don’t want anything that is 100 % wooded. I keep a few bee hives and am looking for something with or near open fields or natural openings.

I could also use advice on whether camping in an rv on your bare property is allowed. I would like to bring over a tiny house on wheels (rv certified) or an rv. It would be where I stay while building a small cabin and barn. Or, would the Amish shed cabins be more acceptable? I have not contacted the township and/or building departments to ask these questions yet. If anyone can share their experiences or advice I would really appreciate it. As with everyone else the Covid has caused disruption and concern in my life. I can’t really put this trip off any longer or I will be looking at waiting another year. I need to get my island cabin started ASAP.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:37 am
by AEW
Hi Tania. You may be able to find some land within that price range but read the deed CAREFULLY before signing. Also make sure you know what the property taxes are. Some can be very high. I would not recommend moving into the Port of Saint James subdivision area. The restrictions on property owners are pretty horrible. People there will report you and harrass harrass you if you violate the rules.

I'm pretty sure the minimum size house that you are allowed to live in on Beaver Island is 760 square feet. I owned several properties on Redding's trail and I believe the minimum square foot was 940 square feet down there. You will also have to have a well and septic to have an occupancy permit. That will run you a minimum of $8,500. From my understanding there still is no long term camping or living in RVs allowed on private propery. I would contact Bill Markey, Kris Lyle, Dan Burton or Doug Tilley and get the scoop. All of them will tell you the truth, others will tell you anything you want to hear to make a sale.

There have been many people that have tried to get the Islanders to allow people to have Micro homes but I don't know if they have made any progress. When I was on the Planning Commission in Peaine township I remember having conversations with Bill Markey about it. I don't know where things stand today.

You might want to look into Bois Blanc Island or Washington Island and see what their codes are. There are probably also small Michigan rural areas that may be small/ microhouse friendly.

Good luck and do your homework. I have seen a lot of people spend every penny they had to try to get their foot in the door on Beaver Island only to lose everything from not realizing how expensive it is to live there.

Again, talk to Dan, Kris, Bill and Doug they well shoot straight with you. If you do decide you want to move into the port of Saint James I know someone who has three parcels that they have been trying to sell for 15 years cheap.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 2:03 pm
by Gillespie
You couldn't make it here for many reasons, don't place your misfortune and animus out for others to see. Tania can decide for herself! That said I agree with one thing you stated, the townships should work on reallocating some space for tiny houses etc. People cannot afford big places on the inland properties and that should be considered! You can always add on!

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 3:34 pm
by TaniaRH
Thanks to everyone who sent helpful advice and responded to my post. I appreciate hearing both the good and the bad. If others want to chime in or send me an email that’s great. Many of the islanders have helped me out over the years with advice and information. Pam even drove me around on one of my visits. I’ve been coming for many years and have been shopping for property just as long. I’m excited to get back again and wander around. I won’t forget my gps this time and will print out the places I want to visit. Not that navigating is difficult but my cell service made it hard to navigate to the properties I had chosen to see. I had to drive back into town several times to get details for the properties. Unfortunately I wasted lots of time on my last trip and didn’t get to see as many properties as I wanted to. A very nice property owner has offered his land for me to camp on if needed. It is for sale so I will have a chance to try before I buy:). If anyone else would be willing to let me stay on their property that is for sale that would be great too.

I suppose my next step should be to confirm what the rules are. Ideally I would like to have a camper on site while I build. I need to find out if a barn or garage can be built first. Thanks again.


Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 4:45 pm
by Gillespie
I have a place you can camp and am offering 10 acre parcels sometime soon. This would be a great location for a barn, farming, etc. Two Three 1 620 Zero One 91 Call when you want! Rich

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:03 pm
by AEW
Richy. I did just fine on Beaver Island. When I left to take an amazing high paying job offered in another State i had no regrets. I owned 3 properties on the island and had a large cliebt base and plenty of work. I had a lots of plans on the Island until I was offered a lucrative career change.

The island is a risky place to in invest in. It is ridiculously expensive and many who have come there have lost a lot. Michigan has hundreds of better places to live too.

Tania, do your homework, take your time and perhaps you will find what your looking for.

Tania here is one recent event that explains how things work on the island. Several months ago a plumber on the island called a customer who spends the winter off island and told him that 9 of his toilets at gis island business froze and cracked over the winter. The guy said he could replace them for a very high price. The property owner instead had his relative bring 9 toilets to repair the ones the island plumber said were broken. When they got to the island they found that not one single toilet was broken. Be careful Tania. There are some great people there. Talk to those I referred to.

Good luck.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:21 pm
by Bob
My question is what happened to the 9 toilets.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 7:51 pm
by Butthead
I have a better story than the toilet caper. A cottage owner down state got a frantic call about his cottage being broken into. He called the local sheriff and asked her to check it out. She did and found three bears sitting at the table eating porridge and discussing the stock market.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 8:52 pm
by Sour grapes
You are not one to be throwing ANY stones at anyone, especially a well respected business owner and excellent plumber. ...Seriously Adam, what is your end game here? :roll: Destroy the community one lie after another? You moved how about you stay away and stop trolling. Your whining and lies are getting exhausting. BI isn't for everyone, you have made it clear it isn't for you, so move on. =D> =D> =D>

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:37 pm
by TaniaRH
I’ve learned to make my own decisions based on my own experiences. I’ve learned that there are only 2 real emotions, love and fear. Every action we take, or comment we make), is based on love or fear. When you look at things from that perspective it is easy to forgive and move on. The relationship I am looking for primarily is with the island itself but I hope that I will make some new friends. I know I will. I imagine there will be folks that I won’t care for but I will try to be respectful. I don’t know if I will be a full time resident or part time. Everything right now is so uncertain. What is not uncertain is that I love BI. I won’t mind a small piece of property if I can keep bees and have a few critters that will enable me to continue to live a self sufficient lifestyle with a small footprint. I will start with the property and see where that takes me. I will heed the warnings that have been given. I will also embrace the challenges. Struggle builds character. I hope I can contribute something in time. I’m a botanist and would like to help with island habitat restoration projects. I would like to do something that helps, matters and makes a difference. I’ve decided that the island needs me too. I would like to fill the empty fields full of invasive species with local genotype wildflowers. Then if I decide to leave at least I will feel I’ve left it better than I found it. I’m 50 so I can’t wait much longer to get started. I hope I can figure things out soon.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:41 pm
by TaniaRH
Rich....I would like to take a look at your property while I’m there and will keep your number handy. I’ll give you call in a few weeks and we can chat.

Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 9:45 pm
by meadefamily

We bought a place on South end 11 years ago and love it! There is a "tiny house" off of South End Rd. on Lake G.

I have found people so helpful and willing to give great advice and help. Good luck to you on your adventure and dream! I could not imagine not having a part of Beaver Island in my heart!


Re: Property search

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:01 pm
by TaniaRH
Aw. Thankyou Kathe.

Re: Property search

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 3:56 pm
by Walleyeguy
Unfortunately, I can personally attest to how intrusive, arbitrary, & petty neighbors & township zoning/subdivision "covenants" can be on Beaver Island. It's your land & you would think you could do, within reason, with it as you wished. Further, You would think that given this rural location zoning officials would focus on significant violations. Nope!

I attempted to put up a few posts to hang hammocks, not at the water line, but behind a dune on Sand Bay, which I owned. In less than 24 hours I had a neighbor & his wife, a real life Gladys Kravitz, chripping about zoning & Sand bay covanents & threatening me. The poles weren't even directly visible from their residence. The following day the zoning official, Rich Speck, left a message-without even visiting the site-informing me I was in violation. Today, Mr Speck had stopped by to "red tag" my hammock poles. Seriously? I need a building permit for a pair of hammock poles? Is it any wonder why no one has been building here? This is how tax dollars are spent. Policing hammock construction.

But hey, let's all waive to each other as we drive by! What a farce.

Re: Property search

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:32 pm
by hermit
I’ve been living on the south west end for years. In a tent. I am Hermit. Just kidding but sometimes I dream about it.