welcome to my algorithm

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pam moxham
Posts: 237
Joined: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:05 pm

welcome to my algorithm

Post by pam moxham »

algorithm : a procedure for solving a problem esp in mathematics or computing.

After a car problem left her stranded a few miles from home , my friend called to see if I could give her a lift. I said yes asked a couple of questions picked her up and delivered her to her home.

We were laughing about some of my questions and I explained my rationale....Are you cold?

Nippy temperatures..winter is coming can she get in the house..If yes she is cold ..did I need to bring Alpha 2 ( ambulance) with warm IV fluids and some EMS buddies.

Are you calling from your cell phone?

If no was she inside the house.If yes it meant I could call HER back if I needed further directions.

Where are you ? Where do you need to go?

I had someone coming over in an hour and needed to be home.Did I need to call them to reschedule.

After our laughter I said welcome to my algorithm.

Im an RN and a First Responder with BI EMS, and these are things I think about.I am NOT an EMT nor a PARAMEDIC. They have way more experience , expertise and education and are probably walking around ready to initiate " cascading algorithms" on cue. if the situation is THAT we need to do a.b.c....OR if the situation is THIS we need to do 1.2.3. Sort of like a ripple effect.

If YOU don't vote YES to EMS , and we lose EMS..well there goes all those algorithms.B I A sums it up.....this will decide if we have ANY ambulance service on Beaver Island{.Did you catch that? ANY AMBULANCE SERVICE on BI.}

It isn't only our aging population, family members and( potential ) visitors at risk. I recently met a honeymoon couple , visiting here for the first time. After several "met them again" as we drove around the island , they brought up the EMS situation . They want to come here again and thinking of future "where will we live" options said so if pregnant you would have to live elsewhere ? I said not if we had EMS. their response.."Why would anyone WANT to be here , without EMS.Why , indeed.

Not just aging parents but parents to be ,Everyone even considering coming to BI for a visit OR to live here is affected by this.

Vote YES to EMS.
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