Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

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Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by kittypetticoat »

My greatgrandparents were residents of Beaver Island, Michigan. I would like to exchange information with any cousins as well as some old photos. Patrick Malloy and Mary Mooney Malloy were my grgrgranparents and Beaver Island residents. They belonged to the Holy Cross Parish:1864 Holy Corss Parishioner Register, Beaver Island, Michigan (Status Animarum in Parochia Sanctae Crucis). Recorded by Father Partick B. Murray: 56) Patrick Malloy, Mrs. Malloy, Thos. Malloy, Susan, Mary, John, Catherine Malloy, Bridget.

Their daughter Susan Malloy married William Levi Brown (Laplant) and at least two of their ten children were born on Beaver Island, Mary and Catherine ADELINE Brown (1875 and 1879). William also had children by another wife.

I have a tiny photo of Susan and William scanned into my computer. I sent copies to the museum. I lost my hard drive a few months ago and lost the address and name (dang!) of a current Malloy who restored the butcher shop and I believe lives above it. He has a larger portrait of Susan and William. I would love to get back in contact with him.

Any help appreciated and I will share whatever I have collected.
Terry Anglin Edwards
Beaver Beacon
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Post by Beaver Beacon »

Arranmore's Patrick Malloy, with Mary Mooney, was very prolific, giving the world Phillip (1836), Mary Ellen (1848), Thomas "Erie" (1850), Susan (1853), Mary (1855), John "Buffalo" (1857) who rolled to Beaver Island in a failed attempt to claim his girl, Catherine (1854), Bridget (1862), Patrick (1866), and Hugh (1869)--as you probably know.
When the temperature rises enough so we start our car, probably next month, we'll cruise over to Larry's, snap his portrait, and post it here.
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thank you!

Post by kittypetticoat »

What a doll/dolls! Everyone I've "met" from Beaver Island are the nicest folks! I live in Northern Idaho and we have NO SNOW! It is the weirdest thing. It is a balmy 37 degrees and the horses think it is spring!

Is Larry the Malloy that restored the family butcher shop? I lost all that info both hard copy and data files (a family member with altzheimer's emptied my file cabinet for me and threw everything in the trash while I was doing the cooking- of course that is the day the trash man came early).

Thanks again. I am trying to find anyone with stories of the Malloys and Browns and Davenports. So many of my line died without children and they sent on photos because they know I love the both the photos and the history of it. I promised I would gather as much info as possible and then write the stories. They didn't want to be forgotten. If I can help you in ANY way, give a holler!


Lasley or Bishop Geneology

Post by Jean »

I am looking for any information about my Grandfather Samuel Lasley and Grandmother Mary Bishop 1800's, his mother Hattie
Mccolluck (spelling?) Father Sam, Mary's parents Matilda and Archie
Bishop. She had a sister Garnet Brother Roy. They were all French Canadian Indian and eventually move to Charlevoix or Cheboygan where Sam died young. Mary Bishop was a waitress at Grand Hotel on Mackinaw when she was young. My Father Roland
Leslie was born 1921-2001 in Flint , Mi to Mary & Sam Lasley but
they were not married . Could anyone shed any light on this for me?

Finding Kin on Beaver Island

Post by Theresa »

Your family sounds very much like my Browns, Jean. I don't know your family but will be looking out for those names.

My Malloys and Browns married into a Davenport line (Sault St. Marie Indian). They worked at the grand island too or on fishing boats.

If there are any Malloys or Browns who would like to exchange info and photos I am still here. I have some photos of Susan Malloy and William Brown's children that I would love to send on to their families. They all seem to be invisible.

Some day I would love to come visit the place that captured so many hearts. I can't wait to see the museum! Thanks everyone!
Theresa Edwards
Coeur d'Alene, Idaho
208 667-7313
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Post by Gillespie »

Terry, I have genealogy info that I collected over the years, have you been charting your ancestors? I use the Mormon genealogy program which is free or do you have one? Rich

Malloy connection

Post by Guest »

Hi Theresa,
I'm also a descendant of the Malloy family. My grandmother, Katie Connaghan was a Malloy. Her mother was Bridget. If you'd like to get in touch with me my e-mail address is

Linda Gatliff Wearn
Jim Doran

Beaver Island Malloys, O'Donnells, et al

Post by Jim Doran »

Hello Linda (and Terry & Rich)

Linda, I assume you mean that your Kate Connaghan is a daughter of Hugh Connaghan & Bridget O'Donnell (daugher of Owen O'Donnell & Hannah Early), and you are a daughter of Paul & Catharine. I can give you a long descendant list for your family; too long to post here. Visit my website at ... mes-Doran/
My e-mail address is shown there.

Best Regards,
Jim Doran (ancestor of John S. Boyle & Mary 'Charlie' Connahan who were married on Beaver Island in 1874; both were born in Arranmore)
p.s. I have yet to find a connection between your Hugh Connaghan & my Conaghan/Connahans, but am still looking.
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Re: Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by TGibson »

I see this is a very old threads and I don't know if anybody is still monitoring it. I just ran across it while searching for some old genealogy date on my family. My mother grew up in Pontiac and began visiting Beaver Island as a babysitter for the Malloy family. She became very dear friend with a lot of the Malloys in particular a set of triplets who all became Sisters of Mercy and worked at hospitals. They were Sister Bridgetta, Sister Isabella, and Sister Mary Clare. All three of them were in attendance at my birth at Mercy Hospital in Muskegon in 1960. There were also Leona and Anna Malloy from Pontiac. Leona married and stayed in the Pontiac area While Anna moved out west somewhere. Leona actually worked at Kmart on Telegraph Road in Pontiac and used her employee discount to buy me my first bike. Wow lots of memories. I remember visiting the island once with my mother and sister Bridgie, they wanted to take a trip out to the old Malloy Homestead, the house was long abandoned by that time. But they walked through it and reminisced about the parties and dances that were ongoing in that home.
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Re: Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by Malloyancestry »

TGibson wrote: Mon Jun 25, 2018 11:39 pm I see this is a very old threads and I don't know if anybody is still monitoring it. I just ran across it while searching for some old genealogy date on my family. My mother grew up in Pontiac and began visiting Beaver Island as a babysitter for the Malloy family. She became very dear friend with a lot of the Malloys in particular a set of triplets who all became Sisters of Mercy and worked at hospitals. They were Sister Bridgetta, Sister Isabella, and Sister Mary Clare. All three of them were in attendance at my birth at Mercy Hospital in Muskegon in 1960. There were also Leona and Anna Malloy from Pontiac. Leona married and stayed in the Pontiac area While Anna moved out west somewhere. Leona actually worked at Kmart on Telegraph Road in Pontiac and used her employee discount to buy me my first bike. Wow lots of memories. I remember visiting the island once with my mother and sister Bridgie, they wanted to take a trip out to the old Malloy Homestead, the house was long abandoned by that time. But they walked through it and reminisced about the parties and dances that were ongoing in that home.
Hello. I'm related to Malloy's that you speak of! I retired last year and I live on Beaver Island half the year. I would love to hear from you! Liz Schwandt, Katie Malloy Wilcox's daughter.
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Re: Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by TGibson »

Hi Katie,
Too bad we didn't connect a few weeks ago. I spent a day on the Island about three weeks ago. I'd love to touch base with you. Please email me.
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Re: Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by TGibson »

Hi Katie,
Too bad we didn't connect a few weeks ago. I spent a day on the Island about three weeks ago. I'd love to touch base with you. Please email me.
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Re: Beaver Island Genealogy Malloy, Brown, Mooney, Boyle

Post by pmalhop »

I know this is a very old thread, but I thought I’d add to it anyways in case someone is still searching. If anyone has any other info about Patrick or Mary Mooney Malloy or who their respective parents were, I’d greatly appreciate that. Patrick and Mary Mooney Malloy were my grtgrtgrandparents. Patrick had a first wife in Arranmore who either died in childbirth (son Philip in 1838) or died during the Great Potato Famine, we aren’t sure. He remarried Mary Mooney and they had 2 children (Mary Ellen and my grt grandfather Thomas Patrick ‘Erie’ born 1850.) We believe the family was then evicted off the island of Arranmore in the mass tenant evictions of 1851. They emigrated to Canada where they settled in Toronto and had 3 more children. In 1859 they moved to Beaver Island, Michigan where they had 3 more children and remained on the island until their deaths. Both are buried on the island. My great grandfather Tommy ‘Erie’ Malloy married Bridget Mahane in 1884. He was a fisherman and raced sailboats on the lake. After giving birth to 4 children, including my grandfather Francis Patrick in 1889, Bridget became pregnant with triplets. Sadly, in 1893 she died in childbirth with each of the triplets also passing away at 2 month intervals. Tommy never remarried. His widowed mother Mary Mooney moved in with him and helped him raise his four young children. My grandfather Francis P went to work for the New York Central RR and was assigned to Buffalo, NY. My father, Robert Malloy was Francis’ second son born in 1923.
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