St. James Recreation Plan Adopted

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Pam Grassmick
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St. James Recreation Plan Adopted

Post by Pam Grassmick »

Last night was the St. James meeting to adopt their 5 year Recreation Plan. It was a good meeting with St. James deciding to tackle upgrades to their campground. The very generous offer by Mr. Woollam to buy the Anderson Marina and give it to the township was addressed. Purchasing the property is not the issue, but how best to develop the property will be pursued by Travis Martin and Kitty McNamera. Congestion of the streets with trucks and boat trailers was identified as an issue and how best to remedy that was discussed.

Multiple options for recreation funding were presented for developing the campground to boat launch, fishing pier, and waterfront parks. The Michigan Natural Resources Trust Fund (MNRTF) was identified as a possible source of funding for these projects. The MNRTF has $12-$15 million available in funding this year. The maximum that they give to a project is $300,00 on development projects. The issue before St. James would require $50,000-$90,000 in matching funds for a $300,000-$360,000 project, obviously a big expenditure for one township. The ability to complete a MNRTF grant was identified as a challenge. It was decided to not proceed with the Woollam offer, a fishing pier, and a boat launch at this time but to study how best to develop the property. Last month, Peaine decided to abandon the Wagner Boat Launch which makes town launching sites all that more critical. As long as the water stays high, Islanders and visitors should be able to launch boats and jet skis from the harbor. As many of you remember when the lake levels were lower a few years ago, it was difficult to launch a 17 ft. boat from any of the St. James launch sites.

Wherever you live on Beaver Island, without the amenities in St. James, few would live here. Many amenities are paid for by St. James taxpayers-voters or not. Peaine residents also enjoy the use of those amenities such as launching boats, tying up to a dock, using the sewer system while we're in the harbor area, walking the sidewalks, or the bike path. I recognize St. James taxpayers putting out more in millages which I use, thank you. Ideas to help support matching funds for these grants should be directed to the St. James Township board.
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Post by sbsp »

Pam and all involved =D>
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Post by DonH »

Good job Marie and Pam.
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Post by meadefamily »


I appreciate your post and the update on the meeting. The gift of the Marinia is certainly generous. I am glad to hear that it is being looked at by Kitty and Travis. One concern is that if it was to become part of the township how much revenue is the township giving up on the taxes that the current property owner pays? Is the township looking at turning it into something that could generate enough income to replace the tax base? Perhaps these questions are premature, but I certainly hope are being considered.

Your last paragraph puzzled me a little, and maybe I misunderstood what you were saying with all the consolidation talk.

So am understanding correct that if I don't pay taxes in St. James and come into the community it is not fair because I don't pay for the sewage, sidewalks and boat docks? If I use the sewage at a business then they should pay that bill...not me. It is called cost of doing business. As far as sidewalks, don't I need to walk down a sidewalk to get to the businesses to spend my money that keeps the economy in St. James going? I personally don't use a dock or boat and am not aware of many around me (actually any) down here that do. I know alot of St. James residents that have boats in the bay and of course the tourist.

There are many many joint projects and tax dollars that are joint and each township pays into to support the island as a whole. This is a good link that explains a townships responsibility and how the taxes are handled.

It discusses the roads and the Counties responsibility in the roads. It also in the last paragraph says,

Townships serve other governental units by providing tax collection services. To avoid imposing an unnecessary burden on citizens to pay separate property taxes to the township, schools, special assessment districts and the county, Michigan townships provide uniform assessment of property values and collect all property taxes on behalf of the other units of government. Only a very small portion of the taxes collected are retained by the township for its own operating purposes.

Yes, St. James has sidewalks, sewers and boat areas to attract tourist that come in and utilize the facilities. These tourist provide income for the businesses that turn around and employee many. The residents of neighboring township also come into town and SPEND MONEY in the town as well.

The island is a special place because of the uniqueness of it. The seclusion yet a quaint little town. We have the best of both worlds.

The argument that we all use the services is not a fair argument. As many don't know how their tax dollars are spent. If you want us to be equal then when will the whole island have sewer and sidewalks? After all...people do travel south of the four corners.

If I truly felt that consolidation would help the island as a community I would be the first in line cheering . I pay non-homestead taxes and don't complain as I know the Non-homestead goes towards the schools and the kids are the future of the island.

I fear consolidation is going to create more power among a few and we are going to see a bigger division on the island then ever before.

I would hope that ALL taxpayors and voters really think about the motivations behind this petition. A petition created, designed and place with no facts, no numbers and nothing prepared.

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Post by sailorman »

This is a St. James Township plan with a possible substantial donation to increase the attractiveness of St. James township and the town. You don't want to have anything to do with St. James, so please stay out of any discussion. We know where you are coming from. As a St. James taxpayer I do not object to moving forward even if it means an increase in taxes.

Rusty Bucket
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Post by meadefamily »

I am sorry you feel that way and feel it is okay to be on here without saying who you are. Good luck to you.
Last edited by meadefamily on Mon Feb 19, 2018 1:23 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by meadefamily »

No offense Ken, but of course you do. You can not argue with my comments so you join in...I would not expect any less of you.
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Post by meadefamily »

Please show me where I stated I did not want to have anything to do with St. James.
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Post by meadefamily »

Ken that is so unfair and insane to even state that. So now because many of your reasons for consolidation have all been proven invalid you are stretching to say that anyone who has concerns over consolidation wants nothing to do with St. James and does not want to join in the "prosperous future".

You are really stretching now.
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Post by Wkohls »

Ken . . .

Iâ??m confused . . . if someone questions the wisdom of township consolidation, they want nothing to do with St. James Township and they donâ??t want whatâ??s best for the Island?

Thatâ??s pretty harsh coming from someone that cannot articulate a coherent argument stating why consolidation is in the best interest of the Island.

Furthermore, for someone who favors transparency and expects others to play by the rules, it seems inconsistent that you do not ask sailorman to identify himself. After all, the forum rules ask that: Please include your name with your post.

Not that you will, but I think that both you and Sailorman should apologize to Kathe.
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Post by islandliving »

Great post Bill, I am in agreement with you that Larry and Ken owe Kathe an apology.

John McCafferty
Sailorman Larry
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St. James Recreation Plan

Post by Sailorman Larry »

FYI: "Sailorman" is not me, Larry Hansz. My member name is "Sailorman Larry." I have not posted on this thread nor any others.
Larry Hansz
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Post by Wkohls »

Wow . . . Itâ??s hard to know where to begin. Joe Moore says itâ??s about money, Don (a.k.a., the Pirate) says itâ??s not about money and starts talking about unity, but you tell Peaine residents to mind their own business.

So, here are a few more thoughts for your consideration . . .

Unity is an admirable goal, but it seems reasonable to suggest that we should start by respecting the legitimate opinions of others and engaging in an honest exchange of ideas.

My experience suggests that those who call for unity are rarely ready to make any concessions. What they mean is, â??Be reasonable, do it my way!â?￾

Consolidation will not stop the bullies on the Beaver Island Forum.

With respect to Pamâ??s initial post . . . â??Peaine decided to abandon the Wagner Boat Launch which makes town launching sites all that more critical.â?￾

â??Abandonâ?￾ is a little harsh. It would have been fair to say, â??Peaine elected not to replace the damaged boat launch due to the excessive cost and limited use.â?￾

What is not mentioned is Paul Welkeâ??s suggestion that Peaine work with St. James to develop an improved boat launch on the harbor. The Peaine board agreed. Note, too, that working together is not unprecedented. For example, the townships jointly own the municipal beach at Iron Ore Bay.

So . . . consolidation is not a prerequisite to the joint funding of land acquisition(s) and/or improvement(s).

Final thoughts . . .

Kathe is still waiting for her apologies.

Larry â?? thanks for your post! Itâ??s clear why people should identify themselves on the Forum.
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Post by meadefamily »

Wherever you live on Beaver Island, without the amenities in St. James, few would live here. Many amenities are paid for by St. James taxpayers-voters or not. Peaine residents also enjoy the use of those amenities such as launching boats, tying up to a dock, using the sewer system while we're in the harbor area, walking the sidewalks, or the bike path. I recognize St. James taxpayers putting out more in millages which I use, thank you. Ideas to help support matching funds for these grants should be directed to the St. James Township board


I am sorry, but the last paragraph of this post talked about millages and townships. My post was not to ruffle feathers. I was simply trying to understand the thought process that being a resident of Peaine township obligated me to pay for sewers, sidewalks and docks. Your comment however was twisting and putting words in my mouth.

You boys amaze me. You create fake names, throw out outlandish speculations, attack others and then when you are challenged or questioned you try to humiliate, dismiss and silence those asking for facts.

Every angle you have used so far has failed you. Now you just want to silence me and others that simply want facts.

Your last comment about me shows pure desperation on your part.

Just to be clear, because I currently have no vote I should be silent, yet I pay substantial taxes. Your "Good old boys" club that choose to come on here with fake names should be allowed to run people down, put out false information that may sway a voter and twist people's words? If I had a vote would you treat me different? Would my tax dollars be more valuable?

Thank you John and Bill for standing up to Ken and his outlandish accusation. I appreciate it.
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Post by meadefamily »

I want to apologize to Pam if I upset or offended her with my response to her post. It was not my intention. As a taxpayor in Peanine I wanted to understand. I am truly sorry if it was taken as disrespect or belittling.

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