One more reason life can be difficult on Beaver Island

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pam moxham
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Post by pam moxham »

We can all (with prodding) be aware of the erosion of our beaches...why is it so difficult to be aware of the erosion of our health infrastructure..
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Post by ian »

Ken...What is the reason she is leaving? Is there a plan for a new dentist?
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Post by JFPowers »

It is extremely difficult to provide professional medical services on Beaver Island of any kind, without taxpayer subsidy.

There is a lack of understanding by many on Beaver Island of what the sacrifices any professional makes to practice their profession on the island. Dr White sacrificed for many years to practice on the island.

This lack of understanding is evident in the response that is noted above.
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Post by Gillespie »

Wendy was mistreated from the start at the clinic. Everything there is provided for other medical people but they made her pay. A joke. An ongoing joke! Matters not how little it was intended to be an affront and most who knew about it knew that the insult was there. Another shameful act by pretty much the same group always! "The Clique"
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Big Thank You!!

Post by islandliving »

I would like to say a huge THANK YOU, to everyone involved with the Medical Center, the staff and the board of directors. It is, in my opinion, a great group of people, doing a very difficult job, in a remote place. They go above and beyond every day. The comments that are listed above are one side of a very long story. Let me just say NO ONE commenting here has all the facts...But slandering a group of people, that are here 24/7 for this island is shameful. Always the same group complaining, but not offering options for positive about a clique!

Tracey McCrumb
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Post by sbsp »

Tracey or John -
Not all of the usual suspects have logged on yet but here comes one more. There are three sides to any controversial issue that is being discussed. Connie's and the board's side would be most welcome here to clarify what those posting may not understand. I think I speak for everyone posting here that we welcome and encourage the BIRHC's side. I think when you mention "slander" (oral) you really meant libel (written). It's hard to make a libel case when Ken's post was Connie's letter verbatim to Dr. White's lawyer. Now this part is my opinion based on the words in the letter. Connie's comment ("Under no circumstances including death in the family or illness will there be another extension"), following the death of Dr. White's brother was reprehensible, inappropriate, unnecessary and a personal offense of the lowest kind to Dr. White and the public she serves. Connie's letter could have simply stated that Dr. White's extension will not extend beyond 5 pm on October 7th. Her personal comments went far beyond the pale and were vindictive. Again, my opinion.
I welcome and await Connie's response, the board's response or any individual board member's response so that the public can have the BIRHC's facts to come to their own conclusion.
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Post by stardust »

I'll pipe in with my 2 cents SO the Board voted to offer the sum of $1 to Dr. White for her dental furniture and equipment.

In what world is that not just a Slap in her face. I am quite sure there is thousands of dollars worth of equipment and offering one dollar.

all I can say is OMG
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Post by sbsp »

The $1 offer was a personal affront to Dr. White by the board, simply adding insult to injury.
Last edited by sbsp on Mon Sep 18, 2017 3:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JFPowers »

As for the comments that no one is offering any suggestions I thought I would pass on a few that I made:

Here are some of the recommendations I made when I was on the Rural Health Center Board of Directors

1. Conduct outreach and develop an information sharing relationship with rural health centers on Mackinaw Island, Drummond Island (I went as far as discussing this with the Director there), Madeline Island and Washington Island.

2. Switch to electronic medical records as to allow better information sharing especially in light of the doctors servicing the island being located remotely as to allow them immediate patient file access and to facilitate Beaver Island patients records transfer to other entities. I researched this and brought examples of systems to the Health Center Board.

3. Develop and certify a staff member of the rural health center to be able to run laboratory tests on Beaver Island to assure immediate results on ill patients when timing can be critical. I discussed this with a regional laboratory manager who services many small communities and offices in Northern Michigan and he said he would be willing to discuss this matter with medical center personnel.

4. Develop an organized call back system to assess patient response to therapy. At the time I made this suggestion there was no organized attempt to assess patient response.

5. Install an electronic message board out by the road to provide more island medical information in a timely manner. Improve promotion of wellness on this electronic board. I discussed this matter with a commercial sign company and had began talks to get special pricing for such a sign.

6. Develop a strategy to increase doctor presence on the island similar to what all the other above mentioned islands have. We have the least doctor days per month of any of the above mentioned rural health centers.

To my knowledge none of these reccomendations have been acted upon. I also shared many strategies that I have developed through the experience of running numerous veterinary medical hospitals and clinics for over 37 years.
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Post by islandliving »

Sorry Kirk, I should probably speak really slowly or type slowly...and should have said both slander and libel, as it has been both oral and written. But then, you do not have all of the facts.

I do appreciate all of your suggestions Jeff, definitely more helpful to ponder than vague comments, not based on any real facts. But as I look at those comments, I think money, money, money, and where does that come from?

And as I have seen these diatribes go on, without any real resolution, this is my last post.

Oh....this is Tracey
Last edited by islandliving on Mon Sep 18, 2017 4:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Location: Beaver Island, Kalamazoo, Fripp Island, SC

Post by sbsp »

Tracey -

Fast or slowly, slander or libel, we don't need to debate trivia. I didn't assume or imply in my post that I had all the facts nor would I or do I. On the contrary I stated that there are three sides to any heated discussion, mine, yours and the truth. I hope I encouraged the BIRHC to state their side of the facts as they see them. That way the public can hear all sides and draw their own conclusions.
My post was in reference to Connie's letter which given it was verbatim, is factual.
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Location: Beaver Island, Michigan

Focus please...

Post by islandliving »

Mr. Taylor, if you could keep your comments directed to me, that would be appreciated, as I am the one commenting on here, not John. As I have signed all of my posts, I would have thought that was obvious.

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Post by JFPowers »

As for my list costing more their are costs to not implementing medical records. ... lth-record

There are many benefits as well otherwise the vast majority of the medical community wouldn't have switched... ... cords-ehrs

All new providers are trained in EMR, it is past time for the center to make this change.

As for my other suggestions, many are pointed at delivering increased client visits thus increasing income.

Another option that could provide huge savings is to integrate with a mainland hospital system. That could potentially provide greater services and lower the public tax burden. This I believe is under investigation now.
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Post by Gillespie »

Ken, the "Clique" are those in charge who don't seem to care about what the rest of us are paying or suffering! We are definitely not the Clique!
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Location: Beaver Island, Kalamazoo, Fripp Island, SC

Post by sbsp »

I am sure that one of the reasons the BIRHC offered $1 for all of Dr. White's equipment stems from the fact that the agreement signed by both townships (Vyse/Works) states that in order for the BIRHC to receive tax dollars from the townships, they are required to provide space and services of a dentist at the HC.
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