To Whom It May Concern

Open Discussion - for our Readers, Islanders, and Web Site Visitors alike. Discussion regarding any and all aspects of Beaver Island are welcome here. Also a place for general Beaver Island conversation and discussion.

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Island Ties
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 15, 2012 3:53 pm

Post by Island Ties »

I would like to add to this discussion, though I am not personally involved. While I understand the frustration some islanders might feel at one of their own failing to secure an island position, this frustration should not cloud our thinking. It is naive to assume that everyone can perform the custodial job to the same caliber- if that were the case, why would we bother interviewing anyone at all? I trust that the school had good reason for hiring whomever they did. Every job requires certain qualifications, whether that be a custodial position or a federal one. Obviously the person who was hired was more qualified than some of the islanders that applied. As a taxpayer, I would like the candidate best suited for the job. I also believe that a person should not be ruled out simply because they already have another job- unless an unemployed, equally qualified candidate could take that place. Though it is very true that there are a wider range of opportunities off the island, we should not discriminate against off-island applicants simply because they can secure a position elsewhere.
I realize I am not posting with my name and while certain members believe that I "shouldn't even be posting here" because of that, everyone has a right to their privacy, just as everyone has a right to their opinions.
Maybe this post makes me a "fool" because I wasn't there during the interviewing process, but I trust that the school chose the best candidate for the job.
Last edited by Island Ties on Wed Aug 15, 2012 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 36
Joined: Fri Oct 14, 2011 4:19 pm
Location: Beaver Island/Grand Rapids

Post by Vickie »

Well said.
Posts: 23
Joined: Mon Feb 20, 2012 8:39 am
Location: Florida/BI

Post by DonH »

A very rational comment Island Ties. Thanks for keeping replies to the highest level. The forum is a very important and also a great place to express opinions. Hopefully everyone will feel the same and try to hold their tempers in check. We don't want to lose our cool on the forum as some do at the township meetings.
anna brand
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Joined: Wed Jan 20, 2010 2:24 pm

Post by anna brand »

Don, PTL. Anna
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Joined: Sun Nov 27, 2005 8:15 am

Post by JFPowers »

To put things in perspective, things could be a lot worse. Here is a case in which 60 local school district jobs are being outsourced to save enough money to keep the school district afloat. ... 19699.html

We should be thankful that we have a strong enough tax base, supported mainly by summer residents, to maintain as many public jobs as we have on Beaver Island. It is our responsibility to utilize these public dollars as efficiently as possible to educate the children of
Beaver Island to be able to excel in an increasingly challenging world
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Joined: Sun Aug 14, 2011 6:11 am
Location: michigan

Post by bigbuck »

Well said Jeff. Thanks for the link. Very interesting.
Bernadette Green Cole
Posts: 22
Joined: Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:04 pm

Post by Bernadette Green Cole »

I want to ditto "Island Ties". I may also be a "fool" for commenting when I am not apprised of the complete situation being discussed. My only tie is that I was born and raised on Beaver Island, but that did not give me any "special" privilege to a job there or anywhere. I have worked very hard, as have my two brothers and five sisters, to be in the positions we hold today. Marissa and Kaylyn, I look forward to hearing about your future accomplishments, when you leave Beaver Island, at which time I wish you success in earning a job, from your hard work and perseverance; but prepare yourself, you will be overlooked in certain situations, when someone is truly "the right person". Who you are, where you are from matter little in the "real world", rather the best candidate wins the position. Realize also, that the obligation of the employer is to make the best choice to fulfill the job requirements, not explain to the public, why they chose the "right" candidate.
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