St James Recreation Plan

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BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

It's hard to believe that things were clearer last night after a couple of rums than they are this morning. Last night I assumed the $8m was private funds not tax funds. The fed and state must be in better shape than I think if they are thinking about funding BI with a second ferry. I think I'm correct that the Emerald Isle was funded and operates with tax dollars.
Some how it's ok if it's grant money. The ones who oppose higher taxes are many times the first in line with their hands out for their states or projects. It just depends on who gains from the tax monies. Allowing this type of funding will never get us out of debt.

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Post by bigbuck »

Mr. Pirate: You are right on target. :arrow: Next the State or Feds will want to buy you a new pirate ship and and increase the taxes on rum. :idea:
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Post by AEW »

I believe the pool project construction could be done without State, Federal loans or even a local millage. Both townships have assets that could be sold off to pay for the some or all of the construction cost. Private donations from Individual or Tribal grants could cover some expenses too. BUT from looking at the Charlevoix County Pools annual expenses for operating their pool, I do not see how we can afford or even morally justify spending $123,000 per year for operations. But who knows, It is worth talking about. Perhaps there are ways to reduce those costs. It sure would be cool....
AE Wirth
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

I'm not sure if people are just screwing around with me on a new $8,000,000 government paid ferry boat. What I do know is that I agree with Jeff Powers, John Bolton and Adam Wirth that smaller government and better use of our tax dollars is critical to get us out of this recession. It's going to take private business to create real jobs and Beaver Island has privately owned barge services that receive no government funds to complete with a government paid ferry. I have a lot of think time over on Whiskey Island and I'm thinking a new government ferry would be counter intuitive to get us out of debt or creative a level playing field for free enterprise.
Just some thoughts from a crazy pirate.

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Post by beaverman »

Actually there are two private barge companies. Martin Gas and Oil and St. James Marine. Both have to compete with the state subsidised ferry system. What will happen to private business if they have to compete with the government. Big government certainly is alive and well on BI.
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Post by jflanagan »

Are you really saying the Ferry should be done away with??

Or just that the Ferry and Barges provide equivelant Freight traffic and therefore compete directly?

We got great service in using the Barge service to ship our modular home over to the Isand and also shipped building materials at the same time. However, their service is very different from the Ferry freight service which we have also used. They were NOT equivelant.

I guess if you oppose a publicly supported transportation service you must also feel the township airport should be closed since it competes with a private airport
James Flanagan
37700 Font View Ct. 4439 N. California
Beaver Island, Mi Chicago, Il
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BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

No, no, no and no. I try to think and visualize in simple terms so let me give your complex questions a shot.
Beaver Island past, present and future has been and will be critically dependent upon a subsidized ferry system. I am not advocating its elimination.
The current subsidized ferry (Emerald Isle) is not operating to its maximum capacity, there is room for increased usage. The island has a second ferry (Beaver Islander) which is only used to a minimum when the Emerald Isle is being worked on or over capacity for passengers, a couple of times a summer. My question is, does the island need a third and assumedly under utilized ferry at $8,000,000 tax dollars or whatever the figure might be when there are now two under utilized boats? Would the money be better spent putting it into the Beaver Islander?
With a subsidized boat, dock, equipment, fuel and additional expenses it is difficult for a private provider to compete on level water when they have to pay 100% of their costs to do business.
I do not fly because I always want to be able to put one foot either in the water or on land. Given that, your airport question is really apples to oranges. It does not matter if the airport is government subsidized or private because both airline services compete on a level runway because each is privately owned no matter where they land. The government is not subsidizing one carrier over the other, that is true free enterprise.
If it is any consolation, I do not pay property taxes on Whiskey Island or on my pirate ship and any booty I obtain is never declared so therefore never taxed but I still have a concern for those who do pay taxes.

Last edited by BI Pirate on Wed Nov 16, 2011 5:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by AEW »

Actually Pirate the new proposal for the ferry actually would run about 12 million I am told by board members. Here is the study that drove the concept. It is a bit out dated but shows the thought process. ... 9749_7.pdf
AE Wirth
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Post by AEW »

I think everyone understands money must be spent at times but spent WISELY would be a new and refreshing concept to adopt.
AE Wirth
BI Pirate
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Post by BI Pirate »

Adam, Thanks for the updated figure. What's $4,000,000 more? It's not real money, it's tax dollars, grab all you can get and then blame others for the debt crisis.

Pam Grassmick
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Post by Pam Grassmick »

Interesting discussions; however, getting back to the St. James Recreation Plan-Deadline for survey returns-November 28th. If you have written survey forms that have not been mailed, please do so soon. For those of you looking to complete the on-line survey, you will find the corrected link on the first page. Questions-call Pete Plastrik (448-3047).
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
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